Ch. 6 -Kaira-

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"Congratulations, Avni." Di said.

"So, when is the big day?" Aunty asked.

"Families have decided 4 months from now." Avni answered, grinning. I still can't believe that this idiot here is going to be married, I feel so sorry for her in laws some times.

"Why don't you two pretty ladies have boyfriends?" Aunty asked, turning to me and Aisha, Aisha silently asked with her eyes," Will you answer, or should I? " I could feel a pair of eyes burning a hole in my head, I turned to find Ishaan staring intently at me.

I raised an eyebrow, as to ask why the fuck you burning a hole in my head? while Aisha proceeded to answer Aunt's question.

"I have been busy with the work lately, and Kaira here barely tolerates people, boys are a far shot." She said.

"Yeah, we saw that with Ishaan just now." Sakhi Di commented laughing.

"Kaira Di, where are you all going this weekend?" Misha asked diverting my attention.

"I don't know, Aisha is in charge of that, but I can definitely say it would be something wonderful." I said to her.

"Yeah, Misha told us about your trips. She came from McDonald's that day and was all giddy." Sakhi Di said laughing.

"Yeah. These trips have always been amazing, majorly because Kaira is a very good source of entertainment." Avni said laughing.

"Excuse me, it's not really my fault that people do weird things and I just comment on them." I said in my defense.

"Very creative and astringent comments, if I might add." Avni said.

"You three are very close. How many years have you all spent together?" Aunty asked observing our banter.

"9 with Kaira, and me and Avni are childhood friends." Aisha answered with a smile. Yup, that's true, we met in college, second year and she introduced me to Avni, who was also cool at that time, I don't know how she grew up to be this annoying person.

"Woww." Sakhi Di said.

"So, what all you guys do?" Aunty asked. Okay, I see there, what is going on.

"I am a psychologist, and - " Aisha started but was cut off by Misha.

"Kaira Di works at Indian embassy." She answered loudly.

"Good girl, you remembered." I said and she high fived me, she giggled.

"Guys, we gotta go. Called plumber around 4 remember?" Avni said looking at her watch.

"But your shopping spree?" I asked.

"Maybe another time madam, and you are the one whose legs aren't cooperating." Avni answered and Aisha laughed.

"Then I will just go back and attend to the plumber. You guys complete your exclusive shopping spree." I replied shrugging.

"Will you be alright alone?" Aisha asked.

"Babe, did you forget the time I beat Evan Nicols alone." I stressed the word alone.

"You were not alone, Aman was with you." Avni commented rolling her eyes.

"Oops, I forgot that your fiancé was there too." I replied with a smirk.

"How about this? Ishaan can take Kaira home and we will shop with you." Sakhi Di replied. I completely forgot that they were here too, listening to our rubbish banter.

"Good idea Di." Avni replied looking at with a smirk, and I am guessing Aisha has already told her everything, well there is not much to tell but Aishu likes to exaggerate things like this because she is a hopeless romantic.

"So, Kaira?" Aunty looked at me with so much hope, I couldn't deny her.

"Fine." I sighed.

"I will see you guys at home." I spoke to Aisha and Avni glaring at them, and they grinned like they won at something. We finished our lunch and Aunty commanded Ishaan to keep me safe, as if I needed protection.

Ishaan was quiet during the dinner, but I found out the reason as soon as I sat inside the car, he closed the door and sat in his place and started to speak.

"Um, I attached a little something at the end of document I last sent. Please tell me that you didn't forward it straight to the ambassador." He asked me, and all I wanted to laugh out loud at the face he was making.

I am not stupid, I read what was written and carefully detached that before forwarding the document. It was a flirty pick up line.

Dang girl, are you my appendix
Because I don't understand
How you work but this feeling
In the my stomach makes
Me want to take you out.

"What? There was something? I didn't know and forwarded it." I said with a straight face.

"Please tell me you are joking." He said suddenly, applying the breaks and looking at me, like begging with his eyes to tell that it was a lie.

"Of course not, Mr. Malhotra." I said, I swear his face looked green now. I couldn't control anymore and started laughing. He looked at me perplexed.

"You read it and removed it, too. You sly woman." He said, but a smile on his lips.

"That pick-up line was so lame, who even uses lines like that anyway." I said between my laughter.

"Just wait and watch for my revenge, Ms. Bhardwaj." He said, determined and started his car again. I gave him the directions, and in no time, we were in front of my apartment.

"That's it, Mr. Malhotra." I said, getting out, but he beat me to it and was standing next to me.

"You thought I would leave you this easily. Well, you are wrong, Ms. Bhardwaj." He said.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"I won't leave you alone with a plumber in your house." He clarified and gestured me to lead the way. For a minute there, I thought he was talking about me, well, in a sense, he was.

He came in behind me and sat on the couch while I called the plumber to make sure he was coming or else all this would be in vain. I did not come with Ishaan Malhotra for nothing, and if that man cancels today's job, I will drag him out of his house, because this is the third time, the issue with the tap is happening.

Hellooooo peopleee!!!
Ishaan, being a gentleman, he is, and the pick-up line was just😂😂😂. Give love to both of them, as they are gonna need it😉☺️😚.

Keep smiling, see ya, and be happy.

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