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As I recount my story for what feels like the ten thousandth time I'm painfully aware of Mephisto's presence by the Vatican leaders. I was not prepared for him to be here, and from the brief eye contact we made I do not think he was either. Some part of me feels like that was intentional, but how could it be?
My friends and my mother are present also, their eyes burning holes in my back. When I finish telling them wrapping up with my rescue Angel steps forward and waves to someone I can't see. Three exorcists escort the student I saw and the lady who kidnapped me into the room. She sneers at me when our gazes lock. The pink haired boy, Shima that's it, keeps his eyes locked on the floor. They're handcuffed and still wearing Illuminati uniforms.
"Do you recognize them?" Angel asks me from where he stands above me.
"Yes," I say it firm leaving no room for questions.
Angel then turns his gaze to Mephisto, "one of them is your student is he not? Do you care to explain?"
"When I heard of my brothers plans I picked a candidate to infiltrate and gain their trust," his voice is even, but who's to say if any of what he says is true. "I did not expect to get approval from anyone here so I went ahead with my plans regardless," the smirk he wears is enough to send chills down my back.
That means he knew I was there, how long?
I zone out while they bicker and ask the Illuminati people questions, someone saying my name drags me back to reality.
"What made Harlow so different from past experiments?" Angel looks down at the woman his hands behind his back.
"She got lucky," the woman, whose name slips my mind, spits the words out. "We've improved and we won't make the same mistakes again."
Bile rises in my throat, I choke it back down letting my tail tip flick back and fourth under my shirt.
"We could make an army of vessels given time like you used to," the woman spats in the direction of Angel. Like they used to?
"Using a clone and turning a person are very different," Mephisto shakes his head shutting her up. "Besides your experiment is flawed she is not a vessel she is a demon."
"Genetically a body capable of that would make a better vessel, it's already apt to contain the energy," she argues until Angel silences both of them.
"And Mephisto you find this girl useful to us? You requested she remain a teacher at your academy?" Angel snorts towards the leaders of the Vatican, "he's been submitting a lot of requests in her favor recently."
"They've all been approved?" One of the leaders speaks before turning to consult with the others. "Despite his long record Samael retains a reputable standing in aiding humanity," another replies though quieter. The back and fourth goes on for what feels like hours before an exorcist comes to shoo me away, he said they are bringing Shura in and it is time for my tests. Rex notices me being led away and I catch him scooting past my mom and Cara to follow a few paces behind us.
We pass Shura in the hallway she looks entirely too disgusted, though she does nod in my direction and mutters something about the fucking clown. When I'm done with my tests the exorcists tells me to stay in the building in case I'm summoned back to the leaders, with that he leaves me.
"You holding out ok?" Rex appears from around the corner after he is sure no one else is around.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie of course I'm not, of course I'm not fine. What if they decide I can't stay here?
"And the clown?" He leads me to a bench close to the room we were in. "Is he still... you know."
"Um..." I sigh looking up at Rex, this is the worst place to talk about anything involving me and Mephisto. "He's good... I mean he's good to me."
"Cara and your mom don't seem to think so anymore," his voice lowers when two exorcists in black coats walk by. "Shura and Angel? I think that's who they said were warning them about his games."
"Games?" I frown Cara did seem pretty weird the other day, and I can only imagine what those two would have to say about Mephisto.
Rex shrugs putting his arms behind his head making his wrist of bracelets jingle, he shuts his eyes, "I think I'm going to request a permanent transfer."
"W-What?" This takes me by total surprise, he opens his eyes letting out a small chuckle.
"What do I have to lose?" He sighs hunching over with his hands now interlocked in front of him, "I'll be closer to you if I do."
"Are you ever going to stop living your life for me?" I nudge him with my shoulder. Thinking back he really has made most of his major life decisions since meeting me focused on me and Cara, all three of us have focused on each other.
"Why stop now?" He smiles but it is short lived as my mom and Cara are sneaking towards us. I wonder how much longer this meeting is going to take... I wonder what they're saying in there.
My mom hugs me as soon as she reaches me my tail slips from under my shirt, not that it matters they all know.
"Harlow," she lets me go for the most part keeping a grip on my shoulders she looks me over. "Oh Harlow..."
"They don't know if they're letting you stay," Cara butts in as tears start to streak down my moms face.
"Stay here?" I look between her and my mom tightness starting to take hold in my chest.
"No just at the academy, there's a lot of talk in there about Mephisto," she rubs her hands together looking at Rex who is focused on my tail.
I groan not knowing what would be in store for me otherwise, the knot only getting tighter. Rex puts a hand on my back despite still looking uncomfortable.
"Harlow, once things settle down I'd like to talk to you," my mom says once she gains control of her tears. I nod silently there is no arguing with mom.
"By the way," I flick my tail slowly side to side. "Mephisto wanted me to invite you guys to dinner with us to discuss a few things."
The three of them glance between each other like I've just invited them to hell for a tea party, which these days even that isn't off the table.
"Just let us know when..." Rex is the one who speaks up as the doors to the council room open and exorcists start to pour out mumbling to themselves or others. My eyes stay trained on the doors until finally I spot Mephisto with Shura on one side and Angel on the other. Our eyes meet for the briefest of seconds before he is swept away with them in the crowd.
They wait with me as the place empties, people returning to their normal work, council members exiting to go wherever they go. Shura is the one who comes in, the one who comes over.
"We put up one hell of a fight in there for you kid," she leans back on her heels hands on her hips. "You get to stick around, and like I said stay away from that perv even if he did save your ass a job."
She winks at me which sends my brain reeling, but she doesn't leave time for questions before she's gone up the hall complaining that the bar should open earlier. Rex is staring after her which leaves Cara a flustered frustrated mess. I get to keep my job at the academy!!!! I've never felt so relieved, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"I guess he went home," I frown after a few more minutes and no Mephisto. We all head outside once I'm cleared to leave, we pass Angel on the way out he eyes me warily. We just make it to the bottom of the steps Cara and Rex bickering over something I wasn't paying mind too when I spot the clown. He's at the bottom of the Vatican steps on the phone watching the door, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved. The way people talk I'm starting to think he's going to be escorted out of here in handcuffs.
I skip ahead of the others a few steps so I can reach him first, he hangs the phone up a second before I reach him.
"Princess...." He doesn't get to finish I squeeze him once as tight as I can in a bear hug and let go.
The look on his face is priceless when he catches his breath he brushes his coat off somewhat embarrassed, "Shura told you?"
"She did and what did you tell her that she winked at me?" I stand on my toes so I'm almost eye level with him, not quite, but close enough.
"Only what was necessary," he smirks his gaze drifting from me to my mom and friends. "We meet again."
He bows taking his hat off in the process, when he stands I notice he steps closer to me.
Rex takes a step forward a little reluctantly extending a hand, "sorry I tried to punch your teeth down your throat."
Mephisto shakes his hand a sly smile as usual takes over, "no hard feelings I assure you it happens often."
I can tell Rex bites back a retort, guess he has to play nice if he wants to work here. My mom and Cara watch somewhat warily.
"Can I interest you all in coming to dinner with us later this week? I have too many meetings to attend today," Mephisto tilts his head slightly watching them.
"That would be delightful," my mom manages to speak after a nudge from Rex. Who knew how quickly tables could turn? I shake my head to myself noticing the pink car waiting by the road, he doesn't have more meetings today that liar.
"Ready to go home darling?" He looks at me seeing if he comment goes over my head, of course it doesn't. And it doesn't go over anyone else's either, Cara is looking like I grew another head.
"Yep, get me out of here," I wave at my friends before taking off to the car tail bouncing around behind me before they can ask me any questions. I beat Mephisto, who is being circled by them, and I'm thankful I ran. Belial gets out and holds the door for me.
"Thank you," I smile at him getting in to wait.
He appears only moments later, but he doesn't look at all happy. He slides in next to me keeping his distance.
"Miss Cara has informed the Vatican of my interest in you," his voice is flat, matter of fact like as he says it.
"Bullshit," I cross my arms leaning back as Belial pulls away from the Vatican building.
"I thought you said you were not good at my games?" His smirk returns sliding an arm around me. "You my dear are in for quite a scolding by your mother."
"Are you really  sure you should have let that slip? That I'm living with you?" I sigh watching cars go by out the window.
"I lied darling, you must learn to keep up," he chuckles twirling a piece of my hair on his fingers the color still bright. "I told them it was temporary, just monitoring your symptoms."
"Cause that's believable," I grunt.
"More believable than you choosing to live there," he taps my head matter of factly as he says it. "Why would you want to do such a thing after all I've done, answer me that hmm?"

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