The Pain

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I've lost count of how long I've been here, it could be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. They've taken the original IV out of me, but that did little to help me. The pain has never ended, I've gotten to the point where I'm practically numb to it until a new injection. The doctor said I'm the only one to survive this far, that I should be honored I've been chosen for this.
I wanted to tell him that if I should feel honored for this, I'd rather be in hell. Then again this place has to be pretty close to it.
On the rare occasions they take me to force me to eat or clean myself from my own blood, I've noticed I don't look like myself anymore.
I'm thinner, and my skin is patchy from both the injects and the rubbing of restraints against my skin. Some parts of me look burned, in a couple of those places blood nearly always is dripping from them.
I have dark circles under my eyes too, but what else would be expected when I barely ever sleep?
If this is what a vessel is supposed to look like for a demon, no wonder Lucifer is always dying.
Today is one of the good days, the doctor won't be in for awhile the guards told me. That means they're going to make sure I can still walk and I won't be getting tortured. That's my only joy in this place, if it can even be considered that. The guards still try to treat like I'm at least somewhat human and not just a test subject.
They know I'm too weak to fight back, that may be the only reason.
They come in the room, two of them, they take my restraints off and take one of my arms each until they ease me into a standing position. It hurts, it hurts so much to move I cry nearly every time. They do more of the walking than I do as they lead me into the hall.
Unlike most days they do this the hallway is crowded with people, one in particular catches my attention. He has pink hair, he looks like a perfect double of the kid from Yukio's class.
Why can't I remember his name?
He makes eye contact with me for the briefest of seconds and his eyes go wide, but he keeps his composure and looks away.
It couldn't be could it?
The guards shake me a little when they catch me starting too much, they take me to their break room as usual when they want me to eat.
One of them carefully sits me down while the other gets a small amount of whatever it is they have to eat for the day for me. I'd like to say I get fed at least once a day, but it's more like once whoever someone remembers I can starve.
The guard sets my food down and gets me a small glass of water, by now they know I'm too weak to eat myself for the most part so one of them feeds me. It's a very slow process because it takes me forever to chew and my throat constantly feels like it's burning. I often puke up most of what I eat, and no one has come up with a solution for that yet.
Once they get most of the food in me and a cup of water to stay down, they escort me back to my room. I guess today isn't one of the days I get to have the blood cleaned from me...
They don't restrain me right away instead they sit me on my table and stand in the room with me. I don't know how long they stay, but eventually I'm restrained back to the table and left alone again.
It's not long after that the doctor comes in with his usual box of injections, "good news, good news! We're putting you on an IV today to give your body more vitamins."
That's what he considers good news?
I brace myself for the injections before he even does them, this is the routine, I suffer and he laughs.
A lady comes in to help him with the IV the mixture inside is a sickening orange, something tells me it's not really vitamins. He stays in the room for only a few moments to make sure I have no major reactions and then they leave.
I stare at the faded ceiling, the only thing reminding me that I'm still just in a building somewhere. I've counted the ceiling tiles as a distraction from my pain, there's only 56. I start to count them again when I hear screaming coming from the hallway, a lot of screaming and gunshots.
I lift my head as much as possible to try to see in the window, I don't see anything though. The screams are getting closer and someone slams the door to my room open. It's the doctor and the guards, they rush over and remove my restraints. I'm thrown over one of their shoulders like a doll the IV rips out of my arm making blood pour from where the needle was.
They run into the hall I see people everywhere fighting and pointing guns, the doctor is trying to find an exit, but he comes to a dead stop. The guard nearly trips over him and drops me, but he repositions me right before.
I hear a gunshot from the guard, but then he falls down and the doctor is gone. The guard carrying me throws me on the ground and starts to run, I whimper as pain shoots me fresh and new. The pain of some part of me getting injured, it's enough that I'm starting to see spots, it's been so long since I've seen the spots. My vision starts to go black, but not before I see someone reaching down to get me.

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