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It was Caroline's 18th birthday and she wasn't in the mood to celebrate. She had no family or friends left. But her faith was restored when she saw her best friends, Bonnie, Elena, and Matt at the door.
"Surprise!" They shouted as they walked in.
"You guys are amazing," Caroline said with a smile. Suddenly they were all transported to an abandoned mansion. Caroline looked around and asked, "What is this place? Why are we here?"
"It's your present," Elena said as the others nodded in agreement.
"Thanks," Caroline replied with a smile.
Meanwhile, Stefan and Damon were arguing over their next move against Klaus. Stefan wanted to take a dangerous approach, while Damon wanted to be more cautious.
"We can't just rush into things," Damon said.
"I've got this," Stefan replied before leaving quickly.
Elsewhere, Bonnie was worried about Jeremy when Elena told her about his new plans. At the Founder's meeting, Ric ran into Dr. Fell in the middle of an argument with her ex-boyfriend who happened to be the town's medical examiner.
Meanwhile Tyler refused Klaus' latest demand without any idea that Klaus has his own plans.
As midnight approached at Caroline's party, she got word of what Stefan had done from Elena on the phone. His plan had gone horribly wrong and Klaus now knew what they were up to. Suddenly there was a loud noise outside the mansion; it sounded like an explosion! All three girls' eyes  widened with fear as Kymonyi appeared at the door of the mansion covered in dirt and looking roughed up.
"This is bad guys...Klaus is coming," Kymonyi said breathlessly with fear in her voice.
"What do we do?" Caroline asked them all with wide eyes full of fear for their lives.
"Get out of here" Kymonyi commanded "I'll deal with Klaus".
There was a pause before Elena spoke up "No, we stick together".
Kymonyi nodded and used her magic to gather protection spells around the mansion. Klaus arrived soon after with a horde of his minions behind him.
"Come out, come out wherever you are," Klaus's voice boomed throughout the mansion, mocking them.
The girls tensed up as they heard him getting closer. Then, in what seemed like one smooth motion, Kymonyi appeared in front of Klaus with lightning speed. With the snap of her fingers she dissolved into thin air taking Klaus down with her.
As the girls emerged from hiding they saw all that remained were dark clouds that swirled away into nothingness. They stared at where their friend had once been, stunned and visibly shaken but grateful that they had each other to rely on when things got tough.

Kymonyi: "Mom, I need your help."
Abby: "Child, what do you need? You know I'll always be here for you."
Kymonyi: "I keep having these dreams about Klaus' coffins. I think they might hold the key to his death."
Abby: "Oh, Kymonyi. These dreams, they could reveal something important. But be careful. Klaus' power is immense."
Kymonyi: "I know, Mom. That's why I need your help with the magic. Together, we can find a way to destroy him once and for all."
Abby: "I'll do what I can, but it won't be easy. And you must be careful not to get too cocky. Klaus is a trickster and it's best not to underestimate him."
Kymonyi: "I won't forget that, Mom. But my instinct is telling me this is the only way to stop him from destroying everything and everyone we love."
Abby: "We'll work together then, dearest child of mine. And with the help of our ancestors and hereditary magic, we might just succeed."

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