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"Training again and again and again. That's what will make you three powerful and climb ranks"
"Miss L/N. What should we train first ?" Tanjiro asked.
"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" Inosuke screamed.

"Meh not now boar head. Run 40 laps. No breaks, I'll be back"
"Inosuke calm downnn" zenistu said.

I walked back into my estate and read a book, 1 hour later the three boys came in and took a little break.
"Okay now stretch so we can fight."
"Finally mouahaha I CALL FIRST"
"Alright then"

Inosuke bluntly attacked me, he was in that sense like me, fast, aggressive. Although it was easy for me to get him down. I swept him off his feet and he fell down on the grass. I noticed that his breathing was wrong, but I was curious to see if it was the case for the others.

I wasn't surprised that they weren't maintaining perpetual breathing.
"Change of plans. Go back to the butterfly mansion, you need to train your breathing"
"Huh ?" They asked

"You're not using the perpetual breathing. All of the hashira and some of our soldiers use it, huge difference. Shinobu will explain it to you. Go now"
"PERPETUAL WAAAA THAT IS IMPOSSSIBLEEEE" zenistu cried. I smacked him in the head and they went out.

I sighed and got back to my book. At lunch time I went to mitsuri's. Everyone was here, even tomioka, who I wasn't planning on talking to him, I was still mad. But the only spot left was in front of him. Fuck my life.

I sat down arms crossed not even looking at him. I was still in my training outfit so black leggings and a sports bra, my hair was tied up in a high pony. Tomioka was looking at me but I ignored it.

"Damn I could cut through the tension with my knife" Uzui said
"Cut you meat and shut up" I responded
"Y/N calm down its not a big deal" mitsuri said.

We got back to our normal conversation.
"I'm hosting a party tomorrow since we have no missions planned. My wifes are cooking"
"It better be flashy" I said.

I trained with mitsuri which was so fun until she lost her sword and we had to finish bare handed. Listen I'm strong but that girl she is STRONG. Like as strong as uzui if not stronger. She's also so flexible !! Anyway Obanai joined us and we went to the party.

The garden was really pretty and suma jumped in my arms (she's my favorite but don't tell anyone). We talked a little and she made a comment about me being with giyuu.

That was weird to be honest because I mentioned him once like how did she remember. I said hi to tengen's other wifes. And then I saw the hashira, sanemi, tokito, himejima and giyuu...

"You have to be shitting me. Since when does he like gatherings ??" I whispered to mitsuri. She laughed, again weird.
"Wait mitsuri did you talk" I couldn't even finish my sentence and she was gone
"I can't hear you Y/NNNN"

We chatted for a bit and then tengen had the wonderful (the worst) idea to play the bottle game.

"I will start" obanai stated. Mitsuri, could he be more lucky ? Obviously we start with a kiss on the cheek and then in the neck and finally on the mouth.

He said it was my turn. I spun the bottle and you guessed it, Tomioka.
"I want a redo"
"Y/N that's cheating" sanemi said
"Ugh" and I kissed his cheek. It was soft. What no it wasn't.

We played some more and it was tomioka's turn, and it landed on me !!! My eyes widen. Tomioka is about to kiss me in the neck. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. The worst is he did it and everyone cheered !! Is this a joke, did they plan this ??

Rengoku got shinobu, tokito is too young to play, mitsuri got tengen (obanai was fuming)

I got back to my seat and suddenly no one wanted to play anymore. We danced to some music, it was a fun evening.
I got back to mitsuri's estate with shinobu and we had a little girls night.

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