Why Smile?

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Furia's Pov

I sighed. I pretty sure Donnie is the dependable one, trust worthy, I can tell him right? Donnie usually solves the problems. So I can trust him, right?

"I'll tell you, but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone. I trusting you with this information." I said calmly. "Do you promise not to tell?" I questioned looking into his maroon eyes, they looked so beautiful. They were sparkling and... Furia not now!

"I promise." He said smiling a bit, showing off his gap in his teeth. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. This was going to be hard to explain but I can do it, I think. 

"I had a dream, um Nightmare, of the time my mom found out I got turned into a mutant." I sighed and looked into his eyes once again. "She called me uh names and..." I could hear my voice crack, I cleared my throat. "She said she could never love a repulsive freak like me and then..." I broke in mid-sentence. I can't do this. No it's too late I have to continue. I took a deep breath and tried again. "And then she... she hit me and told me to get out." I said quietly. I felt tears building in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them slip. I felt strong arms wrap around me. I gasped from the touch, eyes wide. 

"I don't think your a freak." I heard Donnie whisper. I was completely frozen into his arms. H-He doesn't think I'm a freak? I closed my eyes and finally hugged him back. We sat there hugging, it was comforting until we heard someone clear their throat behind us. We let go quickly and stood up to see Mike and Raph standing there. Mikey had a big smirk on his face. I put my hands behind my back and stood there nervously, like a little kid when he's caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. 

"Not that I want to interrupt whatever this is but... no wait I definitely want to interrupt this." Raph chuckled. I felt a blush come across my face. 

"Whatever. What do you guys need?" Donnie asked rolling his eyes. 

"Oh we came to tell you the pizza is here!" Mikey said happily. "Do you like pizza Furia?" He asked a little worried as he jumped forward.

"Yeah its the second most important thing in my life." I smiled happily, glad to get off the topic of Donnie hugging me.

"Second?" Donnie questioned. I turned to him and blushed, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

"What's the first." Raph smirked.

"That would be my Bo-staff." I smiled. "The Bo-staff is one of the most destructive and adaptive weapons to the martial artist but that is not the reason I chose it. I don't know, it felt like it was calling me and ever since then its been my favorite weapons." I smiled thinking about my Bo-staff, waiting at home for me. No not home at my place.

"Whoa Donnie uses a bo-staff too. Jeez she totally sounded like Donnie at the beginning." Mikey commented, yawning. 

"HEY!!!" Donnie and I both shouted.

"Just because we both have common sense and talk more complex than you does not mean you should make Donnie's speech under his own category and categorize me under it." I stated matter of factually, crossing my arms.

"God she even has stupid speeches like Donnie." Raph complained. I could feel my eyes sharpen more cat-like as I growled. Raph laughed at me, knowing he was irritating me. 

"Aw look who's trying to look intimidating." Raph smirked, acting like he was scared, only to burst into laughter. I growled but then smiled. I not going to let him get the upper hand.

"Yeah your right I should show you instead." And with that I ran forward and hit a pressure point on Raph's neck. He fell to the ground quickly. I heard Donnie chuckle as Raph was grumbling in pain. I laughed cheerfully and walked out the room with Donnie following. I could hear Mikey laughing at Raph.

"Ha you just got spanked." Mikey laughed louder and then went silent. A series of crashes could be heard.

"Err she'll regret it." Raph growled. 

Donnie led me to the kitchen. Leo was already there with Splinter. Splinter stared as I entered and I stared back. It was like I had met him before. Like before I had seen him today. But I know I haven't met him before so why do I feel like I have. I looked away quickly, looking at everything besides Splinter. I leaned against the table as Donnie passed me a slice of cheese pizza. I took it gladly and started to eat. It was hot and the cheese practically dripped off the slice. 

"So Furia I must ask you a question but would your mother be Scarlet Desdemona?" Splinter asked seriously. My eyes went wide at the mention of my mother and I was thrown into a coughing attack from practically inhaling my pizza. I kept coughing and my throat started to burn. I coughed louder and I felt Donnie pat me genitally on the back. Finally the coughing stopped and I took a deep breath.

"H-How would you know that?" I said confused, my voice sounding hoarse. 

Suddenly I could hear Raph sneaking up on me. My ears twitched to find his location. He was almost behind me. 

"Oh wait one second." I put my pizza down, turning around and grabbing Raph's hand before he could even come close to hitting me. I shook my finger back and forth. "Tsk Tsk Raph. I would have thought you've learned that I have increased hearing by now. Your not that stealthy Raphael." I said pouting. He looked at me confused but before he could say anything I flipped him over my back and onto the ground. I dusted myself off and picked up my now cold pizza. I took a bite and turned to Splinter. He looked a little shocked by my martial arts skills. I smiled. "Okay, as I was saying, How do you know?" I questioned confused.

"Furia I am your father." Splinter spoke calmly. My eyes went wide and I could feel my breath pick up. I had lost my father a while ago my mom told me he died. My pizza fell out of my hand. I started to feel light headed, the room started to sway. I felt sick. 

"Alright..." I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head and the floor give away from under me. 

Donnie's Pov

I caught Furia before she hit the ground. I looked at Splinter surprised, his expression didn't change. He stayed serious. I laid Furia down carefully. 

"What do you mean your her father Master Splinter?" Leo asked questioningly. I listened intently, waiting for his reply as I checked Furia over. 

"I mean just that." He sighed and took a seat at the table. "After I met Tang Shen and Shredder struck her and took Miwa away from me. I met Scarlet, Furia's mother. She saw how upset I was as I passed by her pet shop. She had stopped me and cheered me up. I found myself returning to the pet shop every chance I got. After that we started to have an affair. I got her pregnant. The night she same back from giving birth to Furia I was headed home with you four as I present to her. I knew how much she had liked turtles, they were her favorite animal. But that night we had gotten mutated. I thought she would accept me as a rat. But when I got home and she saw I was a rat she said she could never love a mutant." He said sadly. "She said some other crude things I don't want to mention at the moment." I could feel my eyes soften. What had happened to Splinter had happened to Furia? I stood up. 

"Furia told me about her mom's reaction to her mutation." Everyone turned towards me, waiting for me to continue. "I would tell you more but I promised Furia I wouldn't. You will have to wait until she tells you herself." I said to them, rubbing my arm uncomfortably. Before anyone else could respond a soft voice could be heard from the corner of the room.

"Its okay Donnie I think my family should know what happened." We all turned to see Furia leaning against the wall a tiny smile on her face. Why smile?

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