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Kymonyi was struggling to keep her powers under control. "Why won't you listen to me? I'm trying to help you," she said, frustration consuming her.
"Leave me alone," Enzo growled. "I can take care of myself."
"Enzo, I know you're not yourself right now, but please don't make me hurt you," Kymonyi pleaded.
"It's not him," Bonnie interrupted. "It's that monster controlling him. We need to stop it before it's too late."
"And how do we do that?" Kymonyi asked.
"We need a powerful artifact with dark magic," Alaric chimed in.
"Do we have anything like that here?" Damon asked sarcastically, holding a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
Tyler Lockwood stepped forward. "Actually, I know where we can find one. In my family vault."
"Then what are we waiting for?" Bonnie exclaimed.
As they made their way to the vault, Kymonyi couldn't shake the feeling of dread that consumed her. She knew that whatever decision they made would have dire consequences for everyone involved.
But as they finally obtained the artifact and used it to break Enzo free from his captor's control, Kymonyi breathed a sigh of relief. She had saved two people she loved dearly and proved herself as a powerful tribrid who could handle anything thrown her way.

Kymonyi: *walking through the deserted streets of Texas*
Peter: "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"
Kymonyi: "I'm just passing through. I have no quarrel with you."
Peter: "Oh really? Because your kind killed my family."
Kymonyi: "I'm sorry for your loss, but I had nothing to do with it. Please let me go on my way."
Peter: "No chance. You're a tribrid. You must have some knowledge of the artifact I'm looking for."
Kymonyi: "Artifact? What artifact?"
Peter: "Don't play dumb with me. The one that can give me ultimate power."
Kymonyi: "I don't know anything about it. And even if I did, why would I give it to you?"
Peter: "Because if you don't, you'll end up like your family did."
Kymonyi: *transforms into her werewolf form*
Peter: *pulls out a weapon*
Kymonyi: *charges at Peter and dodges his attack*
Peter: "You're pretty good. But not good enough." *shoots Kymonyi*
Kymonyi: *falls to the ground*
Peter: *approaches her* "Now where is that artifact?"
Kymonyi:"The artifact is hidden in New Orleans, in the hands of Elijah Mikaelson."
Peter:"Thank you for your cooperation."
(Kymoni's father and brothers arrive at the scene)
Father:"You killed our sister! We will never forget this!"
Brother 1:"Justice will be served!"
Brother 2:"We'll make sure of it!"

(I'm the tribrid you can't kill me)

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