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It's now been a week since Tomioka stayed with me, I have gotten back on missions but he has to come with me.
We've been reading together every morning, I really like it. I looked up at Tomioka smiling.

He was holding the book today, and I couldn't see a part of the page because of his hand. I gently swifted a little closer to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. I felt him stiffen under my head but he quickly adapted. We finished the book and to be honest I didn't want to move.

"Tomioka, what do you want to do until we get a mission ?" I asked.
"I was going to patrol outside, and you know you can call me by my first name right ?"
"I mean I hum" I answered and he chuckled
"Just call me giyuu" I was kind of surprised and I felt the blood rush into my cheeks.
"You can call me Y/N as well"
"But I've always called you Y/N" he laughed
"Oh god" I put my hands on my mouth embarrassed but he found it funny so I laughed as well.

We decided to go on a patrol since it was sundown.
Bingo, we found a lower rank, not much fun to be honest.
"Blood breathing, 5th form, blood stripes"
We continued running and there was another one. "Water breathing, 3rd form"

That went on for quite a while...

"It's not much fun... but the moon is lovely no ?"
"I guess ?" He didn't get it... or he got it ?
"I have a bad feeling." I stopped dead. I need to go find the boys, something's happening.
"The boys, they are on a mission and it's bad. I know it"
"Y/N they're with uzui, relax"
I felt my eyes become blank, and I kind of saw what was happening. Upper moon 6.
"Holy shit Y/N are you okay"
"It's an upper moon Giyuu, a fucking upper moon" I started running towards the entertainment district. Giyuu's eyes were wide and he followed me.

Obviously we arrived way too late, because we were far from there. The boys were passed out, uzui lost his hand and an eye, he was walking with his wife's. I saw Iguro, that apparently talked to tengen. I walked towards him and giyuu followed in retreat
"He's retiring" I just stared.
"What ?! No. We can't lose two hashira in two months" I said

I didn't know how to react I don't think tengen can fight as well as before again but still. He was a precious help. We are getting closer to kibustuji and it's like Tanjiro is a magnet to upper moons. On another note, it has been 113 years since an upper moon was defeated, so that's huge progress.

I should go talk to shinobu, about me seing the fight because that is so strange. I don't know what's happening.
The boys were all in a coma. When we arrived to the mansion they ran some blood tests on me and it wasn't pretty.

Shinobu looked shocked.
"I I don't know how to say that. Your blood is different everytime and it's getting more similar to nezuko's blood." What ?
"Huh ?" I asked and Tomioka looked at her in concern.
"Y/N i think you're transforming into a demon."
"What the fuck ?"
"You're fighting it, that's not the treatment making you forget stuff it's Kibutsuji trying to regain control of you. You're not sick"
I stared into the wall and started crying. Giyuu held me in his arms.

I can't remember the rest, I'm just fucking exhausted. I woke up in the estate, giyuu still sleeping on a chair next to me. I woke him up.
"Giyuu are you crazy ? What are you still doing here" he was surprised and obviously confused.
I scooted over and made him lay next to me.

The boys were still in a coma so there was no way they would see us like this (thank god).
I rested my head on his shoulder.
"But really you're a mad man." I chuckled.
"I mean I would not leave you here alone"
"Why so ? I'm a grown woman"
"I know that but I care so I stayed"
"What a dork"
"That's your new line isn't it" I nodded whilst laughing.

Mitsuri came in and I blushed a little.
"Y/NNNNN and Tomioka saaaan. Shinobu told me I'm so so sorry for you Y/N" she kind of cried
"It's okay because I'm not a total demon right now and I hope I can still fight it. Shinobu doesn't know how I became one"
"I'll leave you two girls to talk"
"Alright see you Giyuu".

Mitsuri's eyes widened.
"You call Tomioka San Giyuu ???"
"Well yes..."
"Oh god I ship you two even more !!!"
"What ???"
"We all ship youuuu and Tomiokaaaa"
I laughed of embarrassment

Y/N Tomioka... ew what nooo. Absolutely not
"You know we're just friends nothing more. Don't start acting like Inosuke haha"
"I mean you shipped me and iguro so I ship you and him"
"But it was obvious what was going on between the two of you."
"Y/N it's obvious between Tomioka and you"
"Stop putting this in my head" I laughed

We then walked around to find shinobu.
"So how are you holding up ?"
"Honestly I don't know, I'm so fucking lost, and even more angry because this makes so much more sense. At the same time I get it and I'm confused." I started crying

"Yeah it makes total sense. We're here for you you know, and shinobu is trying to make things work, the treatment was great so far, maybe it's because we're getting closer to Kibutsuji"

" I have great hopes for this new round of treatments and you know a key part is you staying calm. To me it's obvious you have your calm on the battlefield and in everyday life"

I guess I kind of did, giyuu and I balance each other out, like mitsuri and obanai. So I guess that he could be my calm.

I was feeling very tired after a few blood tests so I went back into my room to see giyuu still there reading.
"Oh god you scared me idiot" he chuckled
"You okay ? You look kind of pale"
"I feel very weak could you help me"

Giyuu got up instantly. He held my waist whilst I put my hand over his back, he's too tall for me to put it around his neck. I kind of blushed at the way he was holding me, it was cute to say the least. He helped me lay down and he sat next to me on the bed. Shinobu changed my room so that I could have a bigger bed. Only thing is there is only one in this room...

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