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We kept my pregnancy quiet as long as we could, we obviously told my brother before anyone else. After a week of knowing I planned a cute surprise for him.

"Inosuke we have something important to tell you" I said smiling, with giyuu holding my hand.
I told him to sit down, and brought over a box. He looked at me weirdly.

"It's my birthday?" He asked confused.
Me and giyuu chuckled.
"No it's just a random gift" giyuu said.
Inosuke opened it and took a shirt out of the box.

"I know you don't wear shirts but this one is special."
"It's a plain shirt why is it special ?" He asked still confused.
"So you can match with someone." Giyuu hinted looking at the box.

He looked back at it and saw a small tee-shirt.
"But only a baby could fit that size and we don't have babies"
"Well maybe we do" I said smiling at him. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped.
"You're pregnant ?!!!!" He screamed.
I nodded and he jumped up.
"IM GOING TO BE THE BEST UNCLE MOUAHAHAHAHAHA" I laughed and he hugged the both of us.

It now was about two months later and my belly was starting to show.
Giyuu hugged me from behind, his hands on my little bump.
"I can't believe we're having a baby" he whispered in my ear.

Today was the day we would find out the gender, and we would also announce it to our friends.
We made our way to the doctors office.

We got in and I took off my pants, she applied a cold gel on my belly, and was looking at our little baby.
She put on the sound and we could hear the heartbeat, the baby was healthy and it's all we cared about.

She turned to us.
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Tomioka, you're having a baby girl !"
"Oh my god yesss" I was so excited, tears rolled down on my cheeks. "I always wanted a mini me"
"What if she's a mini me ?" Tomioka asked hugging me. "Then she will be beautiful" I smiled even more.

On the way back to our house, we bought some food for tonight's surprise announcement. When we got home inosuke was already there begging us to tell him the gender before everyone. I laughed.

"I think it's a boy ! A BOY. MINI INOSUKE"
"A mini me you mean ?" Giyuu asked
"But he's literally half me ?"
I started to set up everything while the two still argued. After five minutes they stopped.

"What are you doing ?" They asked at the same time.
"Setting up the party ?"
"Are you crazy YOU ARE PREGNANT SIT DOWN MY MINI ME NEEDS TO REST" Inosuke screamed.
"Go rest Y/N" giyuu said as he kissed my forehead. The two of them argued a lot but there was always one thing they would agree on, and that was taking care of me.

I went to my bathroom and started getting ready. I showered and washed my hair. I put on my new dress, it was not tight enough to see my belly, but still marked my waist. It was a simple white dress that complimented my (e/c) eyes. I did my makeup quickly, just a liner wing and pinky nude lips. I went down stairs and the boys looked at me.

"Tadaaa" I said
"Damn my wife is so hot" giyuu said.
"Inosuke it's fine" I laughed.
"Watch your mouth" he said glaring. And Giyuu rolled his eyes. "But you do look pretty Y/N"
"Thank you boys. No go change the party is about to start"

Ten minutes later I heard a knock on the door.
Zenistu, Nezuko, Kanao and Tanjiro entered. Tanjiro and Kanao started dating about a month ago but when I saw nezuko holding Zenistu's hand my mouth dropped.

"Nezuko, Kanao you tell me everything now" I said dragging them into the house.
They chuckled and we sat on the couch while the boys drank sake in the garden.

"How did Zenistu and you happen ?" I asked.
"Well he told me he loved me a week ago, and we started dating. He made a pic nic for me and he kissed me as petals fell around us"
"It's been a week and you didn't tell me ?!"

"This party better be flashy" tengen said entering the house, his wife's following him.
"Hiii" I said as I got up to hug them.
"That dress is so cute !" Suma exclaimed.
"Thank you !"

Sanemi, Obanai, Mitsuri, Urokodaki, Aoi finally  arrived. These are the closet people to us.
We chatted and caught up a little with everyone.
They did drinks and Tengen challenged me to a drinking contest.
I declined and everyone was confused.

"Eh ?? But it's a contest Y/N" Sanemi said knowing I would accept in a second usually.
"I had a headache earlier that's why I don't want to drink" I lied blushing while Inosuke laughed.
My husband and I turned to him with a we will kill you glare and he stopped. We got back to our conversations.

About an hour later, me and giyuu asked for everyone's attention.
"I thought we could take pictures ! Because it's pretty out !" I said smiling and everyone was excited.
We took lots of different picture, and then as planned mitsuri wanted all the couples to do family portraits.

"I think I'm going to go out on another dress" I said. I planned a tighter one, but I knew they wouldn't figure it out with just this.
I walked back in the garden and it was our turn.

Inosuke was the photographer, and we asked him to tell us to pose for a Family Portrait.
"That's such a cute idea Inosuke !" Mitsuri exclaimed.

We posed side by side.
After a few pictures I asked Inosuke to show us the pics, we showed the other looking disappointed.
"You guys those pics are so good ? Why do you look disappointed." Tanjiro asked.
I looked at my husband and pouted.

"I don't like it, it's not a real family portrait"
"We'll just take pics of you two with Inosuke it's no big deal" my best friend offered.
"Still someone is going to be missing." Giyuu said.
Everyone looked at us confused. I touched my belly but nobody seemed to put two and two together.
"It's okay for now I guess, let's just get the cake" I said.

We sat back down and giyuu cut the cake. He gave everyone one slice, and two for me.
I chuckled when Zenistu whined because he wanted to slices as well.
"Why does she get two ?!" He asked
"Zenistu ! She's just hungry leave her alone" Nezuko told him.

"It's not because I'm hungry, it's just that one plus one is three"
"What ? No, one plus one is two" sanemi said.
"You're wrong." Everyone looked at giyuu weirdly. "One" he said pointing at him, "Plus one" he then pointed at me, "is three".

Everyone still looked confused,
"You guys are so dumb" Inosuke let out.
"I guess I can say it now" I said getting up as giyuu did too. "One plus one is three because, Giyuu plus me equals a little baby" I said smiling as I touched my belly.

"NO WAY OMG MY BEST FRIEND IS PREGNANT ?!!!!" Mitsuri said jumping off her seat and running towards me
Everyone congratulated us.
"But there's still a little surprise" I said looking down at my plate.

The cake was pink and they all screamed.
"We're having a baby girl !" Giyuu said.

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