Final season episode1

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(Years later) (Kymonyi is sitting in her living room, practicing magic)
Kymonyi: (mutters spell) "Abracadabra, turn this rose into a dove."
(Rose turns into a dove and flies around the room)
Kymonyi: "Wow!" (giggles)
(Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Kymonyi hesitates before answering it.)
Kymonyi: (opens the door) "Damon! Enzo! You're back!"
Damon: (exhausted) "Not exactly, sis. We're different now."
Enzo: "And we need your help."
Kymonyi: "What did they do to you?"
Damon: (grabs his sister's arm) "We can't talk here. It's not safe."
(They go to Kymonyi's hidden magic room)
Enzo: "We were captured by a group of witches who experimented on us. They gave us new powers, but we're not sure how to control them."
Kymonyi: "What kind of powers?"
Damon: "I can control fire now and Enzo can read minds."
Enzo: (overwhelmed) "But it's dangerous. I hear all these voices in my head and it won't stop."
Kymonyi: (determined) "I'll do what I can to help you guys. We'll figure this out together."
(They spend hours practicing their powers until they feel more in control.)
Kymonyi: (smiling) "You two are unstoppable now."
Damon: (concerned) "But we're not invincible. There's a witch out there who's after us and she won't stop until we're dead."
Enzo: (nodding in agreement) "She has an army of magical creatures at her disposal."
Kymonyi: (thinking) "We can't face this alone. We need backup."
Damon: (realizing) "You're right. We need to find the others and warn them."
(They leave Kymonyi's house, determined to find their friends and family before it's too late.)

Kymonyi: Guys, there's something ominous going on. I've been feeling it in my bones.
Stefan: What do you mean? We're planning to go to North Carolina and save Enzo from that supernatural force control.
Kymonyi: I know, but my intuition is telling me we're missing something important. Something to do with Damon's past.
Bonnie: I agree with Kymonyi. There's definitely a connection between Damon's past and Enzo being controlled by that supernatural force.
Caroline: What are we supposed to do then? We can't just sit around and wait for something to happen.
Kymonyi: I have an idea. We need to find a way to get into Damon's mind and see what memories are inside.
Stefan: And how exactly are we going to do that?
Kymonyi: With my witch powers, we can try a mind-piercing spell. It won't be easy, but it's worth a try.
Bonnie: Let's go for it. Enzo needs our help before it's too late.
(They travel to North Carolina and perform the mind-piercing spell on Damon)
Kymonyi (gasps): Oh my God! This is unbelievable!
Stefan: What did you see?
Kymonyi: Damon was kidnapped by someone from his past. He always thought that person was dead, but they were alive all along and controlling him and Enzo with dark magic.
Caroline (surprised): Stefan, what are you doing?
(Stefan kneels down in front of Caroline)
Stefan (seriously): Will you marry me?
Caroline (in shock): Yes!

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