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I woke up with a huge headache, and in the butterfly estate ?
I saw someone sitting next to me, I looked up and it was giyuu.
"Why am I here ?"

He suddenly wakes up.
"You don't remember ?"
"Why would I be asking if I did"
"Y/N you almost died two days ago"

Huh ? Wait what ?
Giyuu explained everything to me, we encountered Upper 2, and apparently he knew me. He said I was raised by him for a little while with another boy, and that he vividly remembered my mom.

My mom ? A tear rolled down my cheek. I was in shock.

Apparently my-our mom managed to escape him when she found out he was a demon, but he found her and she left us. She dumped us in a river, and he ate her. When he said those words I switched, giyuu said I couldn't calm down and I was so reckless.

I attacked him more and more and more, I wasn't able to stop. Giyuu couldn't even fight properly because I was taking so much space, this demon is very very strong, and he uses ice as blood demon art.

I kept fighting again and again relentlessly, until a mark showed up on my collarbone, which they still haven't figured out yet. I was still taking all of this in, the dawn was arriving pretty fast and I still wasn't planning to stop.

Giyuu kept screaming at me and couldn't get close, when sunrise was too close, the demon froze the air and it got to my lungs, he then ran.

Giyuu picked me up and despite that I was so so hot, and a strong fever, my heartbeat was getting weaker and I wasn't responding, the kakushi took me here as fast as they could with giyuu following closely.

"You're telling me upper two is my fucking dad ?"
"Apparently it wasn't biological."
I nodded. Still I have a sibling, or had, I don't know. I was about five during those events.

"What was that mark then, how was it"
"A weird symbol like drops of blood, on your collarbone like I said"

"I want to end him" I said ripping off my IV and getting up.
"Sit down Y/N" giyuu said calmly but I wasn't listening.

My ears were ringing, I could feel my whole body tensing up. I was going to end him, and his miserable life, I'll track him down. And can't these fucking upper moon die ?

"Y/N I said sit down !" Giyuu said raising his voice and holding my wrist. I glared at him.

"Let me go." I felt anger creeping on me, my eyes sending knives. "Tomioka let me go" he pulled me closer to him, our faces being millimeters apart.
"Sit. Down." He said
"Make me" and he did.

He pushed me slowly to the furniture next to me and looked deep in my eyes. "Stop being reckless" the way he said it made me shiver, I frowned.

"You need to rest now, once you get checked up, I'll take you home" I still glared.
And he still looked deep in my eyes. "Calm down"
"What if I don't want to, what will you do then" I wanted to provoke him.

He raised his brow, making a are you serious face. "What if I want to scream and shout huh ?"
"I'll make you stop" I rolled my eyes
"And how will you mister To"

He kissed me. In that moment he did, when I was so furious, and it did make me calm down.
I looked back at him. "Like that L/N"

I sighed and I went back on the bed, sitting down.
"I still want to get out. I'm saying we go, I don't feel anything, I think I regenerated"

He nodded and we left. Shinobu was in the hallway and giyuu talked to her whilst I was waiting a bit ahead.

We walked back home and I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was walking behind giyuu until he stopped and I bumped into his back.

He turned around and I looked up.
"Did you tell anyone ? About upper two and me ?"
"Only the master"
I nodded and looked down. He picked up my chin with his finger and took me in for a hug, he pressed his lips gently on my forehead. "It's going to be okay, let's just go home for now"

He took my hand and we started walking back to my house.

I was feeling so empty and those revelations made me feel even more lost than I was before, and we don't know if upper two could feel that I was also a demon. If he did, he will tell Kibutsuji and that means he'll be after me even more.

I sighed, and opened the door, I was meeting with the master tomorrow and mitsuri is in the swordsmith village. I couldn't talk to her, shinobu already knew and I have to say I am so much closer with the love hashira.

I took off my clothes and jumped in the shower. Once I got out I went in my room, Giyuu was in there, shirtless, I blushed a little.

"Is that your new thing Tomioka ? Walking in the house shirtless ?" He chuckled. I was looking at him up and down, god he was so hot. How could he have such a toned body ?

"Is starring your new thing then ?"
My eyes widened a little, and he laughed taking me in a hug. I smiled against his chest.

"We have to eat." I said smuggled in his arms
He nodded and we walked downstairs.
We made rice and ate.

"Thank you for all of your help"
"It's really nothing Y/N" I smiled at my name.
"Are you coming tomorrow ? Or do you have a mission because that's more important"
"I'm coming, the master requested it"
"Okay." I paused. "We have to patrol tonight Giyuu"

He sighed. "Are you serious right now ?"
I nodded in response.
"Y/N seriously, can you stop caring for others for a single day ? You need to rest, you just got out of a coma."
"A two day coma"
"It's still a coma, come on now, go rest upstairs, I'll clean and join you after."
"But Giyuuu"
"It wasn't really a question" he smiled and kissed me on the head before cleaning the table.

I went back upstairs and laid down. Weirdly all I could think about is who was my sibling ? Are they alive ?
And how did I survive all these years if I was on my own at 5. I turned around and a tear rolled down my cheek.

I swear I'll end this circle of suffering. I don't want anyone to go trough what we did.
We had to grow up way quicker than normal, and we have so much responsibility we cannot let anyone down.

I heard giyuu come up the stairs. I smiled at him, and he came in the bed to cuddle.

"Giyuu ?"
"Yes ?"
"Can I hug you ?"
"Of course"

He laid on his back and I hugged his side, I looked up at him, he's so handsome.
I fell asleep a few minutes later, I was so exhausted.

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