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"So what's been going on with you and obanai" I smiled. Mitsuri laughed
"Well he's so cute and he does all those little things for me, he sends me letters, makes me food, and we spend so much time together. I hope he'll make me his wife one day"

"That's too adorable" shinobu responded
"And you ?! What's been going on !"
"Not much to be honest, I'm really focusing on learning new plants and chemical combinations"
"That's so cool I wish I was this smart" I laughed

"How about you Y/N ?"
"Me ? It's going to be boring but nothing, I saw this cute guy at the ramen shop the other day"
"Is his name Giyuu" shinobu asked

"WHAT" I coughed on my water. "Nooo absolutely not. I'm so mad at tomioka right now, he didn't even apologize, did you see how he was holding me like a child ?!"
"I wouldn't say he was holding you like a child..." she smirked.

Then mitsuri and her bursted laughing whilst I was dying, I think I actually became a tomato.
"And when you fell on him also !"

"Mitsuri !! It's not funny you guys, I don't like tomioka, I just enjoy his company and training with him was fun and"
"Sounds like you do like him"
"What. No. I do like him"
"OMG Y/N I BET HE LIKES YOU TOO" she did not let me finish

"I like him as a friend...yes. But not romantically.
"Hm" shinobu said not convinced.
"Just put the damn movie on"

Tomioka likes me ? What no and I don't even like him so it doesn't matter right ? I mean that kiss was good but it was just a game, nothing more, I bet he isn't even interested in me. He's always cold and mean, and he grabs me !!

It made me so mad but is it such a big deal. Yes Y/N yes it is, why grab me like this, why remembering my moves. Was it planned ? How could he plan that of course not. Stop it stop overthinking again and again, you won't even remember it doesn't matter.

It's the next day, I was walking on the way back to my estate.

I don't remember anything from my childhood. I don't know my family, I don't know what happened, I don't know who raised me, I don't know any fucking thing and that makes me so mad.

Was I just using that event to prevent myself from being mad at me again ? Ew stop crying Y/N. It's not even that tragic it, it it's I don't know, I don't feel good. I dropped on the ground and I could see a silhouette before my tears completely blinded me.

- change of POV
I was walking back from my mission when I saw Y/N in front of me, she was still far, she seemed like she was in a bad state, like she was about to pass out. Oh shit she fell.

- back to your pov
"Y/N ? Y/N ?"
I was still crying like a baby, I felt arms around me and someone was trying to calm me down.
"Y/N it's okay. You're okay." Tomioka ?

I calmed myself down embarrassed, but as hard as I tried I couldn't get up.
"Tomioka I'm sorry. Ew I don't know why I'm fucking crying. I can't get up"

"It's okay I'll help you." I really tried but couldn't get up.
"I'm so sorry you have better things to do it's okay just leave me"
"What are you crazy. I'll carry you, where were you going ?" Carry me ? I'm heavy.
"I was going back to my estate but it's still far and I'm heavy you don't have to do this you know"

And before I knew it tomioka lifted me up, carrying me bridal style. He walked the whole way to my estate and dropped me on the couch.

"Do you need anything before I go ?"
"Could you give me my medicine please, it's time"
"What ? You're sick ?"
No one knew except the master, Shinobu (who was treating me) and mitsuri. My eyes widened, shit shit shit.

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