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I've been training with Shura in the afternoons every other day, but she has yet to let me open my sword. So I'm at a disadvantage other than my agility which really I didn't know I had. After our session today she hints at my friends and mom coming to check up with me.
I'm waiting for her outside the Vatican instead of her coming to the dorm, Mephisto did discreetly make all of my stuff appear at his house in the bedroom beside his. It's all my own he said, feel free to decorate as I wish. He bought me a new bed spread, more plushies and even a pair of slippers. He's kept his word giving me space while I settle in, but also finding ways to spend time with me when he's home in brief spurts during the day. They haven't given me a date to start back to work yet so I spend the days I'm not training roaming the large house. I met the butler properly yesterday, he's a demon too of course and very polite.
The clack of Shura's boots draw me back to the present. She reeks like booze which I'm starting to learn isn't unusual for her, "Ready? Let's make this quick today."
I've figured out most of the time it's better to nod than say anything so I follow inside down to the room we've been training in.
"Now todays gonna be a fun one," she smirks a hand on her hip watching me pull my sword off my back. "You're gonna open that thing."
"I thought I wasn't supposed to do that?" I look at the sword sheathed in my hands.
"Things have changed so let's go," she snorts quickly bearing down on me her own sword out and battle ready.
I panic pulling the sword from the sheath and jump out of the way just in time, a weird burning feeling takes over my chest. I don't have much time to think about it before she's charging me again, I catch her sword with my own a small growl escaping me from the effort.
Shura is clenching her teeth, she jumps back from me she slices the air I duck out of the way. She sliced her finger along the blade and comes at me slicing the air as she does. I brace myself for the impact, but it's useless I go flying and crash against the wall. I fall to the floor panting, I crawl back to my feet.
"Got a lot of work too do kid," she waves her sword at me. "Specially now, go get a look at yourself."
"What do you mean?" I groan hitting that wall does some damage, I still feel like I'm reeling.
"Come on," she flicks her head and I follow her out of the room down the hall to the bathroom. I barely realize I'm dragging my sword behind me, I pick it up a little more. She follows me inside and crosses her arms while I make my way to the mirror.
I let a out a small shriek, I end up backing into one of the stalls and almost trip. My eyes are bright green and I have pointed ears, I open my mouth running my tongue along my newly sharp canines.
"That's not me," I want to scream, but it comes out more like a squeak.
"It gets better just look behind you," she's on the verge of laughter meanwhile my heart dropped to my feet. I think if it could it would've dropped clear out of my body. Glancing behind me I take in a tail much like Rin's, it's flailing about behind me. I look back at Shura feeling hopeless, feeling like I've cracked my head too hard.
"This isn't happening to me," I wail leaning my head against the cold wall, hoping it's all just an illusion. I feel my tail drooping behind me, this is a fucking nightmare. Why! Why did I get sent here?!?
I feel Shura putting her hand on my shoulder, "could be worse, ya coulda died."
I shake my head letting my tears well up, "after all I've suffered that might have been better."
Her grip on my shoulder tightens, "don't you ever say that!" She shouts in my ear making me jump.
"No one is ever better off dead, you understand me?" The hardness in her voice tells me there is a deeper point I'm missing. I just nod numbly knowing for a fact she would not be the one to ask what it is.
"I'm sorry," I mumble it out, I don't feel it, yet something tells me it's important to say.
Her grip loosens, she takes my sword from me and lets me turn my sobbing into her shoulder. I can tell she isn't someone cut out on dealing with these situations, however she lets me sob and keeps any comments to herself.
When I finally can control myself I wipe my eyes on my shirt thankful I didn't bother to put on make up today, I sniffle and shake my head.
"Good?" Shura grunts making a disgusted face when she realizes her shoulder is soaked in my tears. "Guess that little outburst clears up some of my questions."
"Questions?" I sniffle reaching for a paper towel, I blow my nose a few times, I go up to the sink and run some cold water for my face. I can actually feel the tail moving behind me, I realize with some effort I can make it stop.
"Don't worry about it," she waves it off watching me closely. "You good now?"
I nod not knowing what else to say, good? How the fuck could I be good? She hands me my sword back and gently ushers me back to the training room. When I sheath my sword I was half hoping this was some sick joke and half hoping all this would disappear. Of course I'm sourly disappointed when no in fact I still have a tail and everything else. My mom, my real mom would be so disappointed in me and the thought threatens to tear a hole in my heart. I stare at the floor willing myself not to cry again.
"Why don't you try wrapping that tail of yours around your waist? I'm sure you've seen Rin and how he hides his." Shura leans against the wall arms crossed watching me, she seems to be thinking a million things over or maybe counting down the minutes until her next drink. She probably needs one after me today, hell I need about five after today and it's not even half over.
I stand there making a fool of myself trying to control the tail, my tail. The idea is bewildering, yet once I take my mind of the absurdness of this moment it's actually not all that hard. No harder than wiggling my toes anyway. I hold my shirt out a little bit to make it a little easier, it tickles but I do get it wrapped around me. Not sure if it'll be as easy to keep it there, does it work like a dog tail? When I'm happy is it gonna wag? I almost can laugh thinking about that.... Almost.
"Good, guess you got a lot to get used to," she sighs sounding like she balances the weight of the world on her shoulders. "Still want to see your friends today?"
"Are you crazy?" Just thinking about it is horrifying, I don't want to see anybody today. I can't even imagine what I'd say.
"Well they were right about one thing, they were on track to make you the perfect vessel," Shura scoffs like it's nothing, the words ice me to the bone. That means if no one found me Lucifer would've taken my body as his vessel, I would be gone. I feel like I'm gonna vomit, I shut my eyes to calm down.
"Go home kid," she holds the door open for me. "I'll tell the Vatican you can't cope with meetings tomorrow, and you better be here 8 AM sharp Thursday got it?"
I nod numbly walking for the door, I'm going to the dorm even if it's not my home now, it's where I can go be alone.
"And stay away from the clown!" She calls after me. Shit. I haven't even thought about Mephisto, god only knows what he's gonna say. I wonder if he knew and didn't tell me. He was so interested in the sword that first day.... Surely he would've said something....right?
My stomach twists in knots, by the time I finally make it to the dorm I end up rushing to the toilet to throw up. I sink down the floor and let myself cry all over again. I threw the sword on the empty bed and didn't even bother to turn the lights on, I just hope the Okumura's don't walk by and hear me sobbing.
I have no idea how long I sit there, by the time I'm cried out and numb the sun is setting. I pull my phone from my pocket to find a single text from my mom, two missed calls from Cara and about fifty texts from Mephisto. I open my moms first:
Hey sweetheart, Shura said you got sick after training and wanted to go home and rest... if you need anything call me. Love you.
My minds blank on how to respond, I'm thankful Shura at least came up with something. I briefly scroll through the endless messages from Mephisto, he's sincerely worried that I haven't been home all day so I make the effort to at least text him; I'm fine.
Nothing from Rex though I'm not surprised, I creep my way from the bathroom and lay on the bare mattress. Within five minutes my phones ringing, who else but Mephisto.
I answer but I can't find words to say anything.
"Darling are you alright? Where are you?"
"I'm fine...really."
He's silent and I can hear my heart pounding in my ears.
"Are you in the dorm?"
"No." I lie and I'm sure he knows, he's the best liar.
"I'll be over in a moment." With that he hangs up and a whole new wave of anxiety rushes through me.I curl up on the bed there's really no point trying to hide, not when he can poof to anywhere on campus. The knock startles me, I make no move to get up.
"Princess?" Mephisto steps inside quietly shutting the door behind him, he flips the light on. I bury my face in my arms and listen as he walks over the floor creaking with every step.
"Did you have to come?" I grunt keeping my head buried so I don't have to see his face.
"Of course I did," he sounds less worried now than he did on the phone. "Now what's this Shura is telling everyone you're sick?"
"And to stay away from you," I let the comment slip, but I'm sure he knows. He's not exactly anyone's favorite around the Vatican.
"I believe it might be a little late for you to do that now," he chuckles putting a hand on my shoulder. "Now why don't you let me take you home princess."
I let out a heavy sigh and sit up, he brushes the hair from my face. When I finally look at him his expression falls for a brief moment.
"Still want to take me home," the words come out barely above a whisper I've worn myself out from crying.
"Of course I do darling," he stands up offering his hand out to me. I grab my sword in one hand and his hand in the other. He uses a key in my door and it opens to his hallway, I'm thankful I didn't have to go outside even if it's dark....
He ushers me slowly to my room closing the door behind us shoving the key back in his pocket.
"Have you eaten?" He squeezes my hand prompting me to shake my head. "I'll have Belial draw you a bath and then get you dinner."
"I don't need that really," I sigh looking up at him my stomach is still in knots I don't even know if I could eat.
"It wasn't an option," he squeezes my hand one more time before vanishing into the hallway calling his butler.
I want to protest and argue, but I don't think it would make me feel any better. I prop my sword up by the bed and go to my dresser to dig out pajamas.
"I'll be in my room once you get cleaned up if you want company princess," he kisses my hand before disappearing out of the room. In a few moments Belial comes in, he holds his arms out to take my clothes and hands me a towel.
I follow him down the hallway to the biggest tub I've ever see. The bubbles are practically overflowing it, Belial smiles before closing me inside.
The bath is warm and it does help me relax, I sink in the bubbles trying to forget everything about today. At least I have a home to come too, Mephisto really has gone out of his way for me.
I stay in the bath for awhile with my eyes closed just feeling the warmth of the water.
"You dinner is waiting miss," Belial calls quietly in fact it's the first thing I've heard him say at all.
"Thank you!" I holler back and after a moment, "please call me Harley!"
I get out, dry off and put on my pajamas. I let my tail dangle behind me dripping wet, I decide on drying it like I would my hair and it's good enough. Since I'm only with Mephisto I don't bother wrapping it around me, I leave my towel and dirty clothes in a nice stack on the counter. I don't know what else to do with them, but the idea of Mephisto being the one to find my underwear isn't a good one, so I folded them between my shirt.
Belial is waiting for me in the hallway, "this way Harley." He says it smiling and I smile back at him, he seems so nice for a demon that's stuck being a butler.
At the large dining table a small placemat has been set for me with tomato soup and a grilled cheese. It makes me smile, something moms everywhere make for kids. There's even a cookie sitting wrapped in a napkin beside my glass of water. They really go all out here with everything, only thing missing is the dancing candlestick singing be our guest. The thought makes me laugh a little, Brit loves that movie.
Belial remains standing in the doorway, so I offer him to come sit if he wants to. My offer confuses him for a moment, however he does creep over and sit across from me. I break the cookie in half and slide a part over to him.
I finish eating quickly, I guess I really was hungry. When I look up Belial is silently nibbling on the cookie, he bows his head in a little thank you.
He clears my plates when he sees I'm done and tells me goodnight. I make my way back to my room feeling a little better now, my tail bouncing behind me really the only reminder I'm different. The ears and teeth aren't a big deal, my eyes I guess I'll get used too. I crawl in my bed and squeeze Liz tight.
Maybe this is just a bad dream?

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