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I woke up with a headache but I could move now ! I got up and walked down the stairs, breakfast was made. He's such a dork. I ate alone, Tomioka probably went home anyway, I took my medicine as well and walked back upstairs to shower. My eyes widen.

Tomioka was in front of me, with wet hair, freshly out of the shower with a towel around his waist, still I could see his abs. I closed my eyes blushing. "I'm sorry Tomioka" I was flustered. He chuckled.
"It's okay, I thought you were asleep." I opened my eyes and made my way to my bathroom.

I showered. Brushed my hair and let it loose since it was wet, I got dressed in my uniform. I got down the slight of stairs and found giyuu there.

"So I'm going to go to the butterfly mansion to get shinobu's opinion and have her run some blood tests."
"Okay, I'll get going then, if you need me to come though I can."
"I was going to ask mitsuri, I still feel a little weak"
"Then I'll come with you."
"Really ? Are you sure ?"
"Yup I'll drop you off and get going"
"Thank you" I smiled

We walked to shinobu's estate and we ran into Tanjiro and the boys.
"Hi L/N- San and Tomioka-San !"
"Hi boys, where are you headed ?"
"On a mission with Rengoku !"
"Oh tell him I said hi" I smiled
"We will" and they went off

It's crazy how Tomioka's emotions shut off in a minute when he gets around people. I wonder if he's always been this way.
"Thanks for dropping me off" I said
"No problem, send me a letter if you need anything"
"Same goes for you" I smiled and hugged him. He was surprised at first but he returned the hug.

"Shinobu ?! Is that Y/N hugging tomioka ?!" Kanao asked astonished
"Oh my it looks like her !! Why is she here ?"
"I don't know, I'll go see her"

Kanao walked up to me after Tomioka left.
She looked different,
"Hi how are you ?"
"Fine and you ? You seem like you like a little someone. Perhaps Tanjiro ?" She blushed and I laughed
"How do you know !"
"I heard you guys talk the other day" I smiled

I got to Shinobu's office and explained the situation to her. It seemed weird for my symptoms to come back like this when I had my medicine at mitsuri's. She took it very seriously and chose to keep me in for a few days, visits were allowed!

Mitsuri was the first one to come see me. When shinobu told her what Tomioka did for me she gasped and made a big deal out of it. They didn't know I saw him half naked... and it was good that way, we chatted and she had to go back to her estate. But just before that we had a message.

"WHAT" i screamed. Tears were running down my face and mitsuri was on the ground crying. She was holding my hand. We were very close even if he was less with us the last few months. Mitsuri was trained by him, so she's even closer.

I was so sad. How could a pillar die right now, we're getting closer and closer to Kibutsuji, and fucking upper three shows up. The three boys survived but they're heavily injured. I guess they'll be my roommates for I don't know how long.

They got in, and asked why I was here. I just lied saying I was just out of a battle, but tanjiro did not seem to buy it. When the other two where out of the room he talked to me.
"I can smell you're lying."
"What ?!"
"I smell you're angry sad and lying"
"Listen, I'm here for a treatment. If you tell anyone I'll murder you. I'm serious this time"
"Uh okay, I won't tell anyone"

The next few days were boring but I did send a letter to tomioka.

Hi ! It's me, I won't be able to train with you because shinobu put me on bed rest and I can't leave the mansion :(
I hope you're doing fine. I swear I'm okay !! It's just precaution to understand what happened.

I am out on a mission right now, I'm okay as well. I'll come visit you when I get back. Be careful.

He signed Giyuu, that's weird, I never call him by his first name, I don't think he likes it.
Anyway, whilst I was waiting i had a little fun torturing the three boys with relentless training. I would like them to become my successors. They did improve a lot already, but I wanted to make sure they reached their potential. Other than that, I just did boring blood tests, boring exercises...

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