200 🥳🥳SPECIAL🥳🥳

561 15 14

I was bored, and I just thought of some scenes, so enjoy 😃 Although.. it will come out as a suprise Ꙭ☢︎︎✩✯☆ on

It was finally the end.. no more suffering, no more pain

"Lady Tamayo... we finally ended it, the war... the fightings... all violence will finally be over... it will finally be over, Lady Y/n"
Yushiro sobbed as he dropped down on the area where you once was. A pool of blood was splattered everywhere

"Lady Y/n, I hope... I really, really hope that you can hear us... I.... I love you..so, so much..."

There were footsteps behind Yushiro, but he didn't care. He never did. All he cared about was his Y/n. She was all he cared about since she saved his life, since he fell in love with her

"Hey Yushiro... we need to go. The police have to take care of this me-" It was Edgeshot, Yushiro wanted him to leave immediately, but Y/n wouldn't want him to be rude like that

"No.. le- leave me alone, let me be with her for the last time.. please... just please"

"...al-alright... but we have to clean this up soon.. ok?" Edgeshot's voice became even more gentle with every word that was coming out of his mouth

"I know... I know..." Edgeshot turned and walked towards the door, taking a glance at Yushiro again before leaving him alone

"I submitted my love for you.. and you died on the day I was going to propose to you ... I feel pathetic.. Lady-.. Y/n... I.. I really, really wish you were still here.. I wished I could have married you sooner.. but I am just a measly coward... I know you would say I'm not, but I feel like I am the most pathetic, cowardly guy in the world right now..."

" Yushiro... I accept your marriage request.. but do not feel pathetic nor cowardly.. because my Yushiro was the bravest guy I knew... I love you more than you, and I know..."
A soft voice spoke.. the same voice of how she spoke

"Y/n?!?!" Yushiro quickly turned around only to find nobody there, only to find out she was not there.

But after that.. Yushiro felt different, he felt as if his burdens were lifted up. He didn't feel sad anymore, Yushiro smiled softly and got up.

"Y/n.. you'll have to wait for me until then.. until I fulfilled your goals, your dreams, my sweet, sweet flower's dream shall be accomplished without a doubt"
After the incident Yushiro went on with his life, he never dated anyone nor flirted with anyone, he was still waiting for the day until he died and be together with his wife or fiancée.

Yushiro painted Y/n every single day just so he can't forget how she looked like, just so he can remember how gentle she was and how caring and nice she was, but still he kept saying 'Until then.. wait for me my sweet flower, one day we'll be up there together and hopefully forever'
I hope you guys liked it! Thank you for reading this special please tell me about your opinions don't be shy to comment how I messed up because if you don't I might only get worse and worse at writing, but I really hope you guys liked this special.



I love ya'll!!

Sweet, Sweet, Flower (Tamayo!reader × bnha)Where stories live. Discover now