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Four days after I woke up and the nurses said I am allowed to have visitors, Mephisto has not left my side once in those four days. He even missed a meeting with the Vatican to stay with me, I told him to go but he just waved it away.
He told me when I woke up today that he called my mother, they're going to come see me around lunch time.
I've been sleeping more than an hour a night now, and I can finally keep a small amount of food in my stomach. I still haven't heard anything about my blood test or when they want me to try walking.
Mephisto gets up from his chair to stretch, I still find it embarrassing that he has held my hand every night.
"Do you want me to leave while your family and friends visit you?" He rubs his eyes and puts his hat back on.
I would like to say yes, I still can't erase the thought of the last time I was with Mephisto before this. I wasn't exactly a pleasant human being in my mind at least, and I really don't deserve his kindness since I did hate him just a tiny bit.
"No," I sigh reaching up to touch his arm, something I can actually do now without surging amounts of pain. "I'd like you to stay, but you don't have to."
I can see the makings of a snide comment forming in his mind, but instead he just says alright. He still feels guilty.
He realizes I'm grabbing at his sleeve, his eyebrow raises watching me, "what are you trying to do darling?"
"Just come here," I'm glad my voice is almost back to normal, at least I don't sound like I'm 90. "I think I've heard you say my actual name twice now by the way."
"Yes well I remember a time not so long ago when you would have turnt me away long before now," he snickers taking a step closer to me so I can actually grab his sleeve. There's the snide comment I was waiting for. "What exactly are you doing?"
"I'm trying to give you a hug dumbass," hearing that seems to surprise him and he gets closer to me so I can give him a proper hug. "Thank you for ya know all of this, and I'm sorry I was such a jackass before. I could've been a little nicer."
He doesn't say anything for a few minutes, yet he does put his arms around me to hug me back. We stay like that for awhile before he lets me go. "You do still owe me a date don't forget," He's smirking as he takes my hand again.
I pull my hand away from him this time, "um tell me why I was trying to be nice to you?" I laugh a little at the shock that briefly appears in his eyes.
He shakes his head wearing a smile as I give him my hand back.
Not long after I hear whistling coming from the hallway, I know that whistling anywhere it has to be Rex.
"Did you meet my mom and my friends?" I glance at him, he moves from the chair to the edge of my bed and switches which hand he's holding mine with.
"Briefly," he snaps his fingers making two more chairs appear. "I don't believe that boy of yours likes me."
My mom is the first one in the room, she puts her hands over her mouth when she sees me. Cara and Rex stop dead behind her, I wave at them with my free hand unable to stop smiling.
My mom comes running over to the other side of the bed and pulls me into the tightest hug ever, my hands slips from Mephisto's so I can hug her back. Tears roll down my cheeks, but they're happy tears this time.
"Hi mom," I manage to choke out after a few seconds of her squeezing me.
"Oh Harlow," she cries into my shoulder her curly brown hair hanging over my back, "I'm so sorry sweetheart."
"It's alright mom, I'm okay now," I manage to laugh a little bit.
She lets me go caressing my cheek, "oh sweetie..."
I squeeze her hand, "I'm going to be okay."
She just nods glancing at Mephisto, "Can I speak to you privately Sir Pheles, just for a moment."
"Yes of course Miss Trenston," he puts his hand on my back for a moment before they both go into the hall.
Rex and Cara run up on each side of me and hug me tighter than my mom, "Harley! Oh sugar pie what happened?! We missed you so much! I'm sorry Sweet pea."
"Guys," I mumble through them nearly suffocating me, "Guys! One at a time please!"
"Oh right sorry," they both back off a little bit and smile at me.
"I missed you sugar," Rex takes my hand in one of his and Cara has both of her hands over my other one.
"We were so worried when we heard you went missing," Cara's makeup is starting to run.
"Sparkles cried most of the plane ride here," Rex laughs but it seems forced.
"I'm just glad to see you guys," I look between them and I can tell their bothered, by what I don't know.
"I got your package to give to you sweet pea," Rex pulls a small box from his pocket, "that clown gave it to me so I could give it to you."
I take it from him, carefully opening it. Inside is a heart necklace, well actually it's two small hearts with a little gem connecting them. It's very pretty, but it also makes my stomach do a little flip. Cara is going to be so upset about this, she still likes him. I thought he would have given up on me when I moved....guess not.
"Do you like it?" He smiles showing off his slightly crooked teeth.
"Yeah it's pretty," I set the box on the table beside holding the necklace in my hands, I risk a glance at Cara. She keeps a stoic expression, for now.
"Can I put it on you?" He reaches for my hands before I have time to tell him no. I sigh leaning up a little bit so he can get it around my neck. "It looks lovely on you sweet pea."
My mom and Mephisto come back in the room, he glances at me raising an eyebrow. I can't read her expression, but it's not a happy one.
Rex is eyeing Mephisto with annoyance plainly written across his face, "why's he here?"
"She asked me to be," he smirks at Rex who is very taken aback by the statement, he sends me a questionable look. Cara also looks a little shocked, then again the last they heard I still wanted to kill him.
"Come and sit you two, you're crowding the poor girl," my mother motions them over to the chairs. The reluctantly listen to her, Rex I can tell is debating on staying next to me, a stern look from my mother quickly changes his mind.
Mephisto takes his spot on the edge of my bed giving Rex a sly look, I roll my eyes at them making my mom chuckle a little.
Mephisto holds his hand out, without even thinking I slip mine into it, it's been our routine for almost a week. I take note that he did put gloves on today, I guess Cara and Rex wouldn't know who he really is. I don't even know if my mom would now that I think about it.
It's become so normal to me in fact that at first I don't understand why Rex looks like he's going to scream.
"Uh..." I can't help but to stare at our interlocked hands now, why didn't I find this strange before?
A nurse comes in carrying a small tray of things for me, "visiting hours are almost over for the day." She sets the tray on my little table smiling warmly at me, "I snuck you a little something sweet for today."
"Thank you," I smile back at her, all of the nurses have been so sweet to me.
"Can't I stay here with you?" Rex looks directly at me doing his best to ignore Mephisto, "I could sleep in one of the chairs."
"Now, now Rex you heard the nurse," my mother uses her work voice, no one disobeys her work voice. "We'll come back in the morning."
"Thank you sir Pheles for everything," My mother smiles warmly at him as she gets up, "we'll come in to spend the day with you tomorrow alright Harlow?"
"Okay mom, I love you," I see her smile as she coaxes my friends up, "see you guys tomorrow."
"I love you to sweetheart," my mom waves as she heads for the door, "I'll meet you two outside alright?"
"Kay Miss Trenston!" Cara calls after her coming to give me one last hug before running after her.
Rex comes up to me once she's out of the room, "I love you Harley-bug." He kisses my forehead quickly taking off after the others right after before I can do anything. I feel my cheeks warm up, I look down at the bed.
Mephisto gives me a funny look, "I assume that's where your new necklace came from?"
"Ah yeah..." I sigh squeezing his hand still fascinated that I found it to be normal. "Why are we holding hands?"
"Why do you question it now?" He squeezes my hand back, "because of that boy?"
"Maybe," I squeeze his hand again meeting his eyes, "they don't know do they?"
He looks away from me now, "not many people outside of my branch do."
"That's why your wear gloves?"
"It's more proper."
"Ah proper," I nod still skeptical about it, I don't think he cares much about proper. "Should we stop holding hands?"
I lift my arm up and he does the same so our hands stay together, "is that what you want?"
"Maybe?" I sigh letting our arms fall back down, "can you take this necklace off?"
"If you wish," he lets my hand go, I lean up so he can spin it around and take it off of me. He holds it out to me once it's off, "I believe that boy fancies you."
"Yeah I know," I take the necklace and set it on my little nightstand next to my bed. I pick the cookie up the nurse brought and munch on it, all the while being watched by Mephisto.
"How would he feel knowing you owe me a date?" He looks at the necklace laying on the table oddly.
"I think he'd want to kill you, more than he already does," I wipe my hands on my pants, I'm getting weighed tomorrow to see if I've gained any weight back. Looking at myself I don't think I have, "I may have said some things about you being a total perv."
"Oh did you?" He snickers standing up, he poofs himself into pajamas, only the second time since he's been here. "Why would you say something like that?"
"Ooooh I don't know," I laugh, I jab his back as he sits back down making him turn to look at me, "cause you poofed into my dorm perhaps."
"I would never," he smiles teasingly reaching his hand towards me, "I suppose laying next to you is out of the question then?"
"Why would you ask that now hmmm?" I take his hand in mine and lean forward a little bit so he has to lean backwards, "is it because of that boy?"
He laughs now, "someone is feeling playful aren't we darling?"
"Maybe I just want to get on your nerves," I shake my hand away from him, "is it working?"
"Quite the opposite really," He snaps his fingers, a tv appears floating in the air in front of my bed. "Care to watch a movie?"
"Is this your ploy to make me share my bed?" I stick my tongue out at him.
"Depends on if it's working?" He tilts his head watching me a teasing glint sparkling in his eyes.
"After the movie you're going back to your chair got it?" I scoot over leaving enough room for him to lay, "and I mean it, I could maybe almost punch you now."
"Oh so threatening," he chuckles laying next to me. He crawls under the blankets, I do my best to keep space between us, "Do I still get the pleasure of holding your hand?"
"If you promise to go back in your chair," I snicker, there is no way I'm letting my mom or my friends catch any part of this.
"A sound promise," he lays his hand out next to me, I set mine on it. He intertwines our fingers so he can rub the back of my hand with his thumb. I still haven't decided if he does that purely out of habit or not, and I'm not positive I want to know. He flicks through channels until he comes to an anime movie of some sort, "good?"
"Yep works for me," I prop my head up with my free arm bumping him in the process.
"Can I make a terrible suggestion?" He yawns setting the remote down next to him.
"Absolutely no terrible suggestions sorry," I stare up at the tv giving his hand a small squeeze, "I swear to god if you fall asleep I'm going to kill you."
"Mmm is that a threat or a promise princess?" He turns his head to look at me.
"Both so don't do it," I don't take my attention from the tv.
"I would wake up long before visiting hours, I know that's what your worried about," he chuckles when I finally drag my attention away too look at him.
"I highly doubt that, you like to play games with people," I yawn stretching until my back cracks.
"Perhaps I do," he sighs putting his free arm behind his head, I wonder if he's mimicking me.
About halfway through the movie I can barely keep my eyes open, "you're still awake right?"
"Yes darling," he starts rubbing the back of my hand again, "is something wrong?"
"Yeah I'm falling asleep and you're still in my bed," I shift until I'm almost on my side, "Can I trust you if I pass out?"
"I guess you'll have to find out won't you?" He frowns a little bit, "Are you sure you're comfortable?"
"As much as I can be like this," I shut my eyes hoping to just forget about this, I know to anyone else it would seem hella weird.
"I don't bite you know," he shifts a little bit, I think closer to me. "Unless you ask me to of course," he laughs.
"And what are you suggesting?" I sit up upon him releasing my hand. "Because I really don't think I'm going to agree."
He doesn't say anything instead he puts an arm behind me and watches me.
"You want me to use you as a pillow?" I snort, so he is still a dumbass.
"I'll leave you alone as soon as the movie is over," he grins like he knows I don't want to protest because I'm tired.
I sigh to myself, how did I end up here? I lay down on his arm not moving any closer to him.
"You didn't think that through princess," he chuckles pulling me towards him until my head is on his chest.
"Jackass," I grumble underneath my breath, he starts to scratch my back lightly when I don't move. I hate to admit it, but it does feel nice.
"Was that so hard?" He looks down at me, his expression uncharacteristically warm.
"I'm actually going to die now," I mutter draping my arm over him to grab his hand, "you still are moving after this movie ends whether I'm asleep or not."
"Yes, yes I know princess," he runs his fingers through my hair before he continues to scratch my back, "or else you'll kill me or someone coming to visit will."
"Exactly," I yawn again, a small part of me is screaming that I've stooped to this level, but this is more comfortable.
"And I promise that boy of yours won't find out," he chuckles I think I feel him quickly kiss the top of my head, but I can't be sure.
I get lost in wondering how he can be two totally different people the perverted clown and this concerned loving weirdo.

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