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Kymonyi: "Everyone ready for the senior prank night?"
Elena: "Absolutely! I can't wait to see what we come up with this year."
Bonnie: "I hope it's not too dangerous, though."
Matt: "Yeah, we don't want to get in trouble with the law."
Tyler: "Relax, guys. It's just harmless fun."
Klaus: "What's going on tonight, love?"
Kymonyi: "Oh, just a little senior prank night with my friends from Mystic Falls High School."
Damon: "You know, Jeremy's been having some success connecting with the other side. Maybe he could help us find a way to defeat you."
Klaus: "That won't be necessary. Stefan here will prove to be a valuable asset in our upcoming plans."
Stefan: "What do you want me to do?"
Klaus: "I need you to gather some human blood for me. Can you handle that?"
Stefan: "Yes, of course."
As the night went on, Kymonyi and her friends were having the time of their lives. However, things took a deadly turn when uninvited guests showed up.
Kymonyi: "Who are they? What do they want?"
Unknown Guest 1: "We're here for Klaus. You wouldn't happen to know where he is now, would you?"
Tyler: "I think we should call the police..."
Unknown Guest 2 grabs Tyler by the throat.
Unknown Guest 2:"Don't even think about it!"
Elena screams and runs out of the room.
Bonnie:"Elena! Wait!"
The unknown guests start attacking everybody in sight until only Kymonyi remains standing.
The next day at school,Kymonyi is seen sitting alone at a table during lunchtime with tears filling up her eyes after losing her friends in the night before's incident.

"Hey Kymonyi, how was school today?" Klaus asked.
Kymonyi smirked and rolled her eyes. "Same old, same old. Although, there was a new student in Alaric's history class."
"Interesting. What did you think of him?" Klaus asked, intrigued.
"He was...different," Kymonyi muttered. "I could sense something off about him."
"What do you mean?" Klaus asked, furrowing his brow.
"I don't know," Kymonyi replied. "It's like he's hiding something. But I can't quite put my finger on it."
Klaus nodded in understanding. "Keep an eye on him. You never know what secrets he may be hiding."
Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Kymonyi went to answer it. Standing on the doorstep was a young man with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes.
"Hi, I'm Matt," he said nervously. "I need Bonnie's help with something important."
Kymonyi raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "What kind of help?"
"I made a mistake...a big one," Matt replied.
Without another word, Kymonyi gestured for Matt to follow her as she led him to Bonnie's house.
Once they arrived, Bonnie greeted them warmly but quickly became serious as she listened to Matt's problem.
"How could you be so stupid?" Bonnie scolded him. "Do you realize what kind of danger you're putting everyone in?"
Matt hung his head in shame as tears welled up in his eyes.
"Don't worry," Bonnie reassured him gently. "We'll fix this together."

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