The first of many meetings

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My friends and my mom never did make it back in to see me that day, granted it's been nearly a week and I haven't seen any of them. Mephisto had to get their flights changed and made arrangements for them to be on a leave and working with exorcists here for at least a month due to what he said were "unusual circumstances."
Mari has started doing my physical therapy with me and I've finally started gaining weight back, I think my appetite is killer I could eat all day long. She insists that's a great sign where as I find it rather annoying.
I'm finally out of my layers of bandages, but I'm still black and blue from all the IVs. They think that might take another week to fully heal, worst bruising they've seen I guess. I can take showers on my own something I've never been so thankful for.
I've got word that Shura is going to be coming in to talk to me today and grab my records, Mephisto of course isn't allowed to be present for any of that or I'm sure he would. He has taken great care to maintain a professional appearance now that I'm under the Vatican's spotlight. Though at night he still sneaks his way in here and sits with me, taking every opportunity to remind me he is still serious about a relationship if I am. It's funny having to think about it really, but it is a nice distraction from the chaos.

Shura doesn't bother to knock or announce her presence at all, she just strolls in a disgusted look on her face.
"Well well, we meet again." She looks around the room before her eyes settle on me. "Now I gotta deal with your shit," she moves one the chairs closer to the bed and plops down in it ungracefully. She pushes a few strands of her fiery hair back and balances her head on a hand.
"Nice to see you too?" I frown glancing over at her, I push myself up until I'm sitting my plush bunny still by my side.
"I wouldn't make a habit out of it if it wasn't business," she sighs. The staff must've made her put on a hoodie, she usually only wears her bikini top and Jean shorts. "So let's talk, what happened?"
I look down at my hands, what happened? That questions brings up so many things.
"Well I guess I got kidnapped?" I sigh thinking back despite the pain it'll stir up. "Yeah I went to the store before I was supposed to meet Mephisto and I got taken by some woman."
"Some woman? I'm gonna need more than that," Shura sighs sounding agitated. "And you were meeting Mephisto? For what?"
"Um she has glasses I think? And she had on some goofy blue or teal suit...." I motion with my hands trying to remember, "she was no a little shorter than me, but there were guys with her."
I watch her writing stuff down in a notepad, "ok what about the clown?"
"I uh was meetings him to discuss my teaching plan," it's a lie, but I would prefer to not drag him into this any more than he already is.
"Sounds like bullshit to me, but alright a business meeting," she smirks looking up from her notes. "I think that perv was gonna take you drinking," she squints at me a little bit. I don't give her a reaction, I can't remember what he had planned just drinking seems way under his showy style.
I shrug in response and she leans back in the chair tapping her pen on the notepad, "alright so what else? They drug you? Tie you up?"
I scratch my head somewhat surprised by her bluntness with the matter, I guess that's just how she does things.
"Well I was kept on like a metal table I think," I close my eyes thing to bring it back. Something that I didn't want to be doing so soon. "Some guy named Michael was in charge of me, I guess he was the doctor if you could call him that. They gave me ivs everyday for hours and hours." I shudder at the thought, I glance down at my bruises and can almost feel the iv hanging from me.
"They get pictures of you?" She taps the pen on her cheek, "er I guess you wouldn't know you were out a while."
"Yeah Mephisto said I was out for a long time," I mumble almost wishing he was here. I don't know if I'm going to feel the same way when I get out of here, maybe Rex is right. Maybe it's because he's been taking care of me... but I almost liked him before I got kidnapped I guess.
"The clown comes up again huh?" She snorts standing up. "Can you get up? I need'ta get a look at you."
"Yeah I think so," I know so, but she doesn't have to know. It takes me a second to find my feet. I'm still weak, but I can walk. Once I stand up she walks around me gently lifting my arms and inspecting them.
"Pajamas huh? Weird hospital gear if you ask me," a crack of a smile starts to form and she tells me to get back in bed.
A knock at the door makes us both go silent, nurse Mari comes in with Mephisto in tow. I have to try my hardest not to smile when he looks at me.
"Ugh," Shura flips a look in his direction. "And to what do I owe this pleasure?"
"Just checking in that's all," he feigns an innocent look that makes Shura snort in even more disgust.
"Yeah right what's the deal clown?" She sets her stuff on the table next to her.
"Miss Trenston's mother requested I bring her a couple things," he brings a bag from behind his back. He sets it on the edge of my bed, I'm still stuck on the fact he can be so formal.
"Right right like what huh?" She snags the bag off the bed without even asking me. She pulls out Liz my stuffed tiger and out of instinct I reach over and grab it. Brit used to steal her off me all the time when mom wasn't home, she'd always give it back before I cried. She also pulls out the bracelet and necklace that my friends got for me when I originally got here and little bento box.
I guess for once Mephisto is at least telling the half truth, Shura says nothing putting everything but the tiger back in the bag. I hold Liz out in front of me, I've never been so happy to see a plush toy.
"I guess I believe you for now," she grunts picking her pen and notepad back up. She grabs the records from the front of my bed and flips through them.
Mari comes over to my bedside, she checks my temperature and vitals as normal with a smile, "how are we feeling Harley?"
"Fine I think?" I shrug casting my gaze over to Mephisto who remains behind Shura. His eyes meet mine for the briefest of seconds before he looks at Shura.
"Going to be around this evening?" He smirks when she scowls at him. "Invitation for sake is always open you know."
"That's the last thing I would do with any free time I have," she stands up still wearing a scowl. "Bring me a couple beers and maybe we'll talk, got a lot more shit to write up with her, but I gotta get these files recorded first." She waves them in front of Mephisto's face, "catch ya later clown."
She peels off the sweatshirt just before she makes it out of the room. Mari chuckles ruffling my hair once she finishes her afternoon check.
"You're a little dehydrated so I'll bring you in some juice in a bit alright?" She heads out leaving just Mephisto and me.
"I thought I was the one you were supposed to take for drinks here," I stick my tongue out at him as I reach for the things off the table.
"Its a love hate relationship really," he chuckles making his way closer to me. "I assure you if you want my days of flirtation are over," he purrs crouching down near me.
"Yeah, yeah remember me when you're drunk later," I put the jewelry over on my little side table where I keep the necklace Rex gave me. I still wear the ring from Mephisto everyday, it's a nice little reminder when he's being drug around by the Vatican.
"It takes a lot to make a demon drunk," he grins wickedly taking both of my hands in his. "It takes even more for one to fall in love." He kisses the top of my hand before I pull them away from him.
"Right," I mumble crossing my arms.
"Something wrong princess?" He sits on the edge of my bed, he's not wearing his usual absurd suit today he sports a more business like one that's striped, but still pink. He has no hat so his little hair swirl bounces about with his every move.
"I mean yeah, a lots wrong really," I can't help but to laugh a little as I say it.
"Is everything catching up to you darling?" He reaches over and pushes my hair behind my ear.
"I dunno," I sigh leaning my head back against my bed.
"Care to go for a walk then?" He stands up offering a hand out to me.
"Is that really a good idea right now?" I really don't know what I can and can't do, but lately it seems like my every move is being watched by someone here.
He smirks beckoning me up, "I don't believe I care if it is or not."
"Alright fine," I sigh defeated and take his hand. He gently helps me get to my feet and slip on a pair of sandals I was given a couple days ago for my physical therapy walks.
"You haven't been outside in how long?" He ponders as we slowly make our way to the door, as we get into the hallway Mari just gives us a small smile as she zips by up the hallway.
"I take it you already asked?"
"I am a man of planning," he chuckles holding the door to outside open for me. I forgot just how bright the sun can get, I put a hand up to cover my eyes.
"What if I said no?" I wait for him to come up beside me, he poofs his goofy pink umbrella into his hand and opens it above my head. I drop my hand taking in the colors of everything that aren't white hospital walls.
"The thought didn't cross my mind that you would," he chuckles putting his arm around my waist.
"That's a little dangerous isn't it," I smile despite myself. He leads me around the walking path behind the hospital. They have a little garden planted with various little flowers that are trying to bloom. A couple of the other patients are out chatting on benches or being wheeled around by nurses who look just as happy to get outdoors.
"Not gonna lie," I stop under the shade of a tree looking up at Mephisto. "Kinda surprised you even remembered my last name to say Miss Trenston."
He starts laughing and poofs his umbrella away, "you know that is a part of my job if you can believe that."
"I don't doubt it," I plop down in the warm grass and lean against the tree. I don't think I'll ever be taking outside for granted again.
"I have to leave you soon princess," Mephisto looks down at me sighing. "I'm not sure I'll be making it back this evening to be with you."
"I guess I can forgive you," I shrug pulling my knees up so I can rest my arms on them.
He sinks down beside me much to my surprise and mimics my position, we stay like that in a comfortable silence for almost ten minutes just watching the activities unfolding around us. This is something I could never do with Rex, when we're alone he can't stand the silence. In fact I don't think he ever doesn't have some type of noise around him.
"I'm not supposed to tell you this, however I believe you could use good news," he looks over at me with a puzzled look. "They plan on releasing you next week since you've been doing so well."
"Oh really?" I tilt my head a little bit keeping my gaze focused on the garden.
"Not excited?"
"I'll be excited when this is all over and I can go back to work," I sigh dragging myself to my feet, "shouldn't you get going?"
Mephisto says nothing following me to my feet, we walk back to my room in silence side by side. A cup of apple juice and a chocolate chip cookie are waiting for me on my table with a smiley face written on a napkin my Mari.
"Tomorrow I'll be bringing Rin with me to discuss what they plan to do with you," he puts his hands behind his back as he talks.
"Kay," I sit on my bed, far back enough I can let my feet dangle off the edge.
"Have a good evening," he takes a step closer to me and plants a kiss on the top of my head. "See you tomorrow my princess."
He poofs away after that leaving me alone with my thoughts and my plushies, guess I better eat that bento box before they come in for my next round of vital checks.
Do they really plan on letting me go? I guess that means I must be ok..... right?

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