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Isobel: "Hello Alaric."
Alaric: "Isobel? What are you doing here?"
Isobel: "Looking for my daughter. I need to speak with Elena."
Alaric: "I don't think that's a good idea. She's been through a lot lately."
Isobel: "I don't care. I need to find out about the invention Johnathan Gilbert was working on before he died."
Alaric: "You're not going to get any help from Elena. She knows nothing about it."
Isobel: "Then arrange a meeting with her anyway."
Later at the meeting:
Elena: "So what do you want from me, Isobel?"
Isobel: "I want you to help me find the invention that could change everything. I know Johnathan was working on it before he died and I need to find it before anyone else does."
Elena: "Why do you want it so badly?"
Isobel: "That's none of your concern, Elena."
Stefan, Damon, and Bonnie suddenly appeared.
Damon: "What are you doing here, Isobel?"
Isobel: "That's none of your concern, Damon. I have my reasons for being here."
Stefan: "Well, we can't let you go around causing trouble. We'll have to stop you if we have to."
Bonnie intervened and managed to read Isobel's thoughts.
Bonnie exclaimed:"Stop! She has something important for us."
Suddenly, Monyi appeared out of nowhere.
Monyi said:"We meet again mother."

Monyi was walking through the crowded streets of Founder's Day, the excitement in the air almost palpable. She heard the happy voices of children as they ran by, laughing and chasing each other. The scent of popcorn and cotton candy wafted by on the breeze. As she made her way through the throngs of people, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.
Suddenly, she bumped into someone and stumbled back. "Watch where you're going!" a voice growled at her.
Monyi looked up to see a tall, intimidating figure looming over her. He was dressed in a black suit that seemed to swallow him whole, with slicked-back hair and piercing blue eyes.
"I'm sorry," Monyi said meekly.
The man sneered at her. "You should be more careful," he said before turning to walk away.
Monyi shuddered and continued on her way, wondering who he was. Suddenly, she heard a commotion up ahead. She broke into a run and found Elena in tears while Jeremy tried to console her.
"What's wrong?" Monyi asked them.
"It's complicated," Jeremy said with a sigh.
Monyi rolled her eyes. "Try me," she said insistently.
Elena sniffled before saying softly, "I messed things up with Jeremy. I don't know how to fix it."
Jeremy shrugged helplessly. "She doesn't want to listen to me."
Suddenly, Anna appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Jeremy's arm excitedly. "I have an idea!" she exclaimed.
Everyone turned to look at her in surprise.
"What is it?" Elena asked hesitantly.
Anna grinned wickedly. "I say we get back at those vampires once and for all!"
Monyi frowned in confusion before realizing what Anna was suggesting: they were planning to kill all vampires at Founder's Day celebration.

"No way," Monyi said firmly. "That's not happening."
Anna glared at her. "Fine. You can stay out of it, then."
Monyi watched as Anna and Jeremy walked away, deep in conversation. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew that something was amiss and that it would only lead to disaster.
Later that night, chaos erupted at Founder's Day celebration when Anna's plan set in motion. The sounds of screams and explosions filled the air as Monyi watched in horror as vampires were dying all around her.
As she ran for cover, she thought to herself that maybe it was time to leave this town before things got even worse. After all, a tribrid like her could never truly belong anywhere.

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