Is it Love?

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"You really are starting to spoil me princess," Mephisto purrs into my hair.
"Oh shut it," I chuckle as the next episode of the latest anime starts. It's become somewhat routine for me to creep in his room in the early morning hours. I still won't bring myself to sleep in there, but in the morning it's fair game. I crawl under his huge blanket and we pick a show to watch, it surprises me how much his personality differs. One minute he's a perv and the next he's crying about a video game or something, I couldn't help myself I did ask Amaimon last night when he wandered in my room asking for snacks. He said Mephisto had that kind of fun already, I didn't really want to press into it anymore than that.
"If I recall you thought this would be a bad idea," he makes a pouty face at me twirling my hair again. He does that every time I lay with him at some point or another.
"I can always just go back to my room," I act like I'm gonna get up, he pulls me back beside him.
"Really no need for that," he coos when I readjust laying my head back on his chest.
He's amped his game up today, he even had a cup of coffee waiting for me. Is he really the one getting spoiled here?
I notice Amaimon peeking in the doorway and can't help but to crack a smile. He creeps in completely ignoring our stares and plops on the floor in front of the bed. Mephisto pinches his nose in annoyance making my smile widen.
I haven't asked more about Amaimon staying here because in truth I kinda like the weirdo, when he starts taking a fit I just gotta throw him a candy bar or something and he's fine. That's someone I can manage.
"Are we going to play today?" He looks up at me from the floor.
"You are attending your classes today," Mephisto gives him a look that brings out the most annoyed sigh I've ever heard.
"After then?" He crosses his arms turning his attention back to the tv.
"If I feel nice," I laugh and catch Mephisto looking at me with a warm expression. I think he just enjoys that I entertain his brother.
Amaimon seems satisfied with this answer, he takes his time going to get his academy things and uniform. He stands in the doorway for a moment before he waves at me, picks up a handful of candy from the dresser in the corner and jumps from the window.
"Does he have something against doors or what?" I snicker reaching over Mephisto for my coffee, I scoot up and take a sip. It's still warm, definitely one of the best things about a morning.
He watches me sipping my coffee more than his show, I feel my tail give an annoyed twitch.
"What?" I set the cup back down, crossing my arms as I settled back against the pillows.
"Debating princess that's all," he snickers enjoying my annoyance. "Hoping you would care to meet me after my meetings at the Vatican, I do owe you a real date."
"Oh really?" I raise my eyebrow keeping my attention on the tv. "Go on."
He slips his arms around my shoulders, "anything you'd like?"
"Mmm I don't know really," I frown thinking I'm not used to doing things in my spare time. I wouldn't really even know where to start, all of the free time I do have has been consumed here since I've been released.
"I'll think of something then," he coos in his signature style, but I know him better to think much of it anymore. "I must get ready to leave you my darling," he kisses my hair before stretching and poofing into his normal outfit.
"Oh so soon?" I pretend to whine grabbing one of the many pillows and hugging it. "What ever shall I do?"
The smile he gives me is unlike most I see from him, being that it's genuine and warm. No tricks hiding behind it. It makes me smile too pushing away lingering doubts I have, who cares anyway?
"Wait for me I hope?" He blows a kiss my direction before taking a step towards the door. He bows before poofing away, I'm convinced his car is just for show. How am I supposed to entertain Amaimon and go on a date? I shake my head getting up carefully making the bed the way I watched Mephisto do.
I take time doing my normal routine, a shower, clothes eat breakfast and chat with Bellial, work on my techniques outside and answer all my emails and messages. It takes me a little over two hours to do it all, I'm about to text Rex when Amaimon pokes his head in the doorway of my room.
"Harlow?" He says my name so flatly when he sees me, I drop my phone onto my bed.
"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I smirk when he waves the notion off. He beckons me from my room to Mephisto's where he already has a video game up and waiting.
"We can play?" He sits in front of the tv expectantly waiting .
"I have to go in a couple hours, and you better not let Mephisto know you skipped out," I point my finger at him like I'm his mom, doing my best to keep my tone hard.
"Ooookay," he drags the word out throwing a controller my direction. "Don't make me not like you, because right now brother says I have too."
I shake my head at the notion, I guess that's a compliment from him, but who can say?
We play a few rounds of the fighting game and then he switches to a racing one. A ding from Amaimon's phone tells us when play time is over. He sighs getting up from the floor, "I guess he found out."
"I'll cover for you," I wink at him putting the game and controller as away as they can be. "Never saw you, you musta been doing homework clearly."
The hint of a smile creeps on his face, I think it's the first sign of emotion I've seen from him.
"I change my mind. I do like you for now," he waves at me before making a quick exit this time through the door, but I catch him jumping into a tree when I glance outside not too far from the house.
When I check my own phone I see a message from Mephisto all it reads is:
       Darling they're coming to talk to you, make sure you're at the dorm ;)
The message was from over an hour ago, my heart catches in my throat and I run to find Belial.

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