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I showed tomioka his room, he stayed there before but only for one night. I showed him the closet bathroom, and let him settle in.
His room was in front of mine, if you sat on my bed you could see his.

Shinobu gave him special instructions and said I would be able to train again with him, obviously taking it slow. My estate was pretty big, but the layout was a bit confusing at first, hence why Tomioka got lost multiple times. Even tough the outside of our houses were the same, the interior was very different.

I was making salmon with daikon, listening to music and dancing to it. It was always a show when I cooked, I kind of forgot tomioka was here because I'm used to doing this. He chuckled behind me.
"I'm sorry" I said blushing
"What do you mean it's your house and it's cute"

My eyes kind of widen, cute ?. Relax, it's what I'm doing that's cute. Not me pffft never ever would he say that.

"I'm making salmon and daikon"
"Really ?? That's my favorite" he said all excited.
"Oh my god I might see Tomioka San smile tonight !" He rolled his eyes, trying to keep a straight face.

We ate and he did in fact smile.
"You should smile more, it suits you" I said while he blushed.
"You too" he responded and I chuckled
I set his bed up with new sheets and took a shower. I got into my pyjamas, they were a dark blue silk set, with shorts and top. Tomioka was sleeping in a black set.

We checked my blood pressure, pulse, oxygen levels... and said goodnight
"Goodnight, you call me if you need anything"
"You as well Tomioka" I smiled.

I have to say, Tomioka was growing on me. Spending a month living together would certainly make us much closer, but I guess we'll see.

- the next day
This time, I made breakfast and waited for tomioka whilst reading a book. It's a few poems collected and they are so pretty.

I love reading it makes me feel light and kind of makes me escape my reality. The three cute boys were still training and they were supposed to come in today. I kind of want to make them my successors, I think I'll ask them later on.

Tomioka got down the stairs.
"Good morning" damn the morning voice. I quickly shook of those thoughts.
"Well good morning, I already had breakfast, but I can seat with you while I finish my coffee."
He nodded and I got up.

"What were you reading ?"
"Poems" I smiled. "Do you want to read with me later ?" What why what am I saying
"Okay" he agreed. We talked a bit more about missions, and then I sat on the couch and he did the same.

"You tell me if I flip the pages too fast"
And we read for about 30 minutes. After that we decided to train.

"Shinobu said you had to take it easy Y/N"
I rolled my eyes and booed him.
"Seriously" he repeated
"Fine but boooo"

We started with cardio, we ran about 50 laps of my garden and then we took out fake swords.
He still knew how to block my attacks even if we trained a long time ago.
"How do you still remember that" I asked clearly struggling. Of course I got no response.

And then he did it again. He caught me like he did on mont natagumo. It made me really mad
He laughed. "Tomioka it's not funny" he laughed even harder.
"But really let me gooooo" I whined

"See I told you they are secretly married" We both blushed so freaking hard and tomioka let me go. "INOSUKE" Tanjiro said
I fell and Tomioka caught me right before I hit the floor. We were both red like tomatoes.
I was going to hit Inosuke but Tomioka caught me by the wrist holding me back. He shook his head slightly, it's like his my calm.

"Don't ever say that again I told you guys to stop already" I said
"Say sorry Inosuke" zenistu said
"Pffft I'm sorry even tough it's true"
"Oh god. Someone stop me from killing you" tomioka tightened his grip around my wrist.
"See what you diiiiiid" zenistu whined,
And they did run the 50 laps, after that Tomioka trained them a little.

I went back inside the house and made lunch. The four boys arrived, they looked so cute, I chuckled. I made rice and salmon with tuna sashimi. Tomioka sat in front of me, and the boys were next to me and him.

"It's so good ! Thank you so much Y/N San"
"You're welcome Tanjiro" I smiled.
"So how did you guys meet ?" Zenistu asked still trying to be a match maker
"It was when I became a pillar I think. Or maybe a tiny bit before when I was a kinoe."
"Yeah it was when you became a pillar, so three months ago."
"Oh and have you always been friends ?" He continued

I marked a pause.
"Well it's been one month since we really got to know each other, so I would say I appreciated his company but we weren't friends"
"Yeah we totally believe you guys are just friends" Inosuke bluntly said. Tomioka hit my leg with his, I was fuming but I didn't say anything... well
"How about you and Aoi then ?" I said smirking

"WHAT NO. NEVER" he blushed
"Yeah that's right" we all laughed.
After eating they went back to the butterfly mansion.

I cleaned up and Tomioka helped me,
"I swear those rumors these three are spreading make me so mad"
"What rumors ?" He asked, I pointed to me and then to him. He laughed a little.
"I don't mind." What. I blushed so so much, hopefully he did not see.
"What a dork" I said very quietly.

After that he had a mission so he left. He came back about three hours later, and I was already sleeping.

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