Work Begins Again

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My alarm startles me out of my dream, in which I was on a mission with Rex, Cara was sick, and we were trapped in a bar by a hoard of goblins. Mephisto was there, but he was only watching and tapping his watch to remind us we were running out of time, ironic really.
As the remnants of the dream continue to fade I make my way to the bathroom, today I start work and I have to make a good impression.
I turn the shower on keeping my hand under the water until it reaches a comfortable temperature, it does not take me long before I am clean, have subtle make up applied and am dressed.
I decided to wear a black skirt with leggings and a purple top with a sparkly black skull in the center, does not scream teacher, but it makes me feel less awkward. I believe it will help the students get a feel of me too, and hopefully they like me...
I am just finishing up tying my shoes when there's a knock at the door, rather than stop to answer I just yell for them to come in.
I still have about fifteen minutes before I need to be in Yukio's room, it's only about a five minute walk, if that so I am in no hurry.
I hear the door open glancing over my shoulder to see who it is, I wish I could say I'm surprised that it's the clown, but sadly I'm not.
He leans against the wall a large grin spread across his face as usual, "Ready for today love?"
"Mhm," I mumble making sure I have what I need and doing my best to ignore his presence.
"Darling?" He raises an eyebrow as I start to open the door, "you are aware it's early aren't you? And I did bring you coffee." He holds a cup out to me, a voice starts arguing in my head whether I should be polite or act how I feel.
I give in taking the warm cup, why turn down free coffee... I keep walking out the door though saying a quick thanks over my shoulder as I go, he pauses as if stunned briefly before he is next to me again a cloud of confusion clouding over his normal cheeriness.
I take a sip from the coffee, casting a quick look at him, I want to know why he has an obsession with me... is it because I am the new girl? Or because I am weird? What does he know....?
I'm glad he makes little effort to talk to me this morning, we reach the school building he bids me good day before we part directions. I make it to Yukio's room a good five minutes before the bell will even ring, he smiles at me, and it's obvious the smile is strained.
Hopefully he will ease up, I did not make a good first impression with him either...
"Good morning Yukio," I offer the greeting half hoping he ignores it.
"Good morning Harlow..." he mutters as he sorts through a stack of papers, "prepared for today?"
I nod taking a seat on the counter by the window watching the students start coming from their dorms, it's pleasant to see the campus come alive.
Mostly everyone ignores my presence until a pink haired boy comes in and stops dead to stare at me. I offer him a small smile which sets him off whispering to his two friends who simply roll their eyes, well seems I found the ladies man of the group.
The class is rather small, to be honest I'm quite surprised I was expecting a lot more kids...doesn't anyone want to be exorcists anymore?
The pink haired kid is still googling at me, I've had enough of that. I make my way over to him and a huge grin spreads across his face.
"Whatcha staring at hmm?" I get close to him almost brushing his face with mine.
"U-uh," he's bright red now and both of his friends are doing their best to hold back laughter.
"Next time I catch ya staring at me, I might just have another corpse to add to my collection. Hmm how's that sound?" I grin at him doing my best to keep a glare going rather than start laughing at his horrified expression.
"Y..yes understood..." he looks down immediately after.
My work here is done. I go back to my little windowsill and pick up a notebook.
"I think that's everyone, even my brother showed up for a change," Yukio comes to stand beside me seeming to have eased up a little. "Do you want me to introduce you? Or would you prefer to do so?"
"You please," I smile grateful not to have to awkwardly make up some lies about myself for these guys. It's weird since I'm older than Yukio that he's my boss, but then again maybe that's how Rex felt at first too. Then again he always did seem to have a crush on me.
I still can't stop thinking about what he must have sent me in the mail, with Rex anything is possible.
Yukio clears his throat silencing the class, "Everyone I'd like to introduce you to Harlow, she's going my be my helper for awhile and also be joining us on any missions we go on."
I wave at everyone, almost everyone waves back except for a girl with long purple ponytails. She's just looking me over somewhat unimpressed.
"Would you mind handing these papers out for me?" Yukio holds the stack out me.
I nod my head dropping from the windowsill, I pass them out individually so I can get a better look at everyone. One of the boys has dozed off and is snoring quite loudly, I notice he has a tail. That's totally normal yep, just gonna ignore that. I shake him awake, he falls from his chair with surprise.
"Does this look like nap time?" I tilt my head putting on a smirk.
"Can't it be?" He smiles at me trying to hold back laughter.
"Rin! I told you to start going to bed earlier, do you ever listen?" Yukio is scolding him from his desk, "you're so immature!"
"I'm the older twin so it doesn't matter!" Rin sticks his tongue at Yukio, so they're brothers. How curious, this must be the demon boy people back home talked about sometimes.
I set the rest of the papers on Yukio's desk taking one for myself so I can look over it.
It's a test on techniques for killing reapers, easy enough we just shot em.
I watch everyone taking the test, a boy with a mohawk type hairstyle turn his test in first. I can't tell if he's angry or if that's just his normal expression, I smile at him none the less.
Once everyone has turned in their test Yukio goes over some notes and passes some books out for something. I kinda got zoned out, he doesn't exactly make the class much fun.
The bell rings singling the end of the class, and the end of my day. I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do now, the students are going to other classes and Yukio has his own work. I guess I should go talk to the clown, but the thought of seeing him so soon is frustrating. He did buy me coffee though, maybe I'll take him a snack as a thanks and so we're even and he doesn't try to say I owe him.
"Hey Harlow!" Rin comes up to me just as I'm waving goodbye to Yukio.
"What is it?" I stare at him, he's really excited his tail is flapping wildly behind him.
"We'll see, my friends and I were wondering if you'd want us to show you around a little?" He stares at the floor occasionally meeting my eyes, "we could do it after classes are over?"
"Ya know what sure," I flash a small smile, "sounds like a good way to get to know you guys."
"Awesome!" He grins showing off his little fangs, "We'll meet you by the fountain."
"Okay I look forward to it," I wave at him as he starts running down the hall. No doubt he's going to be for something.
I make my way to the cafeteria, food here doesn't seem to be cheap even though it's a school. Sure does look better than anything we had at home despite the higher prices. I pick up some cookies, sodas and two sandwiches, now to find the clown.
I take my time walking to his office, I really think this is gonna go bad, perhaps not bad just awkward. Yeah, gonna be awkward. I knock on the large wooden doors and wait.
"Come in, come in!" He calls though the usual cheerful tone in his voice is not there.
I push the doors open to find him hunched over a desk doing paperwork, much different than the last time I was in here.
He looks up as I shut the doors behind me, "oh if it isn't my little princess!"
I choose to ignore the comment plopping down in a chair opposite his desk, "I um... I brought you lunch."
"My my how thoughtful and what do I owe the joys of you're company to?" He smiles his cheerfulness coming back.
"Don't act like you're so special, I just don't know what I'm supposed to be doing," I start taking out our food setting his stuff closer to him. "Besides that I don't practically know anyone else here."
"Well you don't have to be so honest," he sighs shoving his paper work to the side, "none the less now I owe you dinner."
What? How did this turn into him owing me? I have to be stuck with this weirdo on Friday and now he wants to buy me dinner too?
"Nah you don't owe me anything," I shrug it off trying to keep annoyance from creeping into my voice. I start eating my food mainly to avoid having to talk more. We eat in silence and I prefer it that way.
"So darling you aren't sure what to do after classes are over correct?" He asks in the middle of eating a cookie.
"Uh yeah."
"You could just come here," he smirks winking at me, "I have plenty of things you could do."
"Yeah I think I'll pass," I growl getting up to throw my garbage out, I end up taking his too and immediately wanting to smack myself for doing so.
"Where are you off to now princess?"
"What's it to you?" I glance at him making my way to the door.
He snorts somewhat annoyed, "I see well I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow then."
I leave without making another remark, I start making my way down to the fountain to wait for them, classes are almost over and I have enough time to call Rex and Cara.

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