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I recovered very quickly, but I also had that weird body sensation of not feeling anything. No pain, I couldn't get tired and when I cut myself whilst fighting those past days, I couldn't even see my blood drop.

I was basically a whole entire demon, only I could go in the sun and I still had to get explanation  for strange mark.

My eyes stayed the same tho, and my nails only grew a little more than before. Overall it was not noticeable to humans and demons that I was indeed a demon. They couldn't feel it, at least not the lower ranks. Maybe if I encountered an upper moon once again they would figure it out.

Honestly I am just trying to reassure myself because deep down I know that he knows. And he's probably tracking my moves, I don't think he will show up, but someone will definitely.

"Bring her to me. I don't care how long it takes Akaza. I want her alive."
"As you wish master"

I encountered a lot of demons and somehow killing them was getting easier and easier, I was begging to see another upper moon. I think we could be the generation to beat them, it had been 113 years and uzui, Tanjiro, Inosuke, zenistu and nezuko did it.

I shook off the thoughts and continued my patrol. I could feel a presence behind my back.
"Show yourself." I demanded
"Well if you ask so nicely. I'm not here to fight. Cooperate and come with me."
"That voice is more and more annoying Akaza."

He chuckled. "You're already a demon so I can fight you without worries." I rolled my eyes.
"But I don't want to Y/N"
"You're boring me right now just fight"

"If that's really what you want" he shrugged.
He came at me in a second and tried to punch me, I avoided it easily.
"Come on Akaza, I know you can do more than stupid punches"
I wanted to provoke him, I cut off his arms, but it still wasn't enough, I couldn't reach his neck.

I heard a voice calling me from the distance. "DON'T COME HERE" I screamed.
Akaza smirked he could try to use him against me, and I knew it.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

What do I do, Akaza started running towards giyuu.
"Well two pillars ? How fun"
Giyuu held up his sword, thank god my boyfriend was strong.
"I thought you wanted to fight me Akaza. So stay on me" we kept fighting. I used at least 13 forms back to back.

"Why do you want to protect him so much" he smirked.
I didn't respond and kept fighting. Thirty minutes later we were still at it.
And finally our biggest ally arrived, it was sunrise.

"Now don't run like last time you bastard"
Giyuu took a hit and he bled. "GIYUU"
I stopped focusing on the demon and turned to giyuu.

"Are you okay ?"
"Yeah it's just a minor cut I'll be alright"
"But it's major"
"It's okay, I promess"

He ran off again, I swear he will soon be killed off by my own hands.

The master asked for a meeting so giyuu and I went back to the headquarters.
I saw Tanjiro in there. I ran up to him.
"Why are you here ?"
"We found upper moons in the village" what ? My eyes widened and so did giyuu's. "They found it and we killed upper 5 and 4. With mitsuri and tokito, they're both in there you should go"
We nodded and went in the room.

"Well you all are here"
We were all sat in a room, we talked about what happened and mitsuri and tokito apparently had a mark as well.

"My body felt soooo hot and my reach changed in a second, I was much much faster, my heart was beating very fast and my techniques were so much more powerful."
I looked confused
"Wait I felt that. When I fought Akaza. Upper 3, that mark came back no giyuu ?"
He nodded in response

"Those marks are demon slayer marks. They give immense power to those who unlock them, and they spread. The first one to unlock his was Tanjiro, and then Y/N as I suspected it was. Then two other hashira manifested them. To beat Kibutsuji, every slayer needs one. We will start a hashira training for all corps members"
We all nodded and exited the room.

"I won't do training"
"But giyuu why ?"
"You know why I don't deserve that spot"
"Don't make me hit you. Because I will" he laughed. "I know you would"

I did not want to push him hard at first, I'm sure he will change his mind sooner or later.
I talked to Tanjiro a little more.

"Inosuke !" I felt arms around my waist. Huh ?
I turned around and saw nezuko.
"What ?!"
"Oh yeah ! Nezuko can go in the sun too now !!"
"Oh my god that's amazing !!" I said hugging her.
"But my name is Y/N you know it."
"No Inosuke you have same blood" she stuttered
We all had confused faces and ignored it. We continued talking about everything and anything.

The training started. I was focusing on speed and using the environment around us, when I fight I rely a lot on elements like trees and turn them to my advantage. Apparently training with Iguro was awful at least that's what the three boys told me.

My training was pretty fast for the boys and they went to the "higher level" to train with sanemi. Giyuu helped with my training.

One night Giyuu went to talk to Tanjiro and we were called to the master.

Holy shit. I ran as fast as I could, I was with kanao, and the mansion exploded before our eyes.
No way. He was there, Tamayo had him, she gave me a weird medicine to use after the fight. I didn't think much of it.

We all swung our swords at him and the ground fell under our feet. I could hear giyuu scream my name.

Reckless // Giyuu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now