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- Five years later.
"Mommy!!! Look what I found in your closet !!"
"Oh god Hazel Tomioka put that down !!" Giyuu said

She's holding my sword.
"That's dangerous honey" I said while taking it off her hands.
"Why do you have a sword mommy ? Does daddy have one too ? Because I saw two in there" our precious little girl asked.

We never told her that we were demon slayers, because up until now she was too young.
"Well, your dad and I had a very hard job. So did uncle Inosuke, and auntie mitsuri. Pretty much everyone you know"
"What was it what was it !!!!" She asked
"Your mom and I were demon slayers."

"Daddy don't be silly demons don't exist !"
"Because we killed them, it was a very long job, but we were pillars. Amongst the 10 strongest demon slayers. Like auntie mitsuri and uncle Obanai."
"I was the water pillar, and she was the blood Pillar."

And we explained everything to her, leaving out the gore details.
"So that's how daddy met mommy ?"
"Yup it is"
"You're so cool !!" Our baby girl said as we laughed and hugged her.

Our dreams came true, we had a beautiful little family, our own bubble.
And the best part was that my daughter was a mini me, but also a mini Giyuu.
She has gorgeous blue eyes, with my (h/c) hair, she took most of my features but has the same attitude as her dad.
Our life was perfect.

- the end.

Thank you so much for reading ! I hope you enjoyed it, I'm sorry if the end feels rushed but I kind of lost motivation... Maybe I'll do another giyuu story in the future.
Again thank you so much and take care !

Reckless // Giyuu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now