The Rainbow Bridge.

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(I got the dvd of the Super Mario Bros Movie.)

Karen's POV

     I looked at Suzu's photo as I put it in my pocket. "Don't worry Suzu. I'm coming." I said as I got on my bike. I fixed my helmet as we joined the army. "I hate you." I heard Donkey Kong say to Mario. "Drop it or else you can stay behind and be called a coward got it." I said as he nodded with fear.

Bowser's POV

    I went to Suzu's room and saw Luigi putting a cloth on her head. "Any changes?" I asked him. "None. Except she started coughing, and she's just so tired." He said. "Any illness that fits?" I asked hin. "I think of a few but Diptheria if she wasn't vacinated." Luigi said as Suzu was coughing only to go back to sleep. "We need to get her back to Brooklyn. She needs a hospital." Luigi said as we heard a sound. "You two aren't going anywhere." We saw a figure in a black hood. "You." Luigi said as the person held something. "You aren't going back not until I get my Karen back. She is mine! And that brat is in my way! So the deal is. Karen comes back to me or else the precious child she loves and adores well expires." The figure said. "Your crazy." I said as they pointed the thing at me. "Says the turtle who is trying to marry a princess. You understand don't you. I just want my girlfriend back! She was mine and she will stay mine!" They yelled as their hood came down to show a girl with short blonde hair but green eyes that scream insanity.

      "What did you do to her?" I asked her. "Gave her a virus. Easily curable. Once I have Karen you can take that brat to the hospital." She said. "Your a crazy woman." Luigi said as she fired the metal thing. "I have nothing left to lose. I just want my girlfriend back!" She yelled. I saw a koopa and sent them away hopefully to safety. "Right now she's on her way herr and once she sees her daughter like this. She'll have to obey me and do whatever I say. She's always had a soft spot for kids. Too bad she can't have any of her own." She said. 'This woman is nuts.' I thought. I saw Kamek and the woman held the thing towards him. "Careful I will shot you." She warned. "She will. She poisoned Suzu." Luigi said. "Sire the princess has the Kong Army they are on their way here through a secret passage." Kamek said. "Oh an army. Well then. Go greet them. Destroy everyone but bring Karen alive. Or else." The woman held the thing to Suzu. "The child gets it." She said. "Do as she says Kamek." I said as he nodded.

Karen's POV

      We were driving through a place with beautiful waterfalls. "This is beautiful." I said. "Step on the gas!" DK yelled as I did that and drove fast and we landed on a beautiful bridge. "Reminds me of the rainbow bridge from Asguard from the books my mom used to read to me." I said as I saw Mario and Peach talking. We drove a head and I saw a ship in the sky.

Bowser's POV

    I looked through a pair of binoculars and saw a woman on a red bike with red hair driving. 'The picture doesn't do her justice.' I thought as I saw the crazy woman holdig what Luigi called a gun at me. "You get your princess, and I get mine." She said as she walked away. I watched as my army went after them. 'This is not worth it. But I can't let that crazy woman hurt Suzu.' I thought.

Karen's POV

      We were ambushed and one of the turtles in a blue shell went after Mario. "Take this!" I yelled as I used magic to send the guys weapons back at them. But one hit the Rainbow Bridge causing it to break. I saw as Peach saved Toad and I caught up to the blue shell guy. "Hey take this!" I yelled as I used a spell and his wheel got frozen. "Oops wrong spell." I said as I saw Mario on DK's kart. We all caught up and I heard "Blue Shell." The turtle used blue shell on Mario and DK causing the bridge to break. I was caught in the blast while Peach and Toad escaped. I couldn't reached my bike as Mario and DK fell into the ocean and I fell on an island. Bowser's castle was right above me as everyone was being taken. I felt my back in pain as I looked above me only for it to be blurry. I heard footsteps. "Your daughter needs you." I heard a male voice say as I felt someone grab my hand. "Your daughter is in danger. Ophelia is here, and she gave Suzu Diptheria. Even though  you got her vaccinated she is still weak. Bowser hasn't harmed your daughter, and he is going after Peach to see if they can team up against her. But Ophelia will kill Suzu no matter what." The voice said. "I don't know what to do." I said as the person lifted me up and hugged me. "You can't give up Karen. You are strong and powerful. You can do this." He said as my vision cleared a bit and I saw a male with red hair and bright green eyes. "Who?" I asked. "Ask your mother about a Grim Reaper she loved once." He said as he vanished. "Ophelia. She has Suzu. I am not letting anyone hurt my daughter." I said.

Peach's POV

     I was brought into Bowser' castle and to a room and I saw a man with a green outfit and Suzu. "Now where is Karen?" I saw a woman and Bowser looked at me. "She was on the bridge. She fell into the ocean with Mario and DK." I said as she fired the thing and it made a loud noise. "I swear if Karen is dead then so are all of you!" She yelled as she slammed the door and locked us in. "Hey Suzu." I saw Bowser. "Is my mommy here?" She asked very tiredly. "No, but she will be." He said. "Ok. Thank you Mr. Bowser. For helping me find my mommy." She said as she went back to sleep. "Bowser. I hate to say this but we need to stop her." I said. "Agreed. But we can't do anything. She has that thing and she's the one who did this to Suzu." He said. "We need to get Mario, DK, and Karen enough time to come here." I said. "You believe they are still alive?" Luigi said. "I have nothing else." I said. Toad went to Suzu and he looked at her. "She'e only a child." He said. "Exactly." He said.

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