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(Based on the song by mazie:dumb dumb mostly the chorus)

Blood oozed out as another one of my victims fell to the ground.

"Y- you'll.. pay..!" I tilted my head slowly as I brought r/n (random name) closer to me, making our nose touch.

"I don't think that would be happening.. my love.." r/n gritted their teeth as I kissed them for the last time.

"I- I loved you..." I grinned, stifling my laugh.

"Loved? Where's the love now?" They widened their eyes as I left them to bleed out. 'Everyone is surely dumb these days..'

Every single day.. someone takes advantage of me... and each day... they get dumber and dumber as they fall into my deception.
. .

"Y/n! Balik dihia! Pakngon taman nuon ka ron!" (Y/n! Get back here! I swear I'm about to hit you!)

"Wait, mom!"

"Pag dali!" (Hurry up!)

"Ok! Ok!" I quickly finished burning the other 'stuff' that I had to get rid of as I soon ran to my mother.

"Ngano ba-ho man ka og dugo?" (Why do you smell like blood?)

"Oh! Remember the pig that we burned today? Well, I told you I would help, but I didn't I?" I lied to her again as I anxiously fiddled my finger, badly wanting to take a shower as the reek of blood got to me.

"Ba-ho ba nimo oi! Kaligo na didto."(You're so smelly! Go take a shower.) I gave her a quick nod as I ran off to take a shower. I always get away with stuff like this. It's practically a hobby for me! I just have to know when my neighbors or when we will roast pigs, then I'll just blame the blood on the pig! For it to work, though, I have to spill or smear pig blood on me. Smart ain't it!

"Y/n! You would not believe it!"

"Trust me, I will." I rolled my eyes. Thankfully, she didn't notice it.

"Ok, so you know that girl in our class?"

"The one you're always head over heels for?" Miyo blushed furiously as she hit me playfully.

"Shut up! You can't talk cause you're an absolute man h--"

"I ain't one if I don't date them all at a single time!"

"I don't care! We're not talking about that! Ok! So, she said if she wanted me to sit with her at lunch! She told me that if it would be comfortable for me, I could bring you along!" I deadpanned as I looked at her. "What?"

"You're seriously that dumb, like full mega triple dumb."

"Can't you be happy for me? She finally talked to me! And that was because she wanted me to sit with her!"

"I'm a girl's man, Miyo. She's most likely gonna want you to set me and her up." Miyo gritted her teeth as she smacked me across my face.


"Miyo.. chill, I'm just stating the obvious. She dated me over three times Miyo. I don't want your heart to be heartbroken because of this crap."

"JUST SHUT UP Y/N!" Miyo stormed off as she soon got out of my line of sight.

"Geez.." I walked towards the door begrudgingly. 'I just wanted to protect her and her heart.. can't I not do that?'

"Hey, Y/n! Sorry, but I couldn't help but overheard your conversation."

"So.. you were basically eavesdropping..."

"NO! I mean, no! Absolutely not!" I looked at her as I deadpanned.

"I was just wondering if you needed some help of any... anything.. only if you want to, of course!"

'Geez.. this one'll be easy.. too dumb honestly.' I started my wonderful act as I wrapped my hand around her waist. "Any help?" I smirked her,with her not knowing what would happen.. a human bait, an easy win for me. She blushed furiously as she placed her hand on my chest.

"A- anything! Really!" I pulled her closer to me as I neared her ear. She blushed instantly as she nodded hysterically.

'Too dumb.. everyone is very too dumb."

I adjusted the girl on my arms as she snuggled closer to my chest.

"Ng.. Y/n.."


"Can I kiss you?" I looked at her with disgust as I slowly pecked her forehead. "I love you.."



"...dumb.. too dumb.."

Everyone is dumb




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