Season 1 episode1

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Elena: Hey Monyi, what's up?
Monyi: Not much, Elena. How are you holding up?
Elena: It's been tough since our parents died. But I'm trying to stay strong for Jeremy.
Monyi: I can imagine. Losing your parents at such a young age is difficult.
Elena: Yeah, it is. But things seem to be getting better now that Stefan Salvatore is in town.
Monyi: Stefan Salvatore? Who's he?
Elena: He's the new student at school. He's so mysterious and brooding, I can't help but be drawn to him.
Monyi: Hmm, I see. What does Jeremy think of him?
Elena: Jeremy doesn't seem to care about anything anymore. He's been using drugs to numb his pain.
Monyi: That's not good, Elena. You need to talk to him and help him through this.
Elena: I know, I've tried but he won't listen to me.
Monyi: Well, maybe Stefan could talk to him. He seems like he knows a thing or two about dealing with pain.
Elena: Really? Do you think so?
Monyi: Yeah, why not? It might be worth a shot.
Later that day...
Jeremy: What do you want from me Stefan? Why are you even talking to me?
Stefan: Because I see myself in you Jeremy. I know what it's like to lose someone you love and feel like there's no way out of your pain.
Jeremy (surprised): You do?
Stefan (nodding): Yes, and that's why I want to help you. There are healthier ways to deal with your grief than turning to drugs and self-destruction.
Jeremy (pausing for a moment): Maybe you're right...but how could you possibly know how I feel?
Stefan: Let's just say that I've experienced my fair share of pain in my life. But I've also learned that there's hope and light at the end of the tunnel, even when it doesn't feel like it.
Jeremy: Okay...I'll try, but it's not going to be easy.
Stefan: I know it won't be. But you're not alone in this. Elena and I are here for you.
The conversation ends with Jeremy refusing to go down the same path he was headed towards and finding solace in the company of Elena and Stefan as the three start exploring the supernatural world together. Bonnie and Caroline join them as they discover that they are living in Mystic Falls, where vampires roam free, some good and some bad. Things take a turn for the worse when Elena discovers that Stefan has a brother named Damon who is not as good-natured as Stefan appears to be, and is on a vendetta against Stefan's past actions. With her newly found circle of friends by her side, along with a little help from Monyi on controlling their powers, can Elena help Stefan make amends with Damon and keep them all alive? The plot thickens.

Monyi: Hey, Stefan! What brings you to the hospital?
Stefan: I'm here to erase Vicki's memory of Damon's attack.
Monyi: Don't bother. She'll heal soon and forget on her own.
Stefan: But it's not safe for her to remember. Damon will come after her again.
Monyi: I know, but the universe has a way of taking care of things. Trust me.
Stefan: Alright, but what about Jeremy? Have you talked to Aunt Jenna?
Monyi: Not yet. What did Mr. Tanner say?
Stefan: He said Jeremy's been missing classes and failing exams. He thinks he's depressed or using drugs.
Monyi: That's not good. I'll talk to Aunt Jenna and see if we can get him some help.
Stefan: Thanks, Monyi. You're a good friend.
Monyi: That's what tribrids do- protect their pack.
Stefan: Speaking of packs, have you noticed anything strange in Mystic Falls lately?
Monyi: Yes, I have. There's something in the air... a feeling of danger lurking around us.
Stefan: It could be because of the comet festival tonight. The sky seems different somehow...
Monyi: Let's keep our guard up then and stick together.
As they walked out of the hospital, Monyi felt her senses heightened, ready for any threat that might cross their path on this mystical night in Mystic Falls.

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