16| You're not bothering me

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The whole university was buzzing with activity

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The whole university was buzzing with activity. Students and faculty were everywhere wrapped up in their own tasks—whether it was prepping for the upcoming fest, brainstorming fresh ideas, or rigidly planning every little detail. It was a chaotic blend of energy and motion building up to the big event.

Nitya and Arushi were strolling through the campus grounds since they had no lecture scheduled at the moment.

"Are you planning to attend the festival?" Arushi inquired of Nitya.

However, Nitya was lost in her own world. She had been on edge ever since he showed up at her doorstep. She'd unblocked his number reluctantly, and ever since, he'd been bombarding her with messages about her location and how she was doing to which she did respond but it was always with a knot of fear of setting off his temper.

True to her promise earlier, Nitya had already opened up to Virat and Arushi about her situation. Virat even went the extra mile by meeting and advising him to steer clear of her. Thankfully, it seemed like he took the hint because she hadn't received any messages from him since then.

Arushi snapped her fingers in front of Nitya, jolting her out of her trance. "Nitya?"

"Huh?" Nitya responded, slightly dazed.

"Are you still thinking about him? Don't worry, Virat had already warned him," Arushi reassured her.

Nitya was relieved over Arushi's words but there was still a nagging feeling of unease gnawing at her. It was like there was some dark storm was brewing on the horizon. However, she opted to keep those worries to herself.

"Were you saying something?"

"I was just wondering, will you be attending the fest this year since you couldn't make it last year?" Arushi repeated her question.

"I'm not entirely sure, Aru. If Papa permits, then I'll definitely try to attend. As you know, it's an evening fest, and I suppose it could go either way." 

She was well aware that the chance of her father granting permission was 10% or less. In his eyes, allowing a young girl to go out past nightfall is dangerous to her safety. He is exceedingly cautious about her whereabouts and the time she spent away from home.

"I'm gonna ensure you make it to this year's fest," Arushi shot a sly wink Nitya's way. 

Nitya shook her head. She knew all too well that when Arushi set her mind to something, there was no stopping her.

"But, don't forget, your brother's wedding is right around the corner," she interjected,  "It's crucial to keep your attention on that for now."

"I must admit, it's quite overwhelming. From morning to evening, there are countless guests and wedding planners crowding the house. It's nearly impossible to find a moment of peace," Arushi exhaled in frustration.

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