Welcome, welcome

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I wake up with a pounding headache and cold metal meets my back, it occurs to me I've been put in a hospital gown.
Where the hell am I?
I try to sit up but there's restraints around my wrists and an IV in my right arm, this room however looks more like a death trap than a hospital.
I take note of the blood stains that have been poorly wiped from the walls and the large glass windows next to the door. I try to wiggle out of the restraints, but I end up making my wrist bleed.
The door creaks open while I'm struggling, a very small and grotesque looking man comes in.
"Look who's finally awake!" He beams coming over to stand way too close to me, "we're going to have so much fun with you."
"No the hell you are not," I growl at him, I try to kick him but the restraints have barely any give.
He laughs at me, "they said you'd be a feisty one, which is exactly why you're perfect!"
"Perfect for what?" I stare him down as he walk to the side of the room where a lot of equipment lies.
"To be a vessel of course!" He picks up a couple needles filled with a bright green liquid, "but first we need to make sure you're pure enough and of course have a stronger body." He flicks the end of the needle, "this should do the trick perfectly as long as you survive."
I don't get the time to respond before he's injecting my arm with the needles. As the fluid enters my body I feel like my skin is on fire, I'm barely able to hold in a scream, and that was only one needle.
I feel tears welling up in my eyes as he moves around to my other side, I want to beg him to not do it, but I don't think I could begin to form a sentence.
He injects two more needles one in my arm and one in my neck, I can no longer stop the tears from falling, and I clench my teeth so hard I can taste blood from my gums. I will not scream, I will not give this man any more pleasure than this wicked test already does.
He watches me for what feels like hours, "good good, you haven't passed out, we should be able to begin your transformation early. Lucifer will be pleased."
He waddles from the room laughing as he does, as soon as he shuts the door I let out a small scream. It feels as though my skin is melting off my body and freezing to me all at once, if I could I would peel the flesh from my body.
I don't know how long I lay there wishing to be dead before someone comes in, it's not the fat man this time. This man looks ill and he has a tail behind him, none the less he would be considered somewhat attractive otherwise.
"Harlow?" He smiles weakly walking up to me, I see him reach his hand out and I can do nothing to avoid it. He pushes hair from my face gently, "rather odd they would bring me a female to be my vessel, you must be a perfect fit for the testing."
I can't respond to him, my throat hurts as much as the rest of me, I can't believe I'm still able to focus on anything.
"I almost feel guilty, you're so young aren't you? And I know my brother has taken a liking to you," he sighs a little bit rubbing my forehead with his thumb, "but I don't have time to feel guilt, I barely have time at all."
He takes his hand away, "I just wanted to visit you before Michael starts the next round of testing, that's usually when his subjects die."
That last statement send a new sense of horror coursing through me, there's more of this? It gets worse than this?
I don't know if I'll survive, my only hope now is that someone will realize I'm gone, even if it is the clown.
The man leaves the room even slower than he came in, I don't know how long I have for the doctor to come back, but I have to try to do something. I wiggle around as much as I can through the pain, I bit my tongue trying to hold my shrieks and know there is blood dripping off my chin, but I don't even feel it compared to the rest of my body.
I don't know how much more of this I'll be able to take.....

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