Episode12 finale!

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[Klaus and Elena are standing in the middle of a deserted street, carrying bags and about to leave town. Suddenly, Kymonyi appears from the shadows]
Kymonyi: "Stay right where you are, Klaus."
Klaus: "Kymonyi? What are you doing here?"
Kymonyi: "I'm here to stop you from taking Elena away."
Elena: "Kymonyi, you don't understand-"
Kymonyi: "I understand perfectly well. Klaus, you can't just take her away like this."
Klaus: "And who's going to stop me?"
[A sudden surge of power emanates from Kymonyi, causing Klaus to stagger back]
Elena: "You're using magic against him? But I thought-"
Kymonyi: "Thought what? That I wouldn't use my powers against a friend? He's not a friend anymore. Not after everything he's done."
[Klaus recovers and stands up straight]
Klaus: "You're making a mistake, Kymonyi. Don't get in my way."
[Kymonyi steps forward menacingly]
Kymonyi: "I won't let you hurt her anymore. And if that means I have to fight you, then so be it."
[Klaus smirks and takes a step forward himself]
Klaus: "You do realize who you're dealing with, don't you?"
[They both raise their hands, ready to fight. Suddenly Bonnie appears out of nowhere]
Bonnie: "Stop! Both of you!"
[Elena looks at Bonnie in surprise]
Elena: "Bonnie! What are you doing here?"
Bonnie: "I need Kymonyi's help with a difficult spell. Please don't fight."
[Klaus glares at Bonnie but slowly lowers his hand]
Klaus: "This isn't over, Kymonyi. Remember that."
[Klaus disappears in a blur leaving Elena alone and scared]
Elena: "What was that all about?"
Kymonyi: "Just another chapter in our never-ending drama. But, come on. Let's go help Bonnie."
[Elena nods and follows Kymonyi, still shaken from the encounter]

*Kymonyi sits in her family's living room, surrounded by her siblings. Her little sister, Ashanti, plays with dolls on the floor while her older brother, Jeremy(a different Jeremy), paces back and forth.*
Kymonyi: What's going on? Why are you so worked up, Jeremy?
Jeremy: I've been doing some research. There's a group of vampires coming this way.
Kymonyi: Vampires? And what do they want with us?
Jeremy: They're after you, Kymonyi. They know what you are.
Ashanti: What is she?
Jeremy: She's a tribrid. A mix of vampire, werewolf, and witch.
Kymonyi: And what do they plan on doing to me?
Jeremy: I don't know, but I won't let anything happen to you.
Kymonyi: And what about you? You will be in danger too.
Jeremy: I'll be fine. I made a decision. I'm going to leave town and lead them away from here.
Kymonyi: No! You can't do that! You're my brother!
Jeremy: And I'm not going to sit around and wait for them to come after us. This is the best chance we have at staying alive.
*Kymonyi looks at her brother with tears in her eyes.*
Kymonyi: But what about our family? Our friends?
Jeremy: We'll find each other again someday. But for now, we need to be safe.
*Kymonyi nods slowly as Jeremy gathers his things and prepares to leave.*
Ashanti: Don't go, Jeremy!
*Kymonyi pulls Ashanti close.*
Kymonyi: It's okay. He's doing what he has to do to protect us.
*Jeremy hugs his sisters tightly before leaving the house.*
Kymonyi sits quietly, feeling the weight of her brother's sacrifice. But she knows that she can't dwell on it for long. She needs to stay strong to face the challenges that lie ahead, and she'll do whatever it takes to keep her family safe.

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