The New Life

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I've just made it to the Tokyo airport, after a twelve hour flight with a crying three year old behind me, an airport has never looked better. I turn my phone back on as I go to wait for my luggage, at least being an exorcist allowed me to slip security checks along the way.
I'm grateful Cara and Rex bought me going away gifts, I miss them already and I haven't even started work, hopefully I will not have to until tomorrow.
My phone buzzes as it catches up with the dozens of messages and emails I received on the flight, I fiddle with my bracelet from Rex hoping my luggage will come soon.
The bracelet was for me alone, it's silver with the quote 'you are my person' engraved on it, very fitting coming from Rex especially since he made me promise to wear it so no one gets any ideas while I'm here.
Cara on the other hand got me a locket with both of their pictures in it, she got one made for all of us, except Rex's is on a keychain not a necklace.
I finally see my luggage coming out, I rush to grab it so I can meet Shura, I think that's what her name was...
I start towards the pick up area pulling my phone out to check if she has notified me, all of my messages however are from my friends and mother, sweet, but that doesn't help me any.
I sigh looking around the crowd of people before me, none of them look like exorcists to me, but then again I don't either in my black dress with violet hair past my shoulders, I probably look more like a lost college kid than a professional anything.
I notice a woman has taken to staring at me, she has a rather intimidating air about her, fitting since she must have high confidence to strut around an air port in nothing but a bikini top and booty shorts....
"Hey you," she walks up to me, she studies me looking rather unimpressed by what she sees, "you're the newbie aren't you?"
"Um, are you Shura?" I frown, this is what I've got to go up against? I'm doomed to be a teacher...
"Yes," she nods picking up one of my bags, "well lets go I don't have time to waste on idiots like you."
I quickly follow after her rather stunned by her comment, what did I do to earn the title of idiot so quickly? I've barely even said two words to the woman.
She shows me to a pink limo, which I must say I would be more than happy to steal, she opens a door tossing my stuff inside, "get in."
I obey carefully setting the bags I carry on the floor below me, "might I ask where exactly we're going?"
"To the academy, you get to meet the clown first thing," she snorts crossing her arms behind her head, "I could almost pity you."
"Mephisto is the clown?" I question, he is the only person I can think she would mean.
"That's the one, he's a sick bastard, I'm just going to warn you now, don't trust a word he says," she grumbles looking out the window, so in a matter of minutes I've already learned Mephisto, who I assumed was a creep is also a clown, a bastard, and a liar. He sounds like the type of person I wouldn't mind accidentally shooting in the shoulder.
We pull up to the academy within an hour, huge does not even begin to describe it, I think I could fit my house in just the main building at least eight times, maybe more.
"Someone will get your stuff moved," Shura says as she steps out of the limo, "let's just get this over with."
I nod silently following her to the building, we go up to an office, she does not even bother knocking we just go in.
"Ah so you're Miss Trenston yes?" Mephisto grins up at me from his desk, no wonder Shura calls him a clown, he sure does look like one.
"Yes, pleasure to meet you Sir Pheles," I smile politely back at him though I already get the feeling we are not going to get along very well, he seems like a total perv.
"You can handle this from here," Shura mutters looking at him, "I've got more important things to deal with."
"Yes of course, you're free to go," he chuckles watching her leave, "now Harlow, darling why don't we get you settled in?"
Darling? Who is this guy?
"That would be wonderful, thank you," I follow him out of his office thankful I'm going to get some rest before I start my job.
He takes me to an old looking dorm building, "the only students staying here are the Okumura twins, I assume that will be fine?"
I nod, "that's fine, did someone get my stuff?"
"I've taken care of that darling," he smirks taking me to dorm A5, "this is yours for as long as you'd like it to be."
He drops a set of keys into my hands, I open the door to find all of my luggage sitting by the bed, "Thanks."
"You'll start work on Monday, I trust that's enough time for you to get settled in?" He looks at me, I find him to be rather obnoxious, that may have something to with him being nearly a foot taller than me, not quite though since I am 5'7, but he has to be over six feet tall...
"Yes that will be plenty, thanks again," I go inside to my stuff wanting to get rid of him as soon as I can, "well I should really get unpacked, I can call you if I have any questions?"
"Of course, or come find me in my office, don't worry I won't bite," he laughs and winks as he poofs away leaving a pink cloud of smoke behind, its official, he's a freak.
I move my bags by my bed, I start to unpack putting clothes in the dresser, and putting my make up and things in the little bathroom. I get about halfway through my things when I find Liz my little plush tiger, I hug her tightly against my chest before setting her on my nightstand, I can't believe I actually made it here.
I lay back on my bed trying to process that I'm all on my own now, I never though it would bother me so much if I'm honest.
A knock at the door drags me out of my thoughts, "come in," I shout not getting up from my bed.
A boy comes in looking to be younger than me, but he looks very professional in a long coat and glasses, plus it looks like he hasn't smiled in years.
"Greetings Miss Trenston," he smiles at me as he closes the door behind him, "I'm Yukio Okumura, exorcist and teacher here at the academy, my brother Rin is also training to be an exorcist."
I sit up slightly embarrassed that I was laying down now, "Hello Yukio," I smile at him slightly, "please just call me Harlow."
He nods fixing his glasses before handing me a folded up paper, "that's the room you will be teaching in, if I recall correctly you're going to be acting as my assistant for the first few weeks you are here before starting your own class."
"Sounds good," I sigh trying to decide if I should attempt to be friends with him, he seems rather aloof, "say Yukio would you mind showing me around the city sometime?"
"Sorry Harlow," he smiles apologetically, yet it's in a way that I can tell he wants nothing more to do with me than he has to, "I have a lot of work to do, I rarely have free time for myself."
"Ah no problem, I totally understand," I plop back down on my bed no longer caring what impression I make with this kid, "how old's your brother?"
"Oh we're actually twins," he mumbles awkwardly taking a step backwards, "he started in exorcism much later than I did..."
"Interesting, well I can tell you're in a hurry to leave so I won't keep you any longer," I wave him off starting to think this place is going to be my own little hell.
He doesn't know what to say to me, so he just awkwardly leaves grumbling under his breath.
I grab my phone so I can finally text Rex and Cara back, at least I can still talk to them, they might be my only get away from torture here.
Rex has texted me nearly a thousand times, even though I told both of them to wait until tomorrow before texting me, but of course Rex wouldn't listen.
Some of his messages consist of:
'Hey sugar, just checking in to make sure you got to the air port safe.'
'It is soooo boring without you here.'
'I know ya said to wait to text ya, but I just can't ya know I miss ya already.'
'Harleeeeeey I'm bored'
To say I'm surprised would be a lie, I'm fairly sure he may have gotten drunk around the last messages he sent, they are all mostly random jumbles of letters.
I quickly just text him back that I'm fine before texting Cara the same mentioning how this place is hell subtlety too.
I don't wait for response before just going to collapse onto the couch, I plan to just watch something for the night and hopefully sleep.
Good thing I've had some lessons in Japanese while learning to be an exorcist, most English shows you have to pay for and I am not in the mood to read subtitles.
My phone starts ringing, there's no way I'm answering it though, it's laying on my bed so whoever it is, is gonna have to wait until tomorrow.
I roll over starting to doze off until someone starts pounding on my door, I groan dragging myself over to the door.
I open it to come face to face with the clown himself, I groan again, I can't help it I was so damn comfy and I got up to be disturbed by this bastard.
"What do you want?" I sigh leaning in the door frame before he gets the idea to come in.
"My my, you do have quite an attitude don't you darling?"  He smirks looking me over as he did countless times already today, "I did call you, but I see you were to busy to pick up."
"Well, what was so important you just had to show up here?"
"I was simply wondering if I could have the pleasure to show you around the city tomorrow afternoon, I'll even buy you lunch if you'd like."
"Yeah sorry, I think I'll pass," I grumble crossing my arms, "that's what was so important really?"
"Of course, are you positive you won't let me show you around?" He raises an eyebrow, he starts to twirls this dumb pink umbrella he for some reason carried over here even though it clearly isn't raining.
"If I say yes will you just go away?" I already know the answer, I know he is trying to strike up a date with me even if I just got here. It's not very hard to tell when someone is asking for a date, after you've been friends with Rex for so long.
He chuckles, "if that's what I must do to provoke a response I'll be more than happy to."
"Great," I roll my eyes taking a step back, "see you tomorrow then."
"Yes, see you darling."
I shut the door in his face as he says goodbye, he's a real special one he is. I suppose I at least get to see the city, I'm sure I'll make some friends eventually anyway, what's one day with the clown.
Now that I've been bothered more than I would care to be I shut off everything and just lay in bed, I fall asleep within minutes, literally.

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