Trouble and Trees

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It's Friday class is over and I'm supposed to be meeting with Mephisto for our "culture" lesson at five, so I've got about two hours to kill.
I don't have much to do and I have been meaning to go for a walk in the forest nearby just to check things out.
I pull my phone out and FaceTime Rex as I start walking, he answers within seconds which doesn't surprise me.
"How's my Harley-bug?" He smiles up at me from the screen of my phone, we've been calling each other pretty much daily. Cara sometimes just prefers to text me, which I totally understand.
"Oh ya know haven't died yet," I smile glancing down at the phone. I have to keep looking up though to make sure I don't run into anything, I'm almost at the forest. I hope there's reception there.
"What are you up to this evening?" He questions swaying back and forth, probably on his swivel chair.
"Have to meet with the clown for his weird personal class he's giving me on Japan and currently gonna get lost in the woods."
"Are you sure that bastard doesn't have his sights set on you?" He grumbles looking away.
"Oh please I'd rather date a catus first and they're supposed to be pricks," I laugh a little and I'm thankful he laughs along too.
"Alright, alright fair," I can feel him watching me even though I'm not looking down at the phone. "Ya know Harley I could come see you soon, for a couple days just you and me..."
"Rex... I don't know if that's a good idea," I sigh glancing back at him to see disappointment plain in his expression.
"Why not? You know I love you Harley-bug, can't you just give me chance? We could make the long distance thing work I know it...."
"It's not that Rex..." why does this have to be so hard? Why can't he just love Cara like he loves me, like she loves him...
"So what if I just show up? Are you gonna turn me away?"
"No of course not dumbass," I shake my head, "why would you even think that?"
"Good then I'll be out to see you and maybe I'll let sparkles come for a few days," he smiles warmly at me, "I can't wait to see you."
I nod, "you too Rex..."
"I gotta go look at plane tickets, I'll call ya in a bit sugar," with that he hangs up and a pit of guilt rests in my stomach.
Do I lead him on too much? Is that why he doesn't even consider Cara?
I shove my phone in my pocket and continue walking deeper in the woods, it's peaceful here. I find a tree that has nice big splitting branches and crawl my way up, I get as comfortable as I can in a tree and stare up at the sky.
I must drift off for a bit because the next I know it there's someone screaming nearby, I jump down from the tree and head towards the noise.
I see the demon up ahead, it's one of those freaky possessed trees. Only this one isn't throwing apples like in movies, it's got some lady wrapped tightly in its branches choking her.
I pull my gun out, I always carry one with me. I start creeping closer to the demon and start firing any chance I see an opening. I finally manage to get the demon to drop her and without hesitation I grab her arm and start running.
We run until I see the edge of the forest, I start slowing down finally taking a minute to catch my breath.
"Thank you," the woman sighs with relief, "you're very skilled aren't you?"
I glance at her taking in her appearance, glasses, short brownish hair and a weird blue uniform. She's definitely not from the academy or the Vatican, so who is she?
"I wouldn't say that no," I shrug not quite sure if I should trust her.
"Are you an exorcist?"
"Hmm interesting, from the academy by chance?"
"Why do you wanna know?" I counter unease starting to creep into my gut.
"Curiosity, simple curiosity I assure you miss?" She pauses waiting for me to give my name, she seems cunning.
"Harlow what?"
"Trenston..." I mutter just wanting to get away from her, the clown has to be waiting for me, I'm already late.
"Good to know, I believe I'll be seeing you again very soon Harlow Trenston," she smiles but it seems fake, she starts to walk back into the forest. Yeah that was totally freaky, top notch that lady has gotta be crazy.
I shake my head before starting to jog toward the academy, I spot Mephisto standing by the fountain waiting for me.
I notice him sigh as he sees me running in the gates, was he worried? Why would that bastard worry about me?
"Oh darling you had me worried you forgot about our time together," he smiles at me, though I can never tell what's hidden underneath those smiles.
"Yeah well I ran into some issues prior," I smirk putting a hand on my hip, "and it was still better than being stuck with you."
"My little princess aren't you being extra snarky today," he snickers reaching a hand out towards me. I slap it away before he even gets close.
"Who the hell said you could touch me?" I growl, half out of anger, half out of wanting to get on his nerves.
He just sighs and starts towards the building, "honestly I thought we were past such childishness."
"In your dreams," I run past him to the stairs and stick my tongue out at him before going inside.
He poofs in front of me scaring me so bad I scream, he starts to laugh at that.
"I would totally shoot you if I could," I grumble getting up, I ignore the hand he offers to help me. "So what torture am I in for today?"
"Well I want to see your gaming skills in action, I believe you'll be disappointed when I beat you," he smirks watching to see my reaction.
I don't give him one, "is that so?"
"Indeed," he opens his office door for me. I'm not surprised to see about the same set up he had last time, except the green haired boy is back.
"He's joining us?" I point at him, I think his name started with an A...
"Amaimon? Sadly yes, he wanted to play with you too," Mephisto sighs sounding annoyed, so there is something that does bother him.
I go up to Amaimon, he looks up at me a lollipop hanging out of his mouth, "you won't beat me again."
"Wanna bet?" I sit a few feet away from him watching him move the lollipop around in his mouth.
"What's a bet?" He mumbles flatly.
"Basically I bet you wont beat me and if you do I have to give you something and vice versa, make sense?"
"I guess so.." he tilts his head to the right, "I bet a trip to the candy store you won't beat me."
"Fine I bet you a night out in town I beat you, deal?" I smile at him, I know I'm gonna win and it's gonna be great seeing Mephisto's face when I'm going somewhere with this weirdo and not him.
Amaimon nods picking up a controller, "same game as last time."
"Fair," I pick up the other controller. Mephisto creeps between us his controller in hand.
"Do I not get a say in this bet?"
"And what do you wanna bet?" I roll my eyes knowing how this is going to go already.
"Hmm that depends what will you bet me?" He grins like a Cheshire Cat watching me.
"I bet you a weeks pay I'll beat you," I grin, maybe today will be a good day.
"I see, well I bet you a date with me you won't," He chuckles finally sitting down between Amaimon and I.
"Who's first?" I look between them.
"You and my brother of course," Mephisto nods as he takes a sip from some weird drink.
"Alright," I shrug starting the game. I can tell Amaimon has practiced since our last match, but I'm still able to beat him. Though I must admit it was a slight struggle.
He growls throwing his remote at the tv.
"You free tomorrow?" I grin at him, I might just have to take to the candy store anyway so he doesn't end up wanting to kill me.
He just nods as he crushes his lollipop between his teeth and shoving another in his mouth.
"My turn," Mephisto smiles at me waiting for me to start the game. It seems like an easy win for me at first, he barely gets in any attacks. I only have a few more attacks to make, but if I can make a special attack I'll win. I start to go in for it totally prepared to beat him, until Amaimon rips the controller from my hands.
I'm stunned for only a second before I tackle him trying to get it back, Mephisto had to have planned this.
I hear the game ending, I don't even have to look to see who won. I'm still on top of Amaimon, I have him pinned, he's looking up at me with a bored expression.
I sigh getting off of him, I look over at Mephisto who's wearing a smug look, "when would you like to go on our date?"
"Uh never?" I help Amaimon up even though he didn't seem to want my help.
"Sunday evening then?" He coos poofing the games and tv away.
"Fine whatever maybe I'll get hit by a truck before then," I mutter refusing to look at him, "you shouldn't even win since you cheated."
"I have no control over my dear brother isn't that right?" He winks at Amaimon who now has two bags of candy in his hands. Yeah, totally no control...
"Well I've had enough of you today," I walk by Amaimon snatching a few pieces of candy despite his growling. "I'll see you tomorrow Amaimon, I'll come get you about noon."
"Fine," he tilts his head watching me strut up to Mephisto.
"And I do not want to see anymore of you until I possibly have to understood?" I stand on my tippy toes so I'm almost looking him in the eyes.
"I'll see you Sunday princess," he chuckles and before I can do anything about it he runs his hand through my hair, "I'll pick out a nice dress for you to wear."
I smack his hand hard before making my exit, I make a point to slam the door behind me.
Honestly how did I get stuck working with such weirdos?

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