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I allow myself time to sleep in a few extra hours , getting up around ten rather than my usual eight in the morning up and going routine. I take a nice long hot shower and even take the time to brush out my hair and do my makeup right. I go to my dresser wrapped up in a towel to pick out my outfit, I should probably have done my makeup after getting dressed, but oh well.
I think I'll wear one of my new skirts today, I find the black one that is flecked with glitter near the bottom. It sits a few inches above my knees, so I put on leggings with it. I also put a black bow in my hair and just choose a normal graphic t-shirt. I feel really good, I think this is the best I've felt since I've got here. I just get to have a day, almost to myself. I think if I give Amaimon money for candy I could lose him and actually have the day to myself.
Yeah, that sounds really nice. I know I'll have to call Rex and Cara at some point, but not yet.
It's almost noon so I start making my way over to pick up the weirdo. I go straight to Mephisto's office and just stand outside.
"Amaimon! Ready to go!" I yell refusing to even open the door, I do not want that clown ruining my mood.
He opens the door a few minutes later looking expressionless as ever. I catch the clown peeking out the door from a few feet away, I do my best to just ignore him.
"Ready?" I offer a smile to Amaimon, I bet he is dreading this as much as I dread tomorrow.
He nods glancing over his shoulder and sticking his tongue out, weird...
As we make our way out of the school Rin and his friends pass us. Amaimon gets tense until we reach the gates, not surprised they don't get along very well.
"So what do you wanna do?" I glance at him as we walk. I shouldn't ditch him just yet, I'm not that big of a jerk.
He shrugs, "aren't I supposed to listen to you?"
"Well kinda, but you're here too and I don't think you get out much," I frown looking him over yet again. Does the clown let him do anything I wonder.
"There's an arcade nearby and a candy shop...." he stares off in the distance rather than at me, "I used all my money though."
"It's alright I'll buy," I shrug not exactly happy I'm using the money I just made, but at least I'll get to play at an arcade. I feel like I haven't done that in forever. The last time was with Rex, of course, he said it shoulda been our first "date" but I wouldn't let him have the pleasure in thinking so. I made it a point to beat him at as many games as possible, we ended up with so many tickets we got a giant stuffed dragon. I let Rex keep it, but I gave it the rightful name of Puff first.
I let Amaimon lead the way to the arcade taking in the area as we walk, he doesn't say much, and it's not exactly a bad thing. When we get there he looks expectantly at me.
I lead the way inside and buy us each a game card with about $50 worth of credits, it's enough to keep us occupied for at least two hours I hope.
"I think I might not want to kill you after all," Amaimon glances at me twirling his card between his fingers.
"Uh thanks?" I guess that's a compliment?
We don't stick together I go towards racing games and he goes for claw games, weird to say I'm not that surprised.
We meet up after about an hour having used up around half of our credits, Amaimon has a bag of stuffed animals with him and cotton candy stuck to his face. Once again I'm not in the least bit surprised by any of that.
"Can you play basketball?" I raise an eyebrow looking him over, he has a good build for it.
He shrugs.
"Come on let's find out," I nod my head towards the basketball game.
He starts over and I follow, he sets his stuff down beside one of the games and watches me.
"We swipe our cards at the same time alright?" I get my card ready and wait for him to do the same, "so just get the ball in the basket, simple enough?"
He nods and we swipe our cards releasing the line of basketballs. I start shooting right away, I feel Amaimon watch me for a minute before doing the same. He's faster than me, but I can't tell if he's actually making that many baskets. I focus on my own game and keep doing what I can. I was decent at basketball when I was younger, and back home, Rex would challenge me a lot.
The timer goes off and our scores flash on our screens, I beat him by two points. I shout with delight and jump up and down, "how's that for a human!"
He tilts his head watching me, "you're odd Harley."
"I know, so what now?" I grin at him, I'm actually having fun.
"I want to fight you on that," he points to a game like the one he plays with Mephisto, easy win for me.
"Bring it on demon boy," I playfully shove him before running off to the game .

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