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Tomioka and I went in two directions and I found a group of 10 demons terrorizing a 16 year old girl. I called them out to me and got rid of most of them in a split minute. "Blood breathing 7th form, blood pressures"
However a demon cut my back and a bit of my chest, but I still won. The little girl was okay in the end and I brought her back to her house, I found tomioka on the way there.

"Oh god are you okay ?"
"Yup it was about 10 lower ranks, minor cuts it's okay, I'll treat it fast when we find somewhere to sleep."
He nodded and we found a hotel.

"Miss are you okay ? Do you want me to call a doctor ?"
"No thank you I'm fine." Giyuu asked for a room and separated beds but all the rooms were taken.
"I don't mind it's not like I haven't slept with you already" I saw him blush "oh god you know what I meant right ?" I asked blushing.
"Yeah I do. Come on let's get you treated" he said while opening the door.

I took out my new set of bandages and giyuu was about to do it when it hit us that I had to get undressed for him to do it.
"I'll do it on my own it's okay" I said heading into the bathroom.
I stripped down, taking off the top of my uniform, and my bra. I looked in the mirror and tried to wrap around the bandages but I couldn't do it.

"Giyuu, I need help please" I called
He knocked on the door and I held my uniform in front of my boobs. I was very uncomfortable because no boy has seen this much of my skin except for shinobu and mitsuri.

He walked in and took the bandages of the counter he wrapped it around and gave it to me when we got to my chest. He turned obviously blushing. After a few more wraps he said he was done and went back into the room so I could change.

I got out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed. Giyuu took off his Haori and joined me. We said goodnight and slept on each side of the bed, both knowing we would end up in each other's arms. When we got up in was no surprise that giyuu was holding me tightly with his hand on my waist, mine was around his neck. I blushed and so did he, we quickly broke the "hug".

After that we went back to the butterfly estate and I learned that mitsuri was gone, however sanemi came to visit me.
"So how are you doing Y/N"
"Meh? I really don't know to be honest, it feels weird" I responded and he simply nodded.
"How about Tomioka San"
"Well Giyuu is pretty much always with me"
"Woahh you call him giyuu, is Inosuke right then ?"
"What he told you ???"
"Y/N he told everyone" sanemi said laughing.

After our little talk I went back to my room.
Was it that obvious that we liked each other ? Well I mean I told him multiple times but in hidden ways. He seemed to have someone in mind when we talked about what we would do after all of this comes to an end. And i feel like he would've already confessed. I don't know I'm lost, everything is racing in my mind.

I went back home because shinobu allowed it and Giyuu was with me.
I opened the door and put my bags down, finally I was back home.

"You do know you don't have to stay. Shinobu said I was okay"
"Well do you want me to stay ?"
"I mean yes I do but"
"Then I'll stay" he said while closing the door behind us, he looked at me with those breathtaking blue eyes and I just stared.
"You're staring"
"Oh god sorry. You know where your room is" I kind of wish we had to share again but it's okay... for now.

We got separate missions.
I walked into the forest and instantly felt like it was a Kizuki. The aura of this demon is amazing, it compresses my lungs so hard it's going to be hard to breathe. I walk my sword in hand.
I see a tall blue demon, with lines all over his body. He just stands there and he suddenly turned around, UPPER 3. Finally I was in front of that fucking demon.

"You're strong, I can feel it."
"I don't give a shit. You killed Kyojuro, so I'll kill you" he laughed
"I don't fight women" he said dodging my attack.
I hit him again and he regenerates. Fuck, if he doesn't attack it's going to be hard to see openings.
"You said I'm strong so fight me" he shook his head.
"What's your name ? I'm akaza."
"First of all fuck you akaza second of all I don't have a name to tell demons." He laughed. It drove me crazy. I continued to attack and he did not fight back.

"Become a demon. That way we can fight and train forever. You haven't reached your whole potential" thoughts were racing in my mind. I'm already half demon and if he learns about that I'm in deep deep shit because he will take me to Kibutsuji.
I was starting to get a little bit tired and akaza came closer to me.
"Huh so your name is Y/N. Pretty name, Y/N become a demon and join our ranks"
"Never" I said cutting his arm, sunrise was about 10 minutes away. I just have to keep him here.

I continued. "Blood breathing, 7th form" "blood breathing 2nd form"
"The sun is coming up. That's the part where I leave."
"Come back here you bastard." I started running after him. But he was too fast.
I asked my crow to come and get help to walk, because I hit the demon with my leg and it's bleeding. Ten minutes later, giyuu arrived.

"What happened ?"
"Upper 3. He did not fight me, he doesn't fight women, but I hit him with my feet and it started bleeding."
"I'll get you home." He picked me up bridal style.
"Giyuu you don't have to carry me you know."
"Yeah I know" he said smiling and I snuggled up against his chest, falling asleep.
The next morning was a pretty normal one. I was told that Inosuke woke up so we had to visit obviously.

"Look at mom and dad coming in to see me. I'm ready to fight dad mouhahaha"
I blushed. "Stop spreading rumors or I'll send you back into your coma" I said hugging him.
"So how are you." Inosuke asked while giyuu leaned on the door. I sat next to Inosuke.
"Well first of all I wanted you and the boys to become my successors. And I'm also a demon now" his eyes widened. "I know, I'm fighting it"
"I'll gladly accept the offer haha I'm the strongest mouhahaha" I laughed and left him back to sleep.

Giyuu and I walked into the gardens.

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