Feeling better?

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Two days later and Rex has yet to show back up, my mother and Cara have still come everyday, they're only here for three more days.
During yesterday's visit, while Mephisto was talking with my doctors, he happened to hear my mother and Cara talking. Apparently Cara is very unnerved by his constant presence with me, my mother on the other hand has just stayed silent.
This led him to poof into his little dog form for today's visit, and he laid at the bottom of my bed the entire time while Cara talked about Rex and how thankful she was Mephisto wasn't there for once so he could come see me.
I guess he's been waiting for me to be alone to come talk to me, I still don't know what I'm going to say to him. I don't feel sorry, he was way out of line in the first place.
Cara and my mom just left, Mephisto gets up, he moves closer to me nudging his head under my hand before sitting back down.
I scratch his head a little absent minded, "you know this is still hella weird."
"Which aspect?" He glances back at me, his pointed ears are turning with every noise.
"Oh pfft I wonder," I raise my hands up in the air, "let's see where to start, I have a dog sitting on my bed who turns into a person-"
"Princess," he cuts me off looking back at me again.
"What?" I look at him beginning to scratch his head again.
He nods towards the door where Rex is standing, has he been in the waiting room everyday when Cara and mom visit?
How long has he been there....?
"Shit," I stare at him, I wave meekly. He backs out the door slowly. "Well damnit."
Mephisto closes his eyes pretending to be asleep when he hears footsteps.
Rex walks back in after a few moments his eyes wide, "what the fuck."
"What?" I tilt my head faking a smile, I keep scratching Mephisto's head as Rex walks over.
"Don't you what me," he snorts looking at Mephisto, "you were talking to that dog and it answered you."
"No I wasn't," I put on my best confused act, "why would I talk to a dog in the first place?"
"Then where'd it come from?" His eyes narrow the longer he looks, "dogs aren't allowed in hospitals."
"Well he's actually Mephisto's," I retort hoping with every fiber in my being that for once in his goddamn life Mephisto will play along, "he's here to keep me company until Mephisto gets back."
"I don't buy it," he crosses his arms, I stop scratching Mephisto's head.
"Well what do you want me to say then Rex?" I shrug throwing my hands up, "I found a magical talking dog on my med trip?"
"Shit," he sighs sitting down in one of the chairs, "sorry Harley."
"Sorry?" I stare at him bewildered, "I'm not the one you should be saying sorry too."
"Well what was I supposed to do?" He looks over at me, he looks lost.
"Um not try to punch someone in the face you barely know?" I mutter looking down at Mephisto.
"He's a creep Harley!" Rex does a poor job at keeping his voice calm, "he acts like...he acts like you love him."
"And you don't?" The words are out of my mouth before I have time to think about it.
"But..." he sighs rubbing his face, I can tell I hit a sore spot, "you don't exactly stop me."
"Like hell I don't," I retort picking up the necklace he got me, "I tell you not to do a million things, I told you a long time ago I didn't want to date you Rex."
"So what then?" His gaze falls to the necklace and then to my ring, "you love that creep?"
I start scratching Mephisto's head again, "No...of course not.." I know Mephisto is looking at me, I make a point to look absolutely anywhere else, "how could I?"
"Then why's he always here Harley?" Rex stands up walking to the bedside, "Why the hell are you two always holding hands or something."
Mephisto and Rex are both staring at me now, a mixture of shame and anger are coursing through me.
"Why the fuck does it matter?" I grit my teeth to stop me from yelling.
"That's not an answer," he looks at Mephisto, he wants to prove that I'm lying, instead he grabs my plush bunny. "Then where's this from?"
"What?" He changed the subject so fast I'm a little taken aback, what does a plushie matter? "Who got you this?"
"Mephisto..." I mumble reaching for it back, surprisingly he does give it back to me.
"And let me guess," Rex looks down getting quiet, "he bought you everything else too?"
"Yeah he did..." I sigh squeezing the necklace in my hand, "it really is a nice necklace Rex."
"You're not going to answer me are you?" He talks barely above a whisper.
"Rex I don't know," I set the necklace back down on the nightstand, "I don't know, he was here and well none of you guys could be."
"Well we're here now....I'm here now," he takes a step away from me, "but I guess so is the damn clown."
He shrugs turning around, I feel myself shaking, I think I'm going to throw up.
"Rex..." I look at him, I can't do this anymore, "please just tell me we're okay."
"I'm going to get a drink," he won't even look at me as he heads to the doors, "I'll be back to see you tomorrow with your mom and sparkles, probably."
With that he's gone, I'm not sure I'm ever going to get the old him I know back. I don't know how long I've been crying, but I'm crying. I keep it silent, this is nothing but inner pain. I brought this upon myself...I have to accept that.
I notice Mephisto has sat up, he's watching me quietly. I don't really think he knows what to do right now, and I haven't the slightest idea what to say to him.
He jumps from my bed in a cloud of pink smoke he stands up back to normal, I can't tell what he's feeling. I don't know who I hate more right now Rex or myself, scratch that, I hate myself a shit ton more.
"I'm sorry," I pull my knees to my chest, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Princess?" He squeezes my shoulder trying to get my attention. I don't move, I don't even acknowledge him.
He sighs walking around the bed, he sits next to me readjusting the pillow behind him, "I have time darling."
"Why...." I mumble hugging my knees tighter, "why the hell aren't you mad at me too?"
He sighs looking over at me, "what good would that do you?"
I don't say anything, I pick up my plushie squeezing it against me.
"You should rest."
"Are you still staying?" I mumble glancing at him.
"Of course," he reaches a hand out to me with a raised eyebrow. "We are still on good terms correct darling?"
"But..." I sigh looking at his hand, I stretch my legs back out, "after what I said?"
"Humans don't always mean what they say," he snickers taking my hand.
I set my plushie back down, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"Whatever you'd like it to," he smirks squeezing my hand.
"I think you're just being civil because you want that date," I grumble shaking my hand free of his.
"Perhaps, but I was under the belief the other night was our date," he chuckles finding my hand again, "was I wrong?"
"Wait, wait..what?" I look at him a little startled, "why?"
"You were happy and I found it to be quite amusing," he smiles, it's different than normal it's more warm.
"Oh..." I look down ignoring the warmness in my face. "Well I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore at least..."
"Unless of course you'd like for me to take you on an actual date," he chuckles watching me, "once you're better."
"I might owe it to you," I sigh looking at our entangled hands. "I'm a mess, a goddamn mess."
He leans back getting comfortable, "would it make you feel better if I show your family who I am tomorrow?"
"How the hell would that make me feel better?" I frown squeezing his hand. "Rex would actually try to kill you if he knew you were here today."
"Ah, but it would be amusing wouldn't it?" He grins a little wickedly.
"Is that all you ever think about?" I groan, I can feel him still looking at me.
"You know demons like myself were not designed to feel," he sighs turning his attention to the ceiling. "That makes my dealings with you all the more challenging."
"Fair enough," I poke Mephisto's cheek with my free hand, "you could've fooled me though."
"I've been around longer than your entire family," he chuckles, sounding a little sad. "I would hope I could fool humans by now."
"Oh yeah," I frown letting that realization really hit me for once, "you're like hella old."
He just laughs, "glad to see you're cheering up."
"By the way," I narrow my eyes a little bit, "when did I say you could lay here?"
"Hmm did you say I couldn't?" He smirks releasing my hand.
"Well I guess not," I grumble wondering what exactly is going through his mind.
"I believe I will make a proper introduction to your guests tomorrow," he puts his arm around my shoulders, "if you'll allow me."
I glance at him, what the hell did I get myself into?
"Why?" I mumble not bothering to question his sudden bold attempt at affection.
"To be rather honest," he chuckles playing with the back of my hair, "as I'm sure you're aware I've grown rather fond of your company darling."
"Woooah woah woah," I bolt up away from him, I stare back at him, "what are you saying?"
"Did I say something wrong?" He's smirking.
"Why today?" I groan rubbing my face, my insides are a mess, "damnit why today?"
"Humans are more honest amid chaos," he laughs proofing himself into yet another new pair of pajamas, "And perhaps I just want to toy with you."
"Oh I know you do," I look back at him a little annoyed, "you like to play games with everybody."
"Ah yes, see humans are all little chess pieces in my mind, most of them are nothing but pawns," he reaches out to touch my head, I move away from him, "but I have yet to toy with you princess, for you're no longer a pawn."
"Why the hell are you talking in riddles?" I mutter, I lean back letting him drape his arm over my shoulders again. "You know you will get absolutely murdered."
"I don't think I have to worry about that darling," he twirls a strand of my hair around his finger. "In fact the only thing I'm worrying about is if you'll accept."
"Accept what exactly?" I look at him, he actually looks like he's being genuine for once.
"I would like to take you on another date princess," he stops playing with my hair, "but I'd prefer it was as a couple."
"Mephisto...." I cover my face in my hands, Rex is never going to speak to me again...
"In case you're wondering," he pulls my hands away from my face, "this is not because I want to compete with that boy."
"Shit," I look at his face, I can't decide what he's thinking. "How about we see how tomorrow goes, but none of the dog business just yet. Since my moms involved let's just go with you, even tho that's not much better."
"Is that a yes then darling?" He chuckles shifting closer to me.
"I'm not making any promises," I mumble knowing I must be blushing. I lay my head on his shoulder, "I hate you."
"Yes I know," he shifts until my head is on his chest. I feel him running his fingers through my hair, "to be quite fair I did not expect to end up here myself."
"Liar," I lay my arms across him, "you were trying to date me when I first got here."
"I don't know what you're talking about," he chuckles, I feel him kiss my head.
"Mhm," I yawn stretching a little bit, "by the way your brother was kinda cute if you get past the whole he tried to have me nearly killed part."
"Lucifer?" There's an edge in his voice, "you met my brother?"
"Only once that I remember, he felt kinda bad about the whole situation I think," I lean my head back so I can see his face, "even he knew you liked me."
"Mmm is that so?" I notice he's almost blushing...almost. That would be a first.
"Ya know are the doctors really okay with this?" I wonder aloud.
"Are they going to tell me no?" Mephisto laughs.
"You have a good point," I move my head back down yawning again.
"Get some rest love," he keeps running his hands through my hair, "I believe tomorrow will be a long day."
"For us both," I inch myself more onto my side, "but at least we won't be alone."

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