Where it Began

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I wake up to the sound of gun shots coming from outside my window, I feel my heart racing as I crawl out of bed not even bothering to put shoes on. I run outside to see my mother and father shooting at a large zombie looking creature, it has to be a demon they told me about those before....
"Mommy!" I yell running to them ignoring the wet and bloodied ground around me, my neighbors house is burning and the air smells funny. There's black snowflakes falling from the sky, but snow isn't supposed to be black is it?
She turns to look at me, her face horror stricken, "go back inside Harlow!"
She starts to come towards me, but another zombie monster crawls from my neighbors house, some of its flesh melting as it charges at my mother.
I can't bring myself to move, I'm frozen to the ground as I watch it pick her up and throw her into the fire.
"You bastard!" My father shouts loudly at the monster starting to shoot at it ignoring the one already chasing him. I back up slowly towards the house only to be grabbed and lifted into the air, I start screaming as I'm thrown through the air. I hit the ground, everything goes black around me just as I see my father falling to the ground and hear a loud explosion behind me.
I wake up screaming in a cold sweat, my blankets are laying on the ground below my bed. I can't stop the tears that start to fall from my eyes, it all feels too real. I taste their hot saltiness in my mouth as I continue to sob for, I don't even know how long it feels like hours. Suddenly I feel arms wrapping around me and a calming voice telling me everything is going to be okay.
"Harlow, I'm so sorry Harlow the medicine was supposed to stop those dreams," My new mother pulls me close to her rubbing my back while I cry.
"Make her shut up," Britney groans from the bed next to mine burying her head in a pillow. I slowly start to forget the nightmare as Britney continues to complain to her mother, my mother now too, that she wants her own room.
"You know very well this is hard on her Brit," she sighs running her hand through my hair slowly, "try to be understanding okay?"
"I have been trying," Brit mutters sitting up, "it's been nearly a month, she needs to get over it."
Our mom shakes her head letting me go, my tears are finally starting to dry up, "come now Harlow I'll sit with you on the couch and make you some calming tea, how's that sound?"
I say nothing instead letting her lead me numbly out of the room and down to the living room. I sit on the couch pulling my knees up to my chest and rocking back and forth slowly.
She comes back in after a few minutes carrying a small tray with a tea kettle, cups, and a few cookies, she sets it in front of me on the little oak coffee table before she sits next to me.
"Harlow..." she sighs rubbing her hands together in her lap, "I think we need to talk."
I turn my head to look at her, even after being here a month I've barely said ten words to either of them, I know they're trying, but they still are not my real family...
She has gotten used to my body language enough to be able to just know what I'm thinking somehow though, so she knows that I'm paying attention to her now, even if I won't speak.
"I know this is hard for you, no one should lose their family, at your age especially," she lays a hand on my back, rubbing it up and down slowly, "I know you are only nine, but I think it's time I start to teach you about exorcism, only of course if you want me too, I don't want to force you to do anything."
I stare at her for a few moments enjoying the feeling of her touch on my back, it helps erase the bad thoughts, "is that what my mom and dad did...? Were they exorcists...?"
She nods sharply once, she doesn't like talking about then any more than I do now, it hurts her too, I know she was best friends with my mom.
"I want to learn then," I sigh quietly unfolding myself, I gingerly pick up my cup of tea and take a few sips of it letting the warm liquid quench my thirst despite the flowery taste that I can't stand. "I want to be able to protect people someday, like they did, so no one else dies..."
"Alright Harlow," she smiles at me slightly, she scoots closer to me, I let her put an arm around me so I can lay my head on her chest, "I'll teach you, so you can be the best exorcist ever okay?"
I nod hugging her tightly tears threatening to spill from my eyes again, "I just want the dreams to stop, I don't want to remember anymore..."
"I know sweetheart, I know..." She covers us up with a blanket, then she hands me a cookie and my tea, "are you gonna be able to get some more sleep tonight?"
"Will you stay with me?" I look up at her hopefully.
"Of course Harlow, do you want Liz too?" She smiles, Liz is my stuffed tiger, one of the only things not to burn in the fire that night....
I nod feeling a little embarrassed that I don't want to be alone, "can we sleep out here?"
"Absolutely, I'll be right back with a pillow and little Liz," she ruffles my hair getting up and going back upstairs.
I wait for her to come back only able to think about what she said, I'm going to be an exorcist, just like my mom and dad, what if I woulda been able protect them?
She comes back down in a few moments carrying Liz and a pillow in her arm, she hands Liz to me, I squeeze her tightly while my mom fixes the blankets up for us. 
She lays down beside me putting an arm around me, "I love you Harlow."
I close my eyes feeling almost comfortable, at least more than I have since that night. I almost feel like I'm home with my real mom again.
Someday I'll be just like my mom and Dad, I'll protect the world from those evil monsters so nobody else gets hurt...
Someday I'm gonna be the best exorcist ever...

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