Past and Pains

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A month later

It's been few weeks since I fell sick. And I want to thank Oliver who was there for me the whole time. Even the members helped me go through this. Apparently, I had some of my memories back. After telling them to my doctor, he revealed that my parents were immigrants who came to Korea. I was always in day care while my parents worked for raising up a good family. But it wasn't that easy.

My parents always fought when they were at home. I only had some of those memories but them being happy for me and we were going for our little picnics were the good memories I had. I later told my dad about them and he apologized me for nothing, he told me why he's always protective of me because he didn't wanted me to leave and saw me as her real daughter.

I'm really thankful for that. Now I realized that people I am living with care about me. Very deeply. And I started appreciating them.

Oliver and I grew close during this time. He's the only male person I'm this close with besides my brother and father. He's like a guardian angel fallen from heaven. And he's been in my mind lately. Not how I felt for Sebastian. I feel much more than that for Oliver.

I was chilling out in my house with North Star Boys hanging out with me. They insisted me to show them my childhood and teen photos and how should I deny them when 7 - 8 men are in one side while only a girl is on other side? And they couldn't get enough to see my embarrassing photos and embarass me.

Someone knocked on my door caughting my attention. I turned around to leave but Kane came infront of me. "Let me open it." He said with a smile while i nodded my head. I came back on boys looking at my baby pics and some seconds later Kane called me. I turned around to see him looking at me confused. I went near the door to see a lady in her 30's looking at me with widened eyes. 

"Danny?" She questioned while I tilted my head in confusion. Kane and I looked at each other and she cleared her throat and calmed herself a little. "You won't recognize me dear. I'm your aunt," she claimed. I was so confused while Kane looked at her and left, he must've called anyone for help because I couldn't process what I was hearing.

A few moments later

Me and that woman were sitting in my dad's office room. Oliver gave me a look which said call me if you need me. I nodded him and he closed the door. I gave that woman a cup of tea while she thanked me and looked around. "It's a nice room." She said. "It's my dad's working space. Even mines and my brother." I said and she nodded.

"You're name is Daisy Choi?" She questioned me and I nodded my head. "I was living in a Korean Orphanage and they changed my name to Daisy Choi... I don't remember my real name." I looked down at my toes and she kept the tea cup on the table and kept her hands on it. I looked at her who seemed excited to say something. 

"I know your real name. Your name is Danny which was kept after your mother. She always wanted to keep her daughter name after her." She smiled. I didnt know how to react. I didn't have clear memories with my parents, most of them were bad. But some of them were good. And I was never with her growing up to know more about her. 

That woman sighed and kept her bag on her lap. Opening it. "My name is Naor. And I know it might be hard to take in because your parents struggled alot keeping you with them." She added, keeping and envelope on the table. "Do you remember your parents?" She questioned me and I slightly nodded my head. "They died infront of me." I said and she looked at me shocked. I avoided her eye contact, recalling that memory gets me crying.

"I'm really sorry. I should've come early to protect you. But your grandparents were really strict. I didn't even had my freedom back then. After searching for you for a decade, I've finally met you Dua. But I'm not here to take you or something. You deserve a family who has been raising you till now. There is something you're mother always wanted to tell you and here it is." She gave me the envelope. 

"Your mom and dad both are amazing people. They've been misjudged by my family, leading her happy life into a miserable one. I know you won't apologize your grandparents for that but they are still grieving for the loss they got for their mistakes. And I'm here to give you my blessings for success and happiness you deserve my dear." She said and got up. She then handed me a card.

"If you ever feel like calling me. Please do so. Im always there for you. After all, you're my niece." She smiled and left the room.

I was absorbing what just had happened. A few moments later, Ryan came inside to check on me. I looked at him with teary eyes. He came near me and wiped my tears. "She said she is my aunt..." I huffed and sniffled. Trying to hold back my tears. "Daisy... You've been strong till now. Don't worry. Everything will be fine." he said patting my back gently. "Can you read this letter for me?" I questioned him. He looked at me while I pressed my palm gently in my forehead. 

"I'm too scared to even see it. I don't know, my heart is not under my control now and I don't wanna cry since everything had came back to normal. I don't want those bad memories-" "Daisy... I'll read it for you. Don't worry." He said. I calmed a little and he opened the letter. 

He sat beside me while I clasped my hands tightly. Preparing myself for whatever will be happening. 

"Dear Danny, I'm your mother and you might have remembered me or not. Danny, your dad and I used to love each other. Alot. You're dad was a wealthy business man while I was a nurse at a hospital. I've met you're dad because him being a depression patient. I've took care of him and like that we had you. Before even getting married. Mine and his parents did not agreed to this marriage so we both decided to fly to Korea and get married, raise a family and raise you. But it wasn't easy as we thought. Your dad saved money was a good use for some years till you were in kindergarten while I got busy doing a job. It lasted for 2 years when you were around 5. Your dad and I got into a lot of fights. That's why we kept you at the day care. We felt like we never loved each other anymore. This went on for more 2 years, we only made money and got busy in our lives without thinking about you. And this one day, I discovered with brain cancer. I didn't tell your father because I was afraid he would left me. And if I died alone, who would've take care of you? I was scared my love. There was 30% chance of survival and I slowly took the treatment while still meeting you. One day, your dad found out and my love, he didn't left me. He apologized and cried. He promised that he would never fight with me again and would take care of you and me. For the last month, we've been going on to picnics and giving you the attention we had because the doctor said they didn't have any scope to save me. That's when your father decided to take us to US for further treatment. He had used all of his money to do this. My deae daughter. I have a bad feeling. We're going to USA tonight and in Korea it's pouring down really badly. If I'm alive, I would never recall this memory in front of you. If your dad is there, I hope he never told this to you. And of course he will not do that. We promised even if I die, he would keep you happy. I'm sending this letter to your aunt because if there is no one with you. She'll approach you and give you this letter one day because my love, we never abandoned you. I love you so much. Your dad loves you so much. I hope you are living a happy life. Stay strong my baby. You're gonna go through but don't worry I'm always looking you from the heaven. You'll be happy forever. With love, your mother. Daniela."

 He finished and I found myself soaked in tears. Ryan kept the letter on the table and hugged me. I did nothing but just let my tears flow. 


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