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He looked deep in my eyes, also glancing at my lips, is this really going to happen ??
I looked back at him, and waited for him to start but suddenly he looked concerned.
"Giyuu ? Is everything okay ?"
"You're bleeding, from your eyes nose and mouth" that's what I felt in my mouth ! I put my hand on my lips and looked at it, indeed there was lots of blood. I'm starting to feel dizzy and it hurts. "Giyuu I'm I'm about to pass out"

When I woke up I was in the butterfly mansion, and guess who also woke up ! Tanjiro, so he's apparently coming to visit me later in the day.
Giyuu came in my room and immediately called shinobu.
"Thank god you're okay, you have to stop scarring me like this L/N"
I chuckled. He sat next to me and took my hand. Shinobu then came in to check my vitals and she made it to the conclusion that I'm closer and closer to being a "true" demon. However I can walk in the sun, and if it continues like this I won't lose my free will. So thank god.

"Y/N San !"
"Tanjiro, finally, how are you ?"
"I feel so much better, how about you"
"Well I'm half a demon now, shinobu doesn't know how it happened but I'm like nezuko" I smiled. "Also I already asked the boys but I want you guys to be my successors, that is if you say yes"
"Of course !"
"Okay now go back to rest" he nodded and left giyuu and I

"So what did you want to tell me ?" I asked
"Now is not the time." He said
"But giyuuuu" he laughed and I pouted.
"What did you want to tell me Y/N ?"
"Funny enough it's not the time either" I chuckled.

I went back home the same day.
The girls and I decided to go to hot springs next to my house, we spilt the tea, about obanai and mitsuri and I obviously told shinobu I thought that giyuu had a crush on her.
"By the way, giyuu has his eye on a girl and I think it's you" I pointed at shinobu sipping on my tea.
"What ?! Y/N are you this blind" she said laughing.
"I'm not blind !"
"He likes you dummy" mitsuri said. "We've been telling you forever."
"But I like him ? He didn't tell me and he would've by now"
"Haaaa I knew you liked hiimmm oh my goddd"
"Mitsuri stop screaming. Someone is going to hear you" I said as we exited the bath, and of course Tengen was there...

"Did I hear that right ?! Who do you like ?? Why am I asking it's Tomioka no ?"
I nodded and they all got so so exited.
"Guys it's not a big deal"
"What's not a big deal" oh god sanemi, is everyone going to be here or what ??
"Y/N likes tomiokaaa" mitsuri responded.
"What's going on I heard my name ?" SHIT
I blushed so hard,
"Y/N was saying she had to go back to talk to you" tengen said winking at me, I hit his shoulder.
"Ah well I'll meet you home ?"
"Hm hm" i nodded.

- back home
I heard a knock on the door so I got up from the couch. I was in a workout outfit so bra and leggings, my hair was up in a pony. I opened and it was giyuu.
"Hi !"
"Y/N, the boy that you like is tengen no ?"
"What ?! Where does that come from" I laughed
"The way you were with him before and the way you described him"
"I mean tengen is not a dork. At least he's not my dork" i smiled at him.

He just nodded.
"God giyuu open your eyes !!" I kinda screamed while going in the garden. I can't lie, I was upset. I so convinced he likes shinobu. I was going to sit down but he followed me.

"Open my eyes ?? Why"
"Because because you're being blind right now"
"You're not making sense Y/N"
"Well maybe you should open YOUR eyes"
"Why would I ?!"
"Because I LIKE YOU Y/N" my eyes widened.
He likes me ?! Giyuu tomioka loves me.
"Well I like you too GIYUU." And he kissed me, I mean he always was an action rather than words person. I blushed and we pulled away. I looked up at him. "Will you be my girlfriend then ?"
I smiled. "What a huuuge dork, of course I will"
He kissed me on the cheek this time and hugged me pulling me closer by the waist. I leaned on his shoulder and we went back inside.

We made dinner and then we got ready for bed.
"Where are you going Giyuu"
"My room ?"
"That's not your room" I smiled
We cuddled and I fell asleep against his chest, while he was holding me by the waist.
"Good night L/N"
"Good night dork" I teased back.

I could not wait to tell the girls tomorrow morning, also the boys because I swear they have been more invested than anyone. Luckily they are all at the mansion tomorrow.

- the next morning
Giyuu walked out of the shower shirtless and I blushed. He just chuckled and pulled me in a hug, resting his head on mine. God how did I get this lucky ??

"I'm going to the butterfly mansion are you coming ?" He nodded and we started walking, holding each other's hands.

When we arrived shinobu who was outside lost her mind.
"Oh my god I knew it !!! Congrats you guys !!" She said hugging me.
"Where are the boys ?"
"In their room"

"Boyyyys I have an announcement"
"Hi Y/N San !!" Zenistu screamed
"I'm going to show you the boy I was talking about, my new boyfriend" I said smiling. Their jaws dropped "you can come in now" and Tomioka got in.
"Congrats Y/N and Tomioka San !!" Tanjiro said
"Alright let's not get this far this quick"
"I don't mind" tomioka said leaning on the doorway. I blushed so hard at his comment.

We went to the love estate and found mitsuri and obanai. We knocked on the door holding hands. Mitsuri opened and screamed.
"WAAAA Y/N OH MY GOOOOD BABE COME SEE THIS !!!" Obanai arrived and looked shocked.

And that's how perfect those last two days were...

Reckless // Giyuu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now