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Yes I'm fucking sick. I have a chronic illness, I need a heavy treatment to maintain my vitals. I know it's weird, I'm one of the 10 strongest demon slayers and I'm sick.

The medicine makes me forget stuff, hence why I don't remember anything. That's why I'm so mad at me, and I forget why a lot. It goes and comes back. But i don't want anybody to know because I don't want them to treat me differently. I just want to be Y/N to them, not the sick girl.
I could feel the tears coming, I held them back. Tomioka was still looking at me.

"No I'm not ?" I tried
"Seriously Y/N, I'm getting worried"
"See that's why I didn't tell anybody! You don't have to worry about me I'm okay. I just need my medicine now it's in the cabinet please give it to me. Please"

He reached for it and handed me the pills with a glass of water. He sad down on the chair in front of me. I could feel hot tears running down my face.

"Is it why you couldn't get up ?"
I nodded looking down.
"Please don't tell anyone. Promise me tomioka, promise me" I looked into his eyes.
"I won't, I promise. But Y/N what's going on how long has it been ?"

"I don't know and I don't know. I'm sorry."
"Take your time"
"I think it all started when I was ten but I don't remember anything. The medicine makes me forget most stuff that happened a long time ago."
I stopped trying to hold back more tears.

"It's why I don't know who raised me, I don't know my actual birthday so I chose June 20TH with the girls. I don't know my age for sure as well but I'm around 18 soon 19 and I created blood breathing 2 and a half years ago, so I want to say when I was 16. As for the rest of my life I just remember training and being a hashira."
He just stood there and listened to me.

"And hum, my illness, I don't know what it is. It does not have a name, shinobu created a great treatment, I can't get rid of it but I can cancel some symptoms. Basically the pain I feel is so harsh and so bad that I lose control of my body, I can't move. Sometimes I pass out because my brain thinks I'm dying. But I'm okay!" I smiled through the tears.

Tomioka just looked at me, still taking it in I think. He just nodded, his face wasn't cold and expressionless as usual. He looked sorry and kind of sad, also shocked.
"I really had no idea, I'm sorry" he hugged me.
He smelled like vanilla. It kind of surprised me to be honest.

"Please don't see me differently I swear I'm okay. And most importantly don't hold back when we train" I laughed, and he chuckled. Tomioka chuckled, what ?
"When will you be able to walk again ? And do things on your own ?"
"That's the bad part, the medicine takes very long to be activated when I'm in this state" he nodded and got up, so I assumed he was going back to his house.

"Thank you, I'll see you later"
"What ? Y/N I am not leaving you alone until you can move again are you out of you mind ?!"
"But you have stuff to do you're a pillar too"
"Being a pillar is not an excuse. What do you want to eat ?" He's so cute. What no not cute I meant nice, nice. Yeah that's it he's a nice friend emphasis on friend.
"Rice and salmon" I smiled.

And just like that he was cooking,Tomioka was cooking in my house for mew I would not have bet on tomioka if you asked me who would be the next person to know about my illness. However he could not help as much as the girls of course because they helped with my bandages and cleaning myself and my hair...

My friends are so supportive and nice, how did I get this lucky ? Tomioka and I ate and I asked him a little about his past.
"So why did you become a demon slayer ?"
"To slay demons" I chuckled,
"Well obviously, but what made you really want to do it ?" He looked down at his plate
"Hum I actually lost my sister, she saved my life"
"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know, you don't have to elaborate it's okay" he nodded

I could move a little bit more but just enough to eat. It was getting dark outside.
"Tomioka you should really get back. It's getting dark, you should rest"
"I told you I would stay, I'll sleep on the couch it's okay"
"No but Y/N. Really it's what friends do" I smiled.

"So we are friends ! I can't believe tomioka-San is my friend ! The lonely wolf chose a friend"
"Haha very funny" I laughed
"Yes I am. Also I have a spare room, you should know that I wouldn't let you sleep on a stupid couch." I showed him my spare room and the guest bathroom.

So he lifted me and put me in my room,
"I'm sorry to ask but could you check my tension and also my pulse ? If it's over 150bpm tell me" "Of course I'll do it"
As I suspected, my pulse was way too high, I had to concentrate really hard to change my breathing and not use the perpetual one. Tomioka sat on the floor next to my bed and watched me.

"You're really strong you know. I had no idea you were living through this. Really you're a warrior"
I blushed.
"Thank you. Really for everything you did tonight. And also never grab me again like you did" he laughed
"I'm serious tomioka" he wouldn't stop and I started laughing too.

He stayed by my side until I fell asleep.

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