Going home

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Four days later and I'm sitting in a room at the Vatican, my head still whirling after Shura's brief explanation of what's going on.
I guess they plan to secure my demon abilities in a sword like Rin and her, I don't really feel any different so I don't understand what this entails.
Shura comes in with some people I've never seen before, they circle me carrying books and supplies to make a circle. Shura throws a sheathed sword my way, I catch it thankfully. The sheath is a dark purple with two golden lines wrapping around it.
"So ya understand what's happening?" She grabs the back of the chair I'm sitting in.
"Well no not really," I squeak it out being honest, a pit has formed in my gut.
"Great all the more fun," she smirks taking a step back. The exorcists start preparing a circle around me and Shura starts some chant. A warm feeling engulfs me as they continue, I notice the circle has started glowing a light green. I do my best to keep in mind Rin said the flames won't burn me, he ran me through what his sword does at least ten times. I felt terrible for asking so many questions, but he never lost his patience with me. Shura on the other hand has explained little to nothing, she seems to think this is all ridiculous.
Being to caught up in my dizzying thoughts I almost didn't notice that my hands have little flames rising out of them.
"Alright kid open the sword," Shura slaps my back gently, "let's see what we got."
I do as she says and shriek when flames surround me briefly before dissipating. Shura grabs the sword off of me, she slices my finger and then returns it to the sheath quickly.
"Alright you guys can beat it," she nods the group of exorcists to the door of the room and slams it shut once they all leave. "How do ya feel after that?"
I blink a couple times, I really don't think I feel any different. "Uh the same?"
"Mmm sure about that?" She paces around me making my skin crawl. "Get up."
I stand from the chair crossing my arms tightly against my chest, she kicks the chair from behind me making me jump.
She pulls her sword from her back and starts advancing towards me, "ya gonna fight back?"
"What!" I shriek when she lunges at me with her sword. My training from home kicks in I'm ready the next time she goes to jab me I grab the bottom of the sword. We wrestle over it and she tries to kick me, but I move too fast. I knock her legs from under her within moments and hold her sword above her. Much to my own shock I'm not exhausted by the battle and Shura is laughing from the floor.
"Not bad kid," she jumps to feet grabbing her sword from me. "Curious to see what else you'll be capable of in a few days, I'll be working with you if you couldn't tell." She picks my sword up from the table and throws it to me.
"Welcome to the club, better practice using that thing," she waves nonchalantly to me as she makes for the door. "By the way you're done at the hospital for now, think the clown cleared out your things already."
I can't really find words to say to her, but it would be useless anyway she's already gone. I put my sword over my shoulder and creep out of the room.
A few exorcists nod in my direction as I make my way out of the building, I feel a little silly in my plaid lounge pants and anime shirt while everyone else here is in suits and field clothes. When I get outside the suns warmth is welcoming I start my walk back towards the hospital. If I really am checked out I want to tell Mari goodbye, she was so excited when I could walk without feeling exhausted. I just think about it, but now that I look my bruises are gone. I swear they were there this morning, but I was so used to seeing them maybe I overlooked it.
The hospital looms in front of me, it's been my home for what feels like forever since I got saved. I walk inside and to my room, Shura was right my things are missing.
The bed is made and there is practically no trace I had been there just this morning, Mari sees me from the hall and comes running in.
"I can't believe you finally get to go home," she's grinning, she pulls me into a loose hug. "I'll miss the best patient I have."
"I'll still see you for therapy right? And all my blood work?" I squeeze her gently, she has been the best really.
"Of course you will Harley, wouldn't miss it for the world," she giggles ruffling my hair before taking a step back. "I see they gave you a new toy?"
I pull the sword from my back, "yeah I guess told me not to open it yet."
Mari nods and looks over her shoulder, "I really gotta run, but I'm glad you came to say bye."
She takes off with one last smile in my direction and then I am left once again on my own, I head out of the hospital and start towards the academy. It feels like it's been so long, my dorm probably won't even feel like home anymore.
Once I reach the academy grounds there are students milling about everywhere, sitting by the fountain and walking to classes. The bustle feels welcoming like I could just slip in and go unnoticed, or at least back to what it was.
I reach the dorms just as Rin is coming out he grins at me his tail twitching behind him, "welcome back teach!"
I almost laugh, "you can call me Harley since I dunno when I get to go back to being your teach."
"Alright, alright," he nods thinking this over, "for your sake and mine I hope it's soon." He laughs scratching the back of his neck his grades must be suffering.
"If it is maybe I'll slip you by with a C," I grin making him flash his fanged smile before he starts running to catch his friends.
I go inside down to my dorm, surely it's unlocked cause I never got my key back. A5 the door looms in front of me, I stare at it letting the minutes tick by. It's unlocked when I reach for the handle and push it open, my plushies lay on my bed a cell phone beside them and my jewelry. My pajamas and clothes from the hospital are neatly folded on the bed along with a note from Mephisto.

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