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Monyi: Hey, guys, what's going on? Why are you all looking so serious?
Damon: It's Stefan. He's in trouble.
Elena: We made a new enemy, and now it looks like they've got him.
Monyi: What can I do to help?
Damon: We need Alaric on our side. Can you talk to him?
Monyi: Of course. I'll go see him right now.
(At Alaric's house)
Monyi: Alaric, we need your help. Stefan's in trouble.
Alaric: What kind of trouble?
Monyi: We made a new enemy, and they've got him.
Alaric: Okay, I'm in. Let me get my supplies.
(Back at Mystic Falls)
Matt: Kelly! You're back!
Kelly: Yeah, my car broke down in the storm. I figured it was time to come back home.
Caroline: Wait! You don't know what's happened here!
Kelly: What do you mean?
Caroline: There's been a horrific discovery! Come on, I'll show you!
(Kelly follows Caroline through the storm towards a dark alley.)
Kelly (gasps): Oh my god, what is that?!
Caroline (smiling wryly): Just one of the perks of living in Mystic Falls.

Monyi: (breathing heavily) Why did you do this to me?
Stefan: I had to. You were going to die.
Monyi: I didn't ask for this. I don't want to be a vampire.
(Doorbell rings)
Elena: (opening door) Uncle John! What are you doing here?
John Gilbert: Elena, it's good to see you again. Can we talk in private?
(They walk into the living room)
John Gilbert: I need your help, Elena. Isobel is alive and she's in danger.
Elena: (surprised) Isobel? How is that possible?
John Gilbert: She was turned into a vampire and now she's being hunted by a group of the supernatural creatures called the Originals.
Elena: (concerned) What can I do?
John Gilbert: You're the only one who can stop them. You have to find Isobel and bring her back to Mystic Falls.
Elena: How am I supposed to do that?
John Gilbert: There's a tracker spell that can locate her. We'll need the help of a powerful witch.
(Monyi enters the room)
Monyi: Did someone say witch?
Stefan: Monyi, you're a witch?
Monyi: (smiling) Tribrid actually. Vampire, werewolf, and witch all rolled into one.
Elena: (impressed) Can you help us locate Isobel with your magic powers?
Monyi: (nodding) I can try.
(They all join hands as Monyi casts the spell)
Monyi: (eyes open wide) She's in New Orleans!
John Gilbert looks at Elena with concern before returning his gaze back towards Monyi, ready for what comes from there on out

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