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The clown has sent me about a dozen text messages already today about our culture lesson, I'm supposed to meet him in his office in about ten minutes.
I start to make my way there I'll walk slow so I won't be too early, he can not think I'm eager about this, because I'm not in fact I'm dreading it.
I am wearing some of the clothes he bought me, a pair of leggings and a long striped dress shirt, they fit me cozily and I am rather pleased with them.
I look around the campus as I get closer to the school building a weird feeling creeps into me, it's suddenly occurring to me I have no idea what the clown plans to do.
I take a deep breath and go inside, I make my way to his office, I feel no need to knock so I just go inside.
I immediately regret that decision, he's wearing a pink robe sitting on the floor playing a weird video game with some green haired freak shoving his face full of chips.
Mephisto pauses the game he must have heard my disgusted sigh, "Harlow darling you're early," he chuckles beckoning me over. Wow he actually said my name, shocker.
"Yeah my mistake," I snort walking over curiously examining the other boy, "Who's this weirdo?"
"Ah yes, that's my younger brother Amaimon," he stands up brushing his robe off, "I do so apologize for my unpleasantness," he snaps his figures and immediately he is in his usual clownish outfit.
Amaimon tilts his head backward to glance at me, "will you play with me?"
"Uh sure?" I frown sitting down next to him, he tosses me a game controller that I assume was Mephisto's it is bright pink after all.
The game we are playing is a karate fight style, there is no way I'm letting this guy beat me, I played games like this with Rex all the time.
He starts it and at first I make it looks as if I'm losing before I quickly switch to attack mode and kill off his character, he stares at me when I win his eyes narrowing slightly.
I grin feeling even more pleased with myself when I see the clowns surprised expression, Amaimon stands up with his pile of food.
"I'm not done playing with you," he mutters looking me over. He goes over to Mephisto, they talk quietly for a moment before Amaimon jumps out a window and is gone.
Mephisto turns his attention to me, "how'd you get so good at video games princess?"
"Number one don't start with the princess," I growl taking a step towards him, "number two I played with Rex all the time before I came here."
"Rex?" He raises an eyebrow waiting for a response that does not come. "Well, I figured we would start simple, I'm going to introduce you to anime," he snaps his fingers again changing the layout of the room until the tv is larger the floor cleaned and a couch planted in front of the tv.
"You made me come over here to watch cartoons?" I snort plopping down into the couch, I make a point to spread out so Mephisto doesn't get any ideas.
He glances at me raising an eyebrow, "am I not permitted to sit with the princess?"
"Nope," I grumble pulling my phone out, this is a waste of my time.
Mephisto growls snatching my phone out of my hands, "No phones."
I groan sitting up to give him room, "you want to bore me to death."
He ignores my comment putting on an anime channel, he glances at me then back at the screen, "I believe I know what you'll like."
He sits beside me closer than he needs to, not a surprise to me, he puts on something, I didn't catch the name.
I sigh watching the show, I hate to admit it, but the more I watch the more hooked I'm becoming. I notice he keeps glancing in my direction, I don't know why, but it's agitating the crap out of me.
When the anime is finally over I look at him, "are we done here?"
"Not even close," a wicked grin spreads across his face, "that's only episode one."
"And how long do you plan on keeping here?"
"I'm hoping for at least one season, that may take a few hours," he shrugs watching me, "I'll provide you with snacks and dinner of course."
"Okay, what's up with all the flattery, the buying me things, the free food, the annoying as hell nicknames?" I mutter hoping I trip him up, I scoot away from him more resting my arm on the edge of the couch.
"Why would you say that? Am I not allowed to cater to my princess?" He smirks, damn him he's always a step ahead of me.
"Since when I am your princess?" I snort crossing my arms, "last I checked I was claimed by my friends not some bastard clown."
"You're so fiery," he laughs putting the next episode on, "can I get you anything?"
"At this rate popcorn and some beer," I say half jokingly as I cross my legs shifting to get comfy.
"How cliche," he gets up, I pay no attention to where he goes to focused on this anime, how the frick did he know I'd like this.
He returns a few moments later with a large bowl of popcorn and much to my disappoint tea instead of beer. "Sorry love I'd rather wait before drinking with you," he chuckles sitting beside me.
"Whys that?" I mumble grabbing a handful of popcorn, "don't expect me to go drinking with you."
"Well Miss Kirigakure tends to try to kill me if I get too tipsy when she's present," he smirks looking down at my bracelet his smirk vanishing as he reads it. "Belong to someone do you?"
I frown Rex has given me the perfect opportunity to lie and not have to worry about the clown, at least that's what I think, but if Rex would find out he would be disappointed in me for lying so I suppose I'll be honest, even if it kills me. "No I don't it's more as if he wishes I did," I shrug spinning the thin bracelet around my wrist, "he was on my team."
"I see," he says under his breath eating some popcorn as he draws his eyes back to the television.
A playfulness starts to sprout inside me as the next episode comes to an end, perhaps because memories of Rex have been floating effortlessly through my mind, but I feel a need to tease someone and my options are limited. I throw a piece of popcorn at Mephisto's face, he glances in my direction a smile tugging at his lips.
I throw more popcorn at him starting to grin myself, when he starts to throw them back I try to catch them in my mouth. I surprise myself when I actually manage to, a jolt of realization to what I'm doing surges through me in the middle of having fun, I don't let it deter me though.
I know I do not like Mephisto, but that doesn't mean I can't make time with him somewhat enjoyable.
The entire bowl of popcorn ends up practically everywhere including my hair, both of us are laughing though so it makes up for the wasted food.
"Rather laid back today aren't you darling?" He wipes his eyes when he is finally able to surpress his laughter, a few tears remain running down his cheeks.
I shrug still giggling slightly, "I have to try to have fun at least."
"I suppose that's fair," he snickers shutting the tv off, "care to learn anything else today?"
"Nah I believe I've had quite my fill of culture," I smirk flicking a piece of popcorn off my shoulder at him, "I think I outta get out of here before you try anything."
"Me?" He tries to feign an innocent face and does not do it well might I add.
"Catch ya at the circus clown," I grin widely at him as I make my way to the door.
"Same time Wednesday?" He watches me waiting for a response, "perhaps Friday?"
"Hmm Friday I start work this week," I wave lazily at him as I walk out thinking how odd my day is turning out to be.
I pull my phone out, it's late here so it's early back home, I was supposed to call Rex like an hour ago though and I have yet to FaceTime Cara, they're gonna kill me I know it.
I sigh dialing Rex, I'll make it short and just call Cara after, I should talk to my mother too...
The ringing feels endless until finally he picks up, "sugar plum you're late."
"Jackass," I smile to myself, he's never going to change. "What's up?"
"Same old same old I'm afraid to say, anyone trying to catch your eye yet?"
"Is that all you worry about?" I snort to hide my laughter, it would be rather weird if he didn't try to make sure I'm single at least once per conversation.
"Of course it is your mine Harley-bug," he chuckles in the phone then sighs heavily, "I really miss you..."
"Yeah, I know you do," I go in my dorm locking the door behind me, no clowns sneaking in here, "I miss you too, I only have a clown to pick on me and he's a perv."
"Make sure he stays away from you," he grumbles annoyed by my comment, "I sent a little surprise for ya in the mail, not sure how long it'll take though."
"Now I'm scared," I kick my shoes off on my way to my bed, "what exactly if I may ask?"
"Wouldn't be a surprise if I told ya would it?"
"Fair," I say letting a sigh escape me, "I gotta FaceTime Cara, if ya wanna join feel free if she lets ya."
"Alright, I gotta go Sparkles hunting on that note, catch ya later sugar," I hear the phone click as he hangs up. I'll give him a few minutes to find Cara, and I want to shower again anyway, just a quick one.
I slip on the new pjs the clown got me, they're very soft and feel like I've put on a cloud. Good thing too, I get cold super easy.
I plop back onto my bed starting the FaceTime as I get comfortable, Cara's smiling face appears on my phone screen.
"Harley!" She grins holding her phone away from here to show Rex smiling stupidly at the phone, at me.
"Hey," I wave pulling myself into a sitting position, "I see he found you after all."
"Practically took my phone from me," Cara smiles the dimples in her cheeks pop out into clear view as she does, "oh Harley guess what."
"Hm? Don't tell me, you got a new dress?"
"Nope! They want Rex and me to just be partners with Rex in charge of course," she risks a glance at him, he doesn't seem to notice still looking at me. Poor Cara.....
"Oh wow that's sweet," I smile at them letting a chuckle slip at Rex's blushing face, "you guys will do great!"
"Awe thanks," Cara smiles glancing over her shoulder, "we might have to let ya go Harley."
"That's fine, bug me later will ya?" I wave before she hangs up, lucky them they have a mission probably.
I set my phone on the nightstand, what I wouldn't give to be back home right now... at least I start work soon then I'll be kept busy.
I'm not in the slightest bit tired so I flick the tv on finding a random movie, I hate to admit that I have not quite gotten used to living alone yet, I find it slightly unsettling still.....
I do not have the noise of Brit softly snoring a bed away, the comfort of knowing my mother is only down the hall, the feel of safety being able to visualize every inch of the house, or someone to talk to late at night when I have a nightmares that wake me with tears and loneliness.
Granted that does not happen often, in fact I've only had these feelings when I am up late into the night and the world around me in silent.

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