Where are we?

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Karen's POV

     I landed right next to Mario as I got up. "Suzu." I said as I helped Mario up. We both looked around and it was both morning and there were a lot of mushrooms. I saw Mario go to a blue mushroom but I was focused on finding the dark cloud that took Suzu. "Do not touch that or you will die!" Yelled an unfamiliar voice so I drew my knife I still had in my boot prepared to take on what ever it was. Only to see a short little human like creature with a hat that made them look like a mushroom. "Op I'm sorry that one is perfectly fine." The creature said as I put my knife back in my boot. "You always carry a knife?" Mario asked. "With my ex yes." I said. "Pleased to neet you both I am toad." The small creature said as it started walking away. "I'm Karen. We need help finding two people. His brother and my daughter. We got seperated." I said as Toad goes to hit me but I dodged and it hit Mario instead. "Where are we?" Mario asked. "The Mushroom Kingdom." Toad said. We passed by a lot of strange creatures. Mario told Toad about Luigi and he told about the place.

       "Oh they both have landed in the Dark Lands." Toad said with fear in his voice. "Where is the Dark Lands?" I asked. "They are under Bowser's control." He said. "I don't care. My daughter is out there and I am getting her back." I said. "He's the most evil, wretched creature alive." Toad said. "He can't be worst than my ex, and she pulled a knife out on me when I broke up with her." I said. "She?" Mario asked. "What? I date both male and female." I said. "Wow." He said. "Yep." I said. "I'll take you to the princess. She can help you." Toad said as I had to help Mario keep up with him. We saw a town with a pink castle on the top of the hill. 'Please let this princess be understandable.' I thought. "Hang on Suzu." I said as I ran chasing after the Toad with Mario.

Suzu's POV

     I was staying close to Mr. Luigi as we looked around the scary place. "Don't worry Suzu." He said as I grabbed his gloved hand. "I'm scared." I said. "Me too but right now you have to be brave for your mom." He told me. I nodded as we walked. I had my flashlight out and Mr. Luigi was even more scared then me. He almost stepped in Lava if I hadn't pulled him over to the other side and he disturbed some bats. He ran away screaming but I saw baby bat had fell onto the ground so I picked it up. "Sorry." I said as the baby bat nuzzeled my cheek when their parent came. I held my hand out and the parent took the baby away. I looked around but I lost Mr. Luig. "Mr. Luigi." I said.

Shy Guy's POV

    We had the green man tied up when we saw a small little girl help a bat. A dry bones by the name of Kent walked to her and we were expecting the girl to scream but no she was in awe. "Wow." She said. Kent shrugged and I did too. "Can you help me find my mommy?" She asked. 'She's seperated from her mom. Poor kid.' I thought. We met up with the others we had to wait for a balloon. "Do you have names?" She asked nicely. "I'm Frank and this is Kent." I said. "Nice to meet you." She said. "Suzu." The man in great said. "They were being nice Mr. Luigi." She said. 'Ok she's cute.' I thought patting her head.

Never mess with a mother. (Bowser x oc)Where stories live. Discover now