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"Come on zenistu stop whining."
"Pleaaaaase I want to know who was your first kisssss"
"I told you it was nobody !!"
"Then who would you like it to beeee"
"Not you boy, you're too young"
"I'll tell nezuko you said that !" Tanjiro said
We all laughed

"No but seriously I want to know too now" Inosuke added.
Who would I want to be my first kiss ? Tomi- NO no absolutely not. He's my friend. A friend, get yourself together really. I blushed
"Oh my god you blusheeeeed you thought about someoneeee !!"
"What no I did not !"

The door opened. You got to be kidding, Tomioka came it. I blushed even harder.
"Tomioka-San ! Y/N was about to tell us who she would like her first kiss to be" Tanjiro said
"What no. There was no way on earth I was telling you. I'll leave you boys now"
"But I came to"
"Not you Tomioka" I chuckled, what a dork

We went outside, it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the flowers were blooming.
"So how was your mission" I said as I sat down next to him
"Well as usual, pretty boring."

"It was so boring here as well, I still have two days here and then bed rest for two more weeks. And worst part, mitsuri is on a mission so far away she can't move in with me." I frowned.
"Move in with you ?"
"Yeah shinobu said I can't be alone for the next month so I have to see who the master will assign to me. I've got a meeting with him in a few minutes I think."
"I'll take you there"

We got to the headquarters.
"Ah giyuu perfect. I wanted to talk to you with Y/N" huh he wants to talk to us ??
"I'll stay then" Tomioka responded.
"As you know about Y/N's illness mitsuri and shinobu are not available, you will be staying with her for the next month" our eyes widen. What the fuck ? Why does it have to be Tomioka ?! Well it makes sense that it's him but still.
"That is if you accept my child"
"I do, I'll stay with her"
"Perfect, you two are now dismissed"

We walked back to the estate and Tomioka left saying he will pick me up after he packs his stuff for my estate.
I went back into my room and packed
"Y/N san are you leaving us ???" Zenistu asked.
"Unfortunately I am, I'll be back at my house now, with Tomioka San"
"What why" Inosuke asked
"Master's orders" I blushed
"What no"
"TOMIOKA IS THE GUY Y/N WAS THINKING ABOUT" I covered zenistu's mouth with my hand.
"Shut up !! Don't tell anyone" a pause was marked

"Well might as well get married already if he's moving in" Inosuke said and I punched him in the ribs.
"Sush he's just a friend don't make it a big deal."
I finished packing and said goodbye to the girls. I was so sad leaving them.

It's still weird to me that tomioka said yes, I can't imagine him having a roommate. But who knows maybe he'll open up even more to me, and he seemed to be interested in my books the other day. However, I do feel vulnerable being in that state in front of him and I hate it, I hate exposing myself to others when I feel weak. Even if he said I was strong and all of that, I still think he is doing out of pity.

I got out of the room, leaving the three boys behind. Tomioka was waiting for me with a bag, he quickly took mine out of my hands.
"It's okay you don't have to, don't treat me differently please"
"I'm not Y/N" I blushed a little

Y/N sannnn
I Hope you're doing okay without your best friend, I wish I was with you :(
Shinobu told me someone was going to stay with you who is it ??? Also I need updates on your love life :))
- mitsuri

Of course she needed updates. As soon as I got home I found this letter, I quickly responded.
I swear nothing is going on in my love life :(
And you will lose your mind because Tomioka San is staying at my house for a whole month.
Obanai misses you (so do I)
Love you babe
- Y/N

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