Explanations and bad timing

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A nurse wakes me up, it's seven in the morning, Mephisto is still beside me...snoring.
The nurse is holding in laughter, making no effort to hide it, "I've brought your morning medication dear, but just so you know that is against protocol..."
"Thank you," I mumble plopping my head back down on Mephisto.
She nods her head before scurrying from the room bursting with laughter once she's out of my sight. I shake my hand free from his, I poke him in the cheek.
He opens his eyes a little bit, just enough that he can see me, a grin spreads across his face.
"Good morning darling," he pushes my hair back showing no signs of getting up.
"I told you to get out of my bed," I sit up moving away from him, as much as I can at least.
"I suppose you did, didn't you?" He sits up rubbing his eyes, "my apologies, but it didn't seem like you minded."
"Bastard," I punch his arm lightly. "Get out."
"Must I?" He tries to lay back down, I shove him nearly off the bed.
"Up!" I push him again.
"Alright don't hurt yourself darling," he stands up stretching with his arms above his head. "I do believe you're getting weighed at nine this morning yes?"
"And I finally get to shower," I laugh laying back. "It's been so long since I've had an actual shower."
"Would you like me to re-dye your hair?" He watches me still smiling like a clown.
"What?" I blink a little surprised by his question, I expected a perv remark, "why?"
"The color is fading," he lifts a small strand up in his fingers. "I thought perhaps it would help you feel more like yourself."
I feel myself starting to blush, when I first dyed my hair Rex made fun of me for a month. I did it because my real mothers birthday was in February, her birthstone was purple. I fell in love with how my hair looked afterwards, I've had it purple ever since. "Yeah...that would be nice," I avoid looking at him.
"Princess?" He lifts my face up with his hand so I'm forced to look at him, my cheeks get warmer. I smack his hand away.
"I'll go get that for you while you're getting cleaned up," he sits next to me looking at his hands, "I'll have to talk to the nurses first."
"Thank you..." I mumble taking my pills, they brought me apple juice to take them with today.
I look at the clock, it's already eight, the nurses are coming to get me in half an hour, "Mephisto?"
"Do you know why I was picked to come here?" I sigh heavily looking up at the ceiling.
"Ah, yes that would be me actually princess," he risks looking at me. "You were the most qualified of the list I was given."
"Oh..." I frown a little bit. Why did he get to pick anyone to come here?
"You can hold that against me if you wish," he lays his hand on mine, "I would understand if you did."
"Nah," I shrug dragging my attention away from the ceiling tiles, "I don't blame you for this really I don't."
A nurse comes in pushing a wheelchair, "ready Harlow?"
I nod sliding to the edge of my bed, Mephisto rushes up to help me into the wheelchair.
"I'll be waiting for you when you get back," he leans down planting a kiss on the top of my head. I wasn't crazy after all.
I let my frustration bubble inside of me as the nurse wheels me from the room. He is going to get me hair dye after all....
"We're going to get you showered first alright?" The nurse slows down as we enter the big hallway, "Mephisto got you some new pajamas to wear."
"Okay," I take in my surroundings until we get to the shower room.
The nurse starts by removing my bandages, a lot of my wounds are going to scar, at least that's what she thinks. It doesn't take long for her and an assistant to have me all cleaned up with new bandages and thankfully washed hair. The pajamas Mephisto apparently bought me are very fluffy pants with a slightly too big graphic t-shirt, it's perfect to laze around in. Which I'm told I'll be doing for a little while yet, since I have yet to gain any weight back.
Mephisto as promised is waiting for me in my room when we get back, "your mother and friends are going to be over soon."
I just nod, I don't think they like Mephisto being here, I still don't know if I even like him being here or if I just need comfort...
"I talked to your doctors, we're allowed to dye your hair darling," he smiles walking over to us, "Would you like to do so since your hair is freshly washed and dried?"
"Yeah," I take the box from his hands to see if he got the right color, surprisingly he did. I smile to myself, the nurse runs to get my a fresh towel to keep my clothes dry. "Do you even know how to dye hair?"
"Not a clue darling," he chuckles wheeling me to the bathroom. The nurse comes back insisting she's going to help, mainly to make sure he doesn't mess up. I read them the instructions while Mephisto combs out my hair, the nurse gets the bleach mixed up. They both get gloves before putting it in my hair, I have to let it sit a little bit before the next part.
"I'll be right back, I have to check on another patient," the nurse squeezes my shoulder quickly running out of the room,
"How often do you do this?" Mephisto kneels next to me.
"Usually every couple of months, sometimes I have a hairdresser do it, but that's more expensive than doing it myself," I shrug turning the box around in my hands.
"I got you something else while I was out today," he snaps making a small gift bag appear in my lap, "a few things actually."
"Do you really think showering me with gifts is going to help your case?" I squint at him smirking.
"I have to try at least," he stands back up looking into the room, "I believe your guests are just arriving."
"Shit," I groan looking around the bathroom, "Shut that door, now! Shut it!"
Mephisto surprised by me having a slight freak out shuts the door, "is something wrong?"
"I have bleach in my hair dumbass," I grumble quietly looking back at the bag, "I don't want my mom seeing me dye my hair right now, she'd murder me and then she'd kill you for being in a bathroom with me..."
"Ah," He chuckles as quietly as he can. "Why don't you open your presents?"
"Alright fine," I reach in the bag pulling out a plush bunny in a pink top hat and bow tie, under it is a little box and a black bow hair clip. I open the little box to find a silver ring shaped like a crown, I stare at it dumbfounded.
The nurse sneaks back in with us, I nearly drop everything coming out of my thoughts. I shove everything back in the bag, still speechless.
"I told your visitors we're giving you a bath," the nurse winks at me after she glances at her watch.
"We can wash the bleach out now," I mumble out carefully setting the bag on the floor. She has me hang my head over the sink while Mephisto rinses all of the bleach out, he takes his time making sure it all comes out.
The nurse starts patting my hair to dry it off a little bit, Mephisto is looking at me questionably. I avoid his gaze reading the next step of instructions, they make sure the dye is evenly spread through my hair. Now we have to wait like another half hour, this is going to be awkward.
"I'm going to be bringing you lunch once we're done here alright?" The nurse pats my arm with a smile.
"What is your name?" I look up into her hazel eyes, "you're so nice."
"My names Marina, but you can call me Mari," she chuckles a little bit, "I guess I forgot to tell you."
"I like that name," I sigh a little bit reaching in the bag to get the plush bunny. "What to name him though?"
"Awe how cute," Mari pokes it on the nose, "a gift?"
"Yeah, something like that..." I squeeze its belly looking at Mephisto, "Maybe I should name him Sam."
"Sam?" He takes the bunny from me, "and what's that short for?"
"Samuel," I snicker reaching for my bunny, he playfully holds it up higher.
I try to reach for it, but I nearly fall out of my wheelchair. So instead I grab onto his other arm and yank him forward, he trips just enough for me to snatch Sam back.
"Cheater," He chuckles reaching into the bag for the little box. He turns it over in his hands looking at me, he's waiting for something, and for once I don't know what.
"We can wash the rest of that out now," Mari turns the sink back on adjusting the water after what feels like an eternity. Mephisto puts the box back, then he sets Sam in the bag so he doesn't get soaked. They get the dye out just fine, I think the dye smells like grapes when it's freshly washed out. "You can handle drying her hair I assume?" Mari wipes her hands off on a towel, "I'm going to prepare her lunch."
Mephisto nods shutting the water off, he picks a towel up and begins to slowly ruffle my hair inside it. "Don't you like it?" He kneels down to be at a closer level to my hair when he starts to brush it out again gently.
"It's not that...really it's not," I sigh looking at the way too white floor. "It's just... why? Why would you buy me something like that?"
"I call you princess don't I?" He snickers coming to kneel in front of me, "I found it to be a fitting gift."
There's something more something he isn't saying, but I don't know if I want to question him further...
He reaches in the bag, this time for the bow, he places it in my hair to keep it out of my face. I reach for my bunny and squeeze it again, why do I feel so weird?
"Want to wear it?" He raises an eyebrow waiting for me to respond.
"I guess," I sigh holding my left hand out to him. He slides it on then poofs the bag away.
"Ready to go out now?" He watches me examining the ring closer now, it really is a nice ring...
"Yeah," I nod hugging my bunny tight as he wheels me back into my room. My mom smiles at me, there's so much love in her eyes.
Cara and Rex are sharing weird looks, I ignore them for now.
Mephisto helps me back into my bed, I set Sam next to me. He bends down beside me, "I'll be right back darling, the Vatican has requested I show up immediately," he whispers in my ear sounding very annoyed.
He grins wickedly at Rex and Cara as he walks from the room, he waves to me again just as the doors close behind him.
"He's such a creep," Rex mutters sitting on my bed, "Why was he in the bathroom with you?"
"The nurse had him brushing my hair, she had to go get my pills and stuff," I shrug it off casually.
"Where's your necklace?" Rex looks at me, a little hurt flashes in his eyes.
"I had to take it off while I got cleaned up," I lie swiftly, I know my mother catches it. She gives me a knowing look, she always could tell when I lied.
Cara dances to the bedside, "guess what Harley!"
"What?" I smile taking the phone she holds out to me, I see a picture of a puppy sticking its tongue out.
"That's my girl!" Cara squeals like a small child, "I got her three week ago, she's still a pup."
"What's her name?" I laugh watching her, she takes her phone back. Her bracelets jingling with every move.
"Lily," she shoves her phone back in her pocket, "she's a Shepard mix."
"That's cute," I hold up my plush bunny proudly, "this is Sam and he's not alive."
We both start laughing after that, Rex is watching us silently while my mom just shakes her head.
"Where'd you get that?" Rex reaches out for it, but I pull it back against my chest, "and that?" He points at the ring, of course he would notice.
"And your bow! I love it," Cara unlike Rex is happy about me getting gifts. I look down smiling, I'm so glad my friends came to see me.
"Thanks," I reach up and touch the bow gently, he won't have to get hair out of my face anymore.
"Well?" Rex lays back across the bottom of the bed. He mindlessly brushes his hand across mine.
"Uuuuh..." I look at Cara pleadingly, she could always change the subject.
"Hey Rex, why don't we go get Harley something sweet?" She tugs on his wrist, "and you know her sooo much better than me." She winks at me, she's a real life saver.
"Alright, alright jeeez," he gets up sighing, "will I get to spend any time with her myself?"
She drags him out the door, I let out a sigh of relief.
"What exactly is going on here?" My mother sits down with her legs crossed.
"I don't really know," I look up at her and for the first time really admitting that I don't know.
"Who is it?" She frowns a little bit, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want you."
"Well...." I look at my bunny.
She scrunches her eye brows thinking, "Do I know him?"
At that very second Mephisto just happens to poof back into the room, thankfully behind my mother. He looks agitated as he comes over to us, he holds the bridge of his nose for a second while he looks at his phone.
"Oh.." my mother looks at me suddenly getting the hint, I can't tell if she approves or not.
Mephisto puts his phone away, he glances over at my mom questionably. I give her the well known good job facial expression until Mephisto looks back at me even more confused.
"Princess I need to talk you for a moment," he sounds a lot more serious than normal, I don't think I like where this is going. "Could you step outside Miss Trentston?"
"Y-Yes of course," she makes a quick exit rather taken aback by the request.
"Harlow.." he sighs refusing to look at me.
"Oh no," I sit up straight, squeezing my bunny tight, "no no no, you don't get to call me nothing but darling and princess for this long and say my actual name when it's something bad."
He bows his head in defeat, "darling then..." he looks at me, his eyes are a mixture of emotions, more than I've ever seen him express outwardly. He must notice I'm getting freaked out because he takes my hand off my plushie to hold. "They finally have results on your blood work."
"And?" I squeeze his hand tight, my chest tightening up, "Are you going to tell me I'm dying or something? After all of this? Am I not going to get better?"
"No, no... nothing like that," he meets my eyes, I can barely stand to look at them. "You're blood results didn't come back normal."
"W-What do you mean...?" Chills run up my spine, I can't help but to squeeze his hand tight.
"It seems whatever they were injecting you with, changed your biology enough to be demonic," he sighs, I can tell he wants to do something but he stays still. "When they were trying to make you a perfect vessel, they wanted your body to be stronger than a humans."
"So..so they what? Made me a demon?" My eyes go wide as I think that over. "Is that even possible?"
"Well, they didn't make you a demon per say, but you're no longer just human either," he let's go of my hand, "for now your stuck at an odd in between until your body either adapts to the new biology or...fights it."
"Oh great," I cross my arms over my chest to hold my shoulders, "that's so great.." I start to cry, I just wanted to forget that place, but no. I get to go through more torture.
Mephisto comes to sit on the bed, he gently pulls me against him, I don't protest. I hug him tightly burying my head into his shoulder.
"Ah, your visitors are peering in princess," he leans me away from him a little bit, he wipes my eyes with a handkerchief. I then wipe my eyes on my arm, Mephisto hands me a tissue to blow my nose.
"Right," I take a deep breath. "Can you tell I was crying?"
"Barely," he helps me get me situated again. "We'll talk more tonight okay?"
"Yeah," I look down at my ring. Today started off so well....
Rex is the first one in the room, he's staring daggers at Mephisto. Cara and my mom share worried looks.
"What's your deal huh?" Rex gets right up to Mephisto, which isn't saying much, Mephisto is a foot taller than him.
"Is something wrong?" Mephisto smiles calmly down at him.
"Why don't you just leave Harley alone?" He growls despite Cara yelling at him to stop.
"I do believe you're the one she wants to leave her alone," he says it flatly, but it's enough to set Rex off.
"Fuck you," he attempts to punch Mephisto square in the nose, and thankfully Mephisto is fast enough to take a step back.
"Get out." I glare at him anger flaring up inside of me.
Rex snaps out of it almost instantly, "what?"
"I said get out!" I push myself to stand up, "get out of my room right now!"
"Harley!" My mother rushes over to me but I ignore her still staring Rex down.
He doesn't know what to do, he starts backing up towards the door, "okay...okay I'm leaving."
He takes off out of my room. Cara is shaking like a leaf in the corner, reality floods back to me. I fall to my knees, a nurse comes running in the room her eyes wide as she looks around.
"We'll go calm him down," my mother drags Cara out of the room as the nurse calls for assistance. I glance back at Mephisto, he's staring at me with a sparkle in his eye and confusion on his face.
"Let's get you back into bed dear," two nurses help me stand up, another one is addressing Mephisto asking what happened.
I bury my head in my pillow, I can feel a hand running through my hair, I don't move.
"Darling," Mephisto says it quietly continuing to play with my hair. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," I grumble burying my face into my plushie.
I risk glancing at him after a few beats of silence, I sit up looking towards the door.
"You've had a long day princess," he says it so quiet it's almost a whisper.
"Yeah no kidding," I sigh setting my plushie on my nightstand, "I think I need a hug."
"Is that an invitation?" He smiles opening his arms.
"Dumbass..." I laugh weakly hugging him, I close my eyes resting my head against his shoulder. I feel his gaze on me but I don't open my eyes, I just relax and let him hold me till my brain will stop thinking.

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