So Unfamiliar

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I wake up fairly early which surprises me, I was positive I'd be running on jet lag for at least a week, guess not.
I take a quick shower cause to be honest I feel pretty gross, I throw on some black skinny jeans and a red and black flannel that has a sugar skull on the back of it, Cara found it for me in the mall not long ago. I should do my makeup, but I did just wash my face, it's not like there's any reason for me to wear any today anyway.
I come out of the bathroom throwing my dirty clothes in the corner for now, I grab my phone to turn on some music before grabbing my wallet, purses are so over rated. I surprisingly did remember to get my money switched before coming here, that means I can buy myself some coffee and breakfast.
I turn around to get my shoes and scream nearly throwing my phone across the room, Mephisto is siting on my bed watching me. That doesn't scream perv at all, "What the hell you clown!"
He starts laughing and shaking his head, "did you forget about our plans so soon?"
"You said afternoon, does it look like afternoon to you?" I growl picking my shoes up and shutting my music off.
"Well no, but I was informed I have to be in a meeting this afternoon, I was right to assume you'd be ready," he stands up a sly smile on his lips, "you do look lovely by the way."
I groan as I tie my shoes up, "well you're buying me breakfast at least, right?"
"Of course darling," he heads towards the door, I follow after him already dreading being spotted in public with him, he's literally nothing but a clown wearing prada.
The walk is pretty silent and awkward for me at least, I can't speak for Mephisto, I don't see how anything could be awkward for him.
"So, Mephisto being that I'm stuck with you for the moment and literally can't ask anyone else, where could a girl get some new clothes around here?" I look at him hoping to at least get a conversation going, whether I take his advice or not is yet to be determined.
"Hmm clothing to fit someone such as yourself, why I think it would be much more fun if I show you wouldn't it?"
"For you I'm sure it would be," I mutter, so much for a decent conversation. He leads me to a small café, a waiter sits us in a corner by the windows telling us it will be a few minutes.
I glance around out the window noticing some people walking around in weird costumes, "Is it Halloween here or something?" I glance back at Mephisto, he took his hat off and I can not help but to giggle at the swirl of hair on his head.
"What are you laughing at?" He raises an eyebrow leaning forward, he puts his head in his hands to watch the people in costumes, "they are cosplaying for the anime convention, it's rather obvious is it not?"
"The what?"
"Anime convention, you surely do know what anime is?"
I shake my head, "never even heard of cosplay to be honest."
His eyes widen, "my my what a sheltered life you've lived darling, I must introduce you to Japanese culture."
"No thanks...." I mumble pulling my phone out, Mephisto grabs it out of my hands making me curse under my breath.
"What if I were to make you a bargain?" He snickers holding my phone between a few fingers so it is dangling in front of me.
"Does it involve you getting a black eye if you don't give my phone back?"
"You'll have it back in a moment," he sighs sitting it down on the table, "my bargain is if you let me give you lessons in Japanese culture, or in the very least introduce you to anime, I will buy you new clothes from a high end store."
I grab my phone glancing at the screen quickly noticing I've gotten a few more messages, they'll be time to check those later, I shove back in my pocket so grabby hands can't steal it again. "And what exactly would you be getting out of that?"
"That is not the point, will you accept or not?"
I sigh, this is going to be a mistake, but free expensive clothes, who would say no to that? "Fine, whatever it's your money to waste not mine," I shrug just as our waiter comes over. We both order our drinks and food, Mephisto grins at me as the waiter leaves our table.
"Did I mention that I will be picking the clothes out for you?" He chuckles as I clench my fist.
"Bastard," I grumble leaning back in my seat.
"Should a sweet girl like you really say such harsh things?" He snickers looking me over for the thousandth time, "Do tell me about yourself, I'm very curious."
"I'll pass," I shift around in my seat, "by the way instead of looking at me every five seconds just take a picture it'll last longer."
He chuckles turning his gaze back to the window, "I believe you'd try to kill me if I took up that offer."
"Perhaps," I smile a little bit, maybe he's finally starting to get where I stand with him.
Our food comes out shortly after, we eat in silence, the way I like it. I'm so glad they had coffee here, I'd be a zombie if they didn't.
"You prefer coffee over tea?" He asks as I'm set my empty cup down.
"Very much so," I nod pushing my empty plate over to the side.
"No thanks."
"Suit yourself," he sets a credit card on the table, he glances at his pocket watch sighing.
"Ready?" I stand up stretching my arms above my head.
He simply nods, taking the receipt and his card, I lead the way back to the now crowded streets.
"This way darling," Mephisto calls, I didn't even notice he started walking sometimes I'm a real space case. I jog to catch up with him, for the sole reason I don't want to get lost.
"Ya know I have a name don't you?" I say as I catch up to him, "it sure isn't darling either."
"Would you prefer I call you princess?" He snickers putting his hat back on.
"No, I'd prefer you call me Harlow since it is my name," I flinch as someone bumps into me making me shoulder Mephisto, "sorry..."
"Harlow, very interesting name isn't it?"
"Not really no, my friends call me Harley, and that does not include you if you're wondering."
"What was that princess?" He glances at me from the corner of his eye a smile spreading across his face, this clown is always smiling I swear.
"You're a real piece of work ya know that?"
"I would hope so," he stops me in front of a huge store, the name of which I can not even begin to pronounce, "Wait out here while I shop for you understood?"
"And if I don't?" I glare at him, it's not like I could go anywhere I don't know anything about this city, and I think he must know that as he chuckles going into the store without a word.
I feel like I've been standing out here for hours before he finally comes out of the store carrying at least a dozen bags, he grins at me as he snaps poofing them all away.
"Did you buy the whole store?" I grumble as he comes to meet me, "and where'd you put all that stuff?"
"Actually I nearly bought you one of everything," he chuckles as my expression changes to one of horror, "and I have put it in your room for you, now about our lessons, I believe I am free tomorrow afternoon?"
I sigh rubbing my face, I've walked into a train wreck, "fine whatever, tomorrow afternoon it is."
"Splendid, well I do hate to be rude, but I have a meeting that I'm already quite late for," he waves, I start to say something, however I'm too late as he is poofing away already leaving behind nothing but a cloud of pink smoke.
Well that is just perfect, the bastard left me with no idea how to get back to the damn school, great!
I groan throwing my hands up in the air not caring who wants to stop to stare at me, I start walking in a random direction, hopefully luck is on my side for once. I walk about a mile before I remember I have my phone in my pocket, sometimes I'm really a dumbass, I take it out and start typing in the school address.
As soon as I get directions I head in the right direction, it doesn't take me long before I start to see the familiar school buildings in the distance, so I decide to call up Rex.
The phone rings for awhile, I start to think he actually is not gonna answer when he picks it up on the last ring, "hello sugar pie," he chuckles into the phone, "miss me already huh?"
"Yeah you wish," I can't help but to smile to myself, "how are ya? Is Cara around?"
"Alright missing you like crazy though, and course she's around were at the office."
"Have I been replaced yet?" I sigh secretly hoping they haven't found anyone yet.
"Nah, I don't think they're even gonna try to replace ya sugar, so far it's just been us and paperwork."
"Can I talk to Cara? Just for a sec?"
"Sure thing, hang on a sec." I hear him calling for Cara and in an instant I get a happy cheerful greeting from her.
"Oh Harley how are you? Made any friends yet? How's the school?" She talks quickly I barely catch everything she says.
"I'm good, not really no and it's huge, I haven't started work yet though so."
"Oh, hey can we video chat like tomorrow evening? I gotta run to finish some stuff right now?"
"Yeah, that's fine," I hear the phone being handed back to Rex, "well I just got back to the academy so I should probably go."
"But Harley I only got to talk to ya for like five minutes," he whines into the phone, I can just imagine him spinning around on his desk chair while he talks to me, he can never sit still when he's on the phone.
"I'll call you later I promise," I sigh and giggle a little bit.
"Ya promise? Your still my person ya know..."
"I promise, bye Rex," I hang up before he can protest anymore. I walk to my dorm thankfully it's only afternoon so I have time to find that bastard after his meeting is over.
Then again that might be exactly what he wants....maybe I'll just wait until tomorrow, I have to see him for our dumb culture lesson anyway.
I shrug it off going back to my dorm, I find all of the bags he had from the store sitting neatly by my bed, I'm filled with both curiosity and dread as I think about going through them.
I grab a bag and dump it on my bed, I'm shocked to find a bunch of new skinny jeans and leggings, I dump another bag out finding a bunch of new shirts ranging from t-shirts to flannels. I go through all of them covering my bed in a ton of clothes and throwing the bags in the corner again.
Once I've finished sorting through it all I'm pleasantly surprised with the clown, I have a lot of new jeans, leggings, shirts, hoodies, dresses, a few skirts and even a new set of pajamas. I hate to admit it, but I might just have to thank him for this, it definitely makes up for him abandoning me in the middle of the city, somewhat.

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