Calan Universe Timeline

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OES GENEDIGAETH (Age of Birth) ->

A long time ago...the Calan emerge into the Universe.

OES AILENEDIGAETH (Age of Rebirth) ->

OA0 - Calan and Humans meet for the first time on Earth, announcing the beginning of the Rebirth Age.

OA274 - Resolution of the Chapters - A vast ceremony on Earth separates Humanity into twenty-four Chapters. Each Chapter has its own designated title and future civilisation.

OA289 - The Great Human Migration begins - with the Calan's aid, Human Chapters leave their overpopulated planet and disperse across the Milky-Way Galaxy.

OA1,897 [028] - Day of the Fallen Angel - The Virgo Chapter suffers a disaster as over a million citizens are tragically killed while in cryogenic hibernation after their transport crashlands on Alpha One.

OA3,129 - The final Chapter of Humanity, Aquila Chapter, settles in the Seven Suns system, ending the Great Human Migration.

OA5,307 - Calan Consultation Act - Individual Calan are appointed as civilisation development advisors to help nurture the various factions of Humanity in peace. This coincides with the Calan's honorary membership in the United Systems Senate.

OA15,026 - The Starrise Academy, a prestigious university, is founded on Othello.

OA19,361 - Calan Recall Act - Llywydd Cyson Tywysydd, leader of the Calan, announces the immediate termination of the Calan Consultation Act, and all Calan representatives are returned to Sylfaenydd.

OA19,612 - The Third Mining War between the Leonis Chapter and Flametraders Syndicate is ended through the involvement of the Calan.

OA19,641 [220] - The Greenpalm Union Act of Inception is announced - a unilateral wealth and trade union between ten civilisations.

OA19,648 [035] - The Incubus - a mysterious, unidentified celestial object - materialises in the Seven Suns system. This coincides with the phenomenon dubbed "The Disappearing", in which thousands of individuals across the Calan Universe vanish without trace.

OA19,651 [103] - The Greenpalm Union collapses, leading to the simultaneous bankruptcy of ten civilisations.

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