The dreaded date

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I've been laying in bed the past hour dreading the very thought of having to go anywhere with Mephisto as his date. I would rather kiss a hobo-goblin than deal with this, I mean at least he can be a gentleman at times. Then again he's also a total perv at the same time....
I pick my phone up and scroll through Rex's messages to me from last night, I think he was drunk again.
I shoot him a quick good morning text before dragging myself to the shower, I can't lay around all day.
I make myself look presentable, I don't bother drying my hair. I guess I should go to the market this morning, I need to pick up some drinks and stuff to make lunch for this week.
I pick my phone up checking to see if Rex answered me yet, he didn't. I grab my little purse and head out the door, the suns shining among a few puffy clouds. It's pretty decent day.
I make it just outside of campus when my phone starts to ring, I glance at the screen to find it's an unknown number. I figure it must be one of the exorcists from the academy or Yukio to talk about my schedule or something so I answer.
"Ah Harlow Trenston?" The voice is a woman's and totally unfamiliar to me.
"Yeah who's this?"
"You'll find that out soon enough," they chuckle and it sends chills down my spine. Is this the clowns idea of a joke?
The woman whoever it was hangs up after that, I get the feeling I'm being watched and almost want to call Mephisto to ask if this is a joke. I really don't want to give him the satisfaction however so I continue my walk, I do end up calling Rex as I reach town though.
"Harley bug!" He chirps into the phone, he sounds like he just woke up.
"Oh thank god you answered, some creep just called me, now I feel like I'm getting watched," I sigh relieved to have someone to talk with.
"Is it that perv you told me about?" His voice hardens.
"No, at least I don't think..." I trail off, if Rex would find out I have to go on a date with that clown.
He doesn't say anything for a few minutes, "I wish I could be there...."
"It's alright Rex, I think I'm just overreacting," I try to sound more confident than I feel. I'm almost to the store at least. "I'm almost at the market, I'll call you back when I get out kay?"
"You better Harley-bug," he sighs worried.
I hang up and go inside, I grab what I need and head to the check out.
I get outside and notice a few people standing by the door, a few of them look like exorcists from the academy.
"Harlow?" One of the guys ask, a small smile creeping onto his face. I nod not stopping to talk, but he makes a point to catch up with me. "I've heard so much about you."
His friends come up behind me, they surround me. I drop my bag getting ready to fight, today is not the day for this.
"Now, now, there's really no need for that," a woman steps forward, it's the lady I helped the other day, "you have so much potential."
"Potential for what exactly?" I growl keeping my stance fight ready.
"To help our master of course," she grins nodding her head at the guys. Four of them rush at me at once, I manage to get a few kicks in, but I'm not match for all of them.
They pin me to the ground, I squirm in their grasp determined not to be easy prey.
I see the woman reach into a bag and pull out a cloth, a brief moment of true terror takes over me as I realize I might actually die today.
I see her approaching me and do my best to keep fighting, these guys have to tire out eventually....
She leans down and grabs my face, I scream for help but apparently the people in the area think I'm a demon or something and just continue about their business
She shoves the cloth over my nose and mouth, I try to hold my breath as long as I can, but she nods to one of the guys and he elbows me in the back hard enough I have to gasp.
My vision starts getting spotty and I feel like I'm about to puke, the last thing I see is her wicked smiling face.

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