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Kymonyi sat alone in her darkened room, the only light coming from the flickering candles on her dresser. She was a tribrid, a powerful force to be reckoned with, but she felt useless and lost. Suddenly, she heard a knock on her bedroom door.
"Hey you," Stefan said as he entered the room. "We need your help."
"What's going on?" Kymonyi asked nervously.
"Elena has turned off her humanity again, and Damon and I are at our wit's end trying to get her back," Stefan explained.
"So what do you need me for?" Kymonyi asked curiously.
"We want you to use your powers to provoke her," Damon interjected. "We need her to feel something, anything."
Kymonyi sighed, but nodded in agreement. She knew this was the only way to save Elena from herself. She closed her eyes and concentrated, feeling the magic flowing through her veins.
Suddenly, the room was filled with Elena's screams as Kymonyi unleashed all of her power onto her. When it was done, Elena had turned back on her humanity and was once again herself.
"Thank you," Stefan said gratefully as he hugged Kymonyi tightly.
Together, they had saved their sister from herself and proved that family always comes first no matter what.

Kymonyi sat in her room, clutching her head in agony. The full moon was approaching, and her body was shifting uncontrollably. Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door.
"Come in," Kymonyi groaned.
The door creaked open, revealing Klaus. "Kymonyi," he said with urgency. "I need your help."
"I can barely control my own power right now," Kymonyi said, wincing in pain.
"I know," Klaus replied. "But it's important. Kol is after Jeremy again, and we need to protect him."
"So you want me to put myself at risk?" Kymonyi asked incredulously.
"I will help you," Klaus said firmly. "But we need to act fast."
Kymonyi reluctantly nodded and followed Klaus out of the house. They made their way to the Salvatore mansion, where Stefan and Damon were waiting.
"What's going on?" Stefan asked warily.
"Kol is after Jeremy," Klaus explained. "We need to protect him."
Stefan sighed heavily. "Fine," he said resignedly.
As they made their way to the location of Kol's attack on Jeremy, Kymonyi fidgeted uncomfortably beside Stefan in the car.
"How could you have done that to Elena?" she hissed at him quietly.
"What are you talking about?" Stefan replied with confusion.
"You know damn well what I'm talking about," Kymonyi snapped back sharply as she tried to regulate herself once more.

Suddenly, Damon spoke up from the driver's seat. "Why don't we just kill Kol?"
"That would only make things worse," Klaus pointed out.
The rest of the ride was spent in tense silence until they arrived at their destination, where Kol had begun his attack on Jeremy and Bonnie was trying her best to hold him at bay. With the help of Kymonyi, Stefan, Damon, and Klaus, they managed to subdue Kol.
Afterwards, Kymonyi returned home where her dad was waiting for her in the living room. "Kymonyi," he said sternly. "I heard what happened tonight."
"How could you not?" Kymonyi replied angrily. "You're the freaking mayor."
"That kind of recklessness is not going to be tolerated in this town," Mayor Hopkins said firmly.
"What are you going to do?" Kymonyi asked warily.
Mayor Hopkins gave her a knowing look. "I have an idea," he stated cryptically.
Before she had a chance to ask any more questions, there was a sudden commotion outside. Kymonyi rushed to the window and gasped as she saw Kol on her front lawn once more.
"I warned you," Mayor Hopkins said stoically as he made his way to the door, hiding some tools behind his back.
Kymonyi watched in horror as her dad bravely fought off Kol, eventually vanquishing him with his weapon of choice. As she wept beside her dad's lifeless body,knowing she couldn't live without him,Klaus suddenly appeared at her side.
"Is there anything you need?" Klaus asked gently.
"My father's gone!" she cried out woefully before becoming furious."All of this is your fault! You brought this chaos into our lives!"
"You're right," Klaus admitted with sorrow in his voice."and I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you."
"How can you possibly do that?" Kymonyi spat back at him angrily through gritted teeth between hiccuped sobs
"I will help you control your power," Klaus vowed firmly."and keep you and your loved ones safe from now on."
Kymonyi nodded numbly before getting up to leave. Klaus watched her go, promising himself he would never let anyone hurt her again.

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