17| She hates me

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I yanked my cell phone from its charging station and shoved it into my pocket, feeling the familiar weight of the device against my thigh

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I yanked my cell phone from its charging station and shoved it into my pocket, feeling the familiar weight of the device against my thigh.

I had some afternoon lectures to attend, but I was heading to the university early to meet Nitya. She always had morning classes and I needed to apologize to her on behalf of Mom. 

The guilt of my mother's actions had been gnawing at me since yesterday, and I needed to make amends.

I stomped out of my room and made a dash for the dining table. While descending, I could hear the muffled voices of my parents growing louder.

Are they fighting? Seriously, this early in the morning?

I didn't want to let their bickering ruin my mood, so I made a snap decision to skip breakfast and head out instead. The last thing I needed was to get caught in the crossfire of their argument.

"Look who's here, your beloved son!" My father's voice boomed out.

My mother's gaze flicked towards me in a silent urge to make a quick exit and it dawned on me that the argument was about me.

What have I done now?

"What is it, Dad? What's got you so worked up this early in the morning? What have I done now?" I asked calmly.

"You're asking me what happened?" Dad snarled in disbelief, "How can you be so irresponsible?" He narrowed his eyes, as if he couldn't comprehend that I was oblivious to the situation at hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about," my voice was filled with confusion and a hint of frustration.

"What did I ask you to do yesterday?" He growled, "Didn't I tell you to head straight to the company after your classes at the university for the discussion on the upcoming project? Then why in the hell weren't you there?"

Damn it! I fucking forgot about it. I can't believe I let it slip my mind completely. I rubbed my temples. Instead of heading to the company, I had decided to go shopping with Mom. I couldn't believe how careless I had been.

This was not like me.

"I'm sorry, Dad," I apologized sincerely. "It completely slipped my mind. I won't let it happen again."

The least I could have done was call someone from the company to attend the meeting in my place. But how could I, when I'd forgotten about it altogether?

"Adwait, your apologies hold no weight given your thoughtless behavior. As the heir to this vast empire, your carelessness will bring great harm in the future. Jayant waited patiently for an hour, but you failed to show. And earlier, when you were asked to meet with him at the restaurant, you abandoned him there with Samar for an excessive amount of time. What excuse do you have to offer him?" My father sneered.

It came as no surprise to me that Dad was aware of the incident at the restaurant. He always had his network of loyal followers who reported everything and kept a watchful eye on me. Someone among the staff must have spilled the beans, for I knew Uncle Jayant would never do that.

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